Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3184: Dragon Swing

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Frighten me? I was scared from a young age. If you are as strong as the King of Immortals, wouldn't you be able to destroy me by blowing your breath?" The dark **** is unwilling to believe, and continues to play a dark bead .

‘Bang ...’ When the dragon snatched and slammed, it sank as if the heavens and the earth had collapsed, but the little dark Daozhu actually withstood it, but another Taoist device was shaken out of it.

"Hum, you can't help me, Chen Jiu, I will kill you first!" The dark evil **** proudly continued to shoot dark beads, and the body turned into a black light and killed Chen Jiu.

"Roar!" At this moment, the dragon snorted angrily, and the air flow there was like the cold current in the chaos, and it directly blew the dark evil god, preventing him from coming forward.

"Damn, you reptile, you are a summoned being, and you can't stay here forever!" After the Dark Evil God was repelled, he couldn't help but figure out a countermeasure. He found that waiting for the Dragon Age to pass away on his own. That is the best way, otherwise he would not have the confidence to kill such a powerful existence.

"Although it's impossible forever, it's enough to destroy you!" Chen Jiu didn't deny it. If he can really help Shenlong to help him all the time, does he need to trouble with these people?

You know, Shenlong's giving has never been free. Although Shenlong can help Chen Jiu to fight now, it is also the price he paid for a mountain, which gave him such an opportunity!

A Daoshan shot once, this can definitely be regarded as sky-high price, but Nai Chen Jiu got the treasure of Feixiangjiao, owning nearly a thousand Daoshan, although it took a lot, but the rest is also rich enough.

A Daoshan, within a month, Chen Jiu can summon Shenlong once, and this time the battle also has a time limit!

For an hour, it is not short or long, but since the war began, Chen Jiu will make good use of this hour to maximize the effect.

'Booming ...' After several successive bombardments, all the artifacts in the five dark beads were bombed out. At this time, the five avatars of the dark evil **** attacked the dragon's four claws and skulls at the same time. Passed.

"Roar ... find death!" The dragon was furious, his four claws struck together, and his nose rang, and he attacked the dark evil **** in front of him.

‘Zi ...’ The weird dark bead, for a time, was so incredible that it blocked the dragon's attack one after another, and did not fall into the wind!

"Haha, what a **** dragon, but that's all!" The dark evil **** once again laughed wildly.

"Uh, a worm is so powerful?" The dragon couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Scatter attack, old dragon, don't attack him together. If I guess it is good, the dark beads can drag the attack and then cancel each other out, but if there is only one attack, then they can only bear it by themselves, and this also There must be a limit! "Chen Jiu was more convinced of the general, and said his guess.

"Oh? That's it. This guy is divided into five, not even numbers, but it's a bit unimaginable!" After the dragon was surprised, he quickly figured it out.

"What?" The dark **** at the bottom changed his face, and all became fierce. "Give me to death!"

"You **** it!" The dragon gave up the other resistances at this time, and one front claw gripped it fiercely.

‘Bang bang ...’ The powerful dark bead hit the dragon's body straight, but the huge scale armor is simply the hardest barrier in the world and it wo n’t hurt at all.

'boom! ’But the dark evil **** on the front was a little bit stricken. Under the full force of the dragon, he was finally unable to resist, and he was suddenly blown out.

"Sure enough, it turns out that the dark evil gods are not so powerful, but they are using our attacks to break power ..." Watching this situation change, the fighting gods were suddenly cheerful and regretful!

"Damn, I don't believe you don't attack, Dark Demon Road!" The Dark Evil God is so angry that his five figures growl, and together with the black bead in his hand, they become five dark fiendish beasts.

‘Houhou…’ Although these five fierce beasts are not as huge as the dragons, they are also extremely majestic and horrible.

"It's useless to change anything. Hit me, aim at one and shoot me to death!" Chen Jiu shouted, but he didn't want to waste time pointing at the beast in front of him and ordered.

"As you wish, master!" After the dragon answered, suddenly the world shook for a while, and when everyone couldn't figure out why, suddenly saw a thick and strong dragon tail swinging over.

"Roar ..." The dark beast apparently found the dragon's tail, and attacked the dragon madly, but the dragon did not move at all and hit the murderer in front of him. beast.

"The beast swallowed up the sky!" The ferocious animal roared unwillingly, and opened his blood basin and fangs and bit it.

'boom! ’As soon as the dragon's tail hit the mouth of the beast, but the blood flower spattered and the black flutter flew for a while. This dragon's tail flickered and suddenly cut off the half of the body of the beast.

During the screams, the beast was blown out. When it quickly grew and transformed, although it was intact very soon, it was undoubtedly full of fear in its eyes.

"Well, the little guy didn't die. My strength is still too weak now!" Shenlong seemed a little dissatisfied with the results and swept away again.

"Come together!" The Dark Evil God no longer expected to opportunistically counteract the attack, and he roared, and the five beasts all gathered together, roaring to heaven.

‘Boom ...’ It ’s a shame, it ’s useless. Facing a tail of the dragon, these five fierce beasts turned over, their flesh broke up, and they could n’t resist it.

"Dark evil god, you are dead!" Chen Jiugao drew the head of the dragon, and he pointed down at the dark evil god, which made him hate it.

"Boy, when the dragon disappears, it will be your moment of death!" The dark evil **** glared at Chen Jiu and retaliated.

"Oh?" Chen Jiu was shocked. He was actually afraid of this. He couldn't help but immediately said, "You must die in front of me, kill me!"

"Roar ..." The dragon roared, and his entire body was active for a while, and the road in the sky couldn't hold it up, and began to shake sharply.

"Ah, **** it ..." The Dark Evil God was very fierce and fierce just now, but right now, it is really not a grade with the dragon, only the one who is completely abused.

However, after all, the Dark Evil God is the main **** of one generation, and his foundation is still very hard. Rao is a powerful dragon, and he cannot kill him with a single blow, leaving him alive again and again.

‘How can it go on like this? ‘Looking at the dark evil **** is like Xiaoqiang who ca n’t be killed. The most worried person is Chen Jiu!

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