Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3187: Magic House Change Master

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Roar, I'm sorry, Master, I may have to go back in advance. I found out that my body still has a little problem before, so I was delayed when I came out. Please forgive me!" After the dragon devoured the dark god, the figure faded, It was about to disappear.

"Can't ... be able to hold on for a while? Dasheng, they haven't returned yet!" Chen Jiu was in a hurry, and he had no time to take away these helpers. Now that he is out of sleep, how can he leave them?

"Don't worry, they can't die, you don't have to go to danger, I will send you out nearby, really powerless!" The dragon dissipated abruptly as he talked, and these dissipated powers were also wrapped. Nine, sent him back to normal time and space.

"This ... this time hasn't come out enough, you have to resupply me next time!" Chen Jiu shouted unwillingly, but it was actually somewhat helpless.

The vast world is the breath of the gods' space. This time it took the risk to save the parents. It is not false to successfully rescue their parents, but they left the water monkeys. This is an regrettable thing for Chen Jiu!

"Did you kill it again? But there are no dragons, and you are not the bright child's opponent!" Chen Jiu was so distressed that he was not stupid. He thought about it soon and said, "Go back to Yuanli God first." The hospital went under pressure in the name of the Ninety-five-year-old Xianxianhui∠ ★, so there should be no problem in protecting their lives! "

"Yes, that's it. I don't know if the evil **** will really kill again?" Chen Jiu glanced at the wilderness around him, and he was really worried.

In a dark area, four wolverine youths gathered together, and they looked at each other with horror over their faces!

Feeling the same, just now they experienced the process of being eaten by the dragon alive, the taste was simply uncomfortable.

In the end, although the Dark Evil God was called fiercely, he was still sweaty at this time, and some were unwilling to face Chen Jiu again!

"Damn, is this kid born to be my nemesis? I finally calculated the water god. He came to pick up a ready-made beauty girl and enjoyed it. I came to the magic temple to rebel, but he drove me away. What's this all about? "The dark evil **** cursed again and again, and his face was full of obscurity." I don't know what happened to those gods? "

The magic temple, after this battle, nearly sixty false gods died, can be described as heavy losses, but to count the most aggrieved, that is the gold god.

In this battle, his magnificent Lord God of Gold, in the eyes of everyone, turned into a monkey-player. Although he was not convinced, but thought about it carefully, from the beginning to the end, he seemed to play monkey-playing!

"Shock pressure!" With the depression of a bright sacred mountain, Jin Shen's face was a little smooth. Fast, because the water monkey who had been aiming at his bald head was finally crushed by the shock.

"Damn, what am I playing monkey? It ’s almost like monkey playing me!" Jin Shen finally complained, and couldn't help but stand behind the bright **** and thank him.

"Holy Lord, please take revenge for our brother, kill the big devil, and the group of monsters!" Many of the rebels were killed by the Supreme Demon. Natural grudges are endless at this time.

Breathing heavily, the God of Light was originally a severely injured body. He forced the water monkey by the Guangming Daoshan and had blushed and had a thick neck, so how can I suppress others?

However, now that everyone supports his bright god, he can't do nothing. I saw that he slowed down, and then came out and said, "Everyone is calm, those people are water gods. They are fighting. In the middle, the sword has no eyes. Our losses this time were all caused by evil gods. No wonder they are! "

"Yeah, we are all adults of Water God, unless you want to murder the same door, you can't kill us!" The Supreme Devil is not a few of them, but they are not red eyes as soon as the water monkeys are killed. They are monkey spirits. The monkey spirit, depending on the situation, has long been hiding behind the **** of water.

"The God of Light said it well. This scourge was caused by the dark evil gods. I haven't mentioned the crimes of rebellion. Do you blame us for shocking you?" The **** of water is also eloquent, making it impossible to refute.

"Okay, the enemy should be solved or not. Do n’t forget Chen Jiujiu, the husband of the water god, but he drove the dark evil **** for us. If you want to move him, let ’s consider whether you have the power of the dark evil god. The bright gods persuaded, and could not help but deter the dragon.

The reason why they dare to take away these men is determined by the bright god. This dark evil **** is an enemy of the dragon. It is doomed to become difficult. These people can only save their lives in the end only by throwing in his door!

"God of Light, what did that God say about their death?" Dou Shen immediately threw a mess again, embarrassing Light God.

"Uh, this matter will be asked by the Emperor League, but we can say that it was caused by the rebellion of the dark evil gods. We must know that our pseudo gods have died no less than sixty, and he died ten or more. What's that? Matter? "The light **** hesitated for a moment and immediately had a countermeasure.

The Dark Evil God is notorious. It is right that any **** is buckled on his head at the moment, and one buckle is accurate, and it is impossible to refute!

Fortunately, the Dark Evil God is no longer here. Otherwise, he would have to blame the Light God. Although this is the villain of the villain, he cannot carry a blame for others, right?

In this way, the farce of the big wedding rebellion gradually came to an end. The five main gods were damaged, many false gods died tragically, the ruler of the sanctuary changed hands, and the **** of light became the biggest beneficiary.

Of course, there are very few ordinary students who know these situations. They only feel that after a while shaking, then they calm down and nothing seems to happen.

In the Yuanli Temple and the Emperor's Hall, the prince smiled particularly brightly. "Emperor, you haven't heard anything. Shouldn't I have collected the corpse?"

"Well, take me with a decree, and collect the corpse for Chen Jiu, don't expose the existence of Wuxianling!" The Emperor was also somewhat happy to shut up, and gave a decree that had been written a long time ago.

"Yes!" The Prince answered it respectfully, and immediately went out.

"Haha, Chen Jiu, when it ’s time to collect the corpse for you, it's your beautiful wife's turn. Then there is the Feixian Godmother. Believe that if you die, she will definitely return to me!" Big dream, this is not awake yet, seeing that the Prince is actually back again?

"Prince, did you forget to take something? Why did you come back as soon as you went out?" The Emperor did not understand, so he had to ask for it.

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