Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3159: Lonely bird

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"That's great?" Chen Jiu asked the past with some incomprehension, and didn't understand what the sudden joy of Shui Runer meant.

"Yeah, that little **** guy, I've been tired of being with her for a long time, now she's not here, how comfortable I am!" Shui Runer nodded, his face was full of joy.

"Runer, but she is your sister, after all, you have to be more harmonious with her in the future!" Chen Jiuhao just comforted "In fact, Cheer's heart is not bad!"

"I know, husband, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to serve you with her, wouldn't I?" Shui Run'er did not refute.

"Then you still ..." Chen Jiu couldn't understand.

"Husband, you don't know. We have been accustomed to fighting since we were young. It is normal for us to be uncomfortable with each other. You don't have to make a fuss!" Shui Runer took the counseling room for granted, and then said happily: "Husband, be better God hasn't waited for you with my mother, let's move over tonight! "

"Ah? Just move in?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be surprised, full of anticipation.

"Yeah, this way you can save your mother to come and make excuses to call you every time. Anyway, you go there and do the same thing, don't you?" Shui Run'er preached like a bright state.

"It's okay, but if Chier comes back suddenly, will it be seen by her?" Chen Jiu nodded, still a little worried.

"→ It's okay, we said to cultivate with my mother, and she didn't dare to doubt anything!" Shui Run'er was confident.

"Huh!" Chen Jiu nodded, and the two didn't stay, they went directly to the temple of the water god.

"Why are you here together?" Shui Shen looked at the two who came in suddenly, and was a little puzzled at first.

"My good mother, Huo Queer returns to her maiden's house, and our happy days can begin soon!" Shui Runer smiled sweetly, and walked towards Shui Shen.

"What? This ... how can this be done?" Shui Shen's face turned red with embarrassment for a moment, and was very stunned.

"Why? Mother, are you accustomed to eating alone and don't want to share it with your daughter?" Shui Run'er asked unhappyly.

"I ..." Shui Shenyu ended up being really uncomfortable.

"Master, we haven't sat together on your throne for a long time!" Shuiruner even approached the ear of Shui Shen and preached boldly.

"Ah, this ..." Shui Shen blushed, and looked at Chen Jiu's involuntarily.

"The throne is here!" Chen Jiu looked at the pair of superb mother and daughter flowers, and that was quite in line with them. She sat directly on the throne of the water **** and acted as a new throne.

"Mother, do you sit first, or should I sit first?" Shui Runer pointed at the throne and asked in a good voice.

"You ... you come first!" Shui Shen was a little afraid to look up. Although this is not the first time, she is still very delicate and shy.

"Okay, I'm welcome!" Shui Run'er said, sitting on his own and getting beautiful, and Shui Shen looked at this scene, and couldn't help but go up.

A lot of beauty and a lot of fun began to be staged in the water temple. If the fire bird can see this scene, it will be a shock, disappointed!

Shui Run'er, no one can't resist it. She was with Shui Shen and shared the joy together. This scene, afraid of killing the fire bird, she could not imagine.

On the contrary, there is no Huo Queer, and the mother and daughter are single-minded, so I do n’t know how happy it is to play, and she, for the so-called status, has to bear the loneliness of a person!

It ’s better if you do n’t want to do it alone, but the point is that Vulcan Temple seems to be less peaceful now, because Vulcan brought Moon Aunt, would that make her idle?

The intention of the man and the affection of the woman, this Vulcan and Yue Aunt, came to the Vulcan Temple without a few words of effort, that is to flirt and curse.

"Master Vulcan, you have said for a long time, where is your elixir, others are panicking here!" Yue Gujiao looked as if she was very useful.

"Yue Aunt, if you want to ask for magic medicine, then you must be sincere, naturally, don't know your heart, is it sincere enough?" Vulcan preached pretentiously.

"Of course, the flustered old people's problems are the most tortured, of course, their hearts are very sincere!" Yue Gu said with a look of certainty.

"Now, the magic potion is here, you can come and get it yourself!" Vulcan laughed, and suddenly released the powerful object in front of him.

"Ah, Lord Vulcan, why are you so ..." Yue Gu could not help screaming, but her eyes stared at it blinkingly, almost filled with timidity.

"Yue Aunt, don't hide from you, I am the **** of immortality born by Vulcan himself, that is to cure all diseases, you take a sip and cover your medicine to cure the disease!" Vulcan patted his chest, but was arrogant Guaranteed.

"Really? Then I have to try it!" Yue Gu actually thought about it tightly, but God ignored her over there, and now she came to the Vulcan for comfort, and it did both.

In doing so, one is to solve her own needs. The other is to climb up the high branch of Vulcan. Why is her aunt so happy?

During the conversation, Yue Aunt had swallowed the past, and sincerely asked for the **** of immortality, which is a cure for all diseases. At this time, the vulcan **** drunk his head and looked down.

"Cough ..." After a while, with the gift of Vulcan, Aunt Yue just coughed uncomfortably.

"How's it? How does the elixir taste?" Vulcan asked expectantly.

"It's a bit hot, but it tastes good!" Yue Gu said with a white glance and satisfaction. "And the first half of this is not so panic!"

"Haha, that's good, I'll come back to cure the lower half of your body, and taste what is different about the woman in your Yuanli Temple!" Vulcan laughed and rushed to Yuegu. , That's hard to enjoy.

Love and affection are all in it, and naturally afterwards, both are satisfied, and the feelings are ashamed!

These things are relatively secretive, but the two don't stop there. In the next few days, they laughed and laughed in the Vulcan Temple, and even achieved that kind of intimacy. move.

"Jieer, don't come here, I'm practicing with your aunt here, you can go back to your house if you're fine!" Vulcan sensed that the fire bird was approaching, and he was driven impatiently.

"What? You ..." Huo Queer was far away, but how could she not know what they were tired of together, a man and a woman who had been here?

She couldn't bear it anymore. The fire bird could not wait for the moisturizer. She almost choked herself. She saw the kindness of others now. Although she didn't see it clearly, the flame in her heart was instantly I can't stand it anymore!

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