Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3193: Concubines are worried

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"This ..." Flying was immediately dumbfounded and said silently: "This eats the avenue, some fierce. Mighty ancient beasts may do, but the behavior and ideas of humans who eat the avenue are the first time I have seen ! "

"What? Xianer, don't you mean that your Majesty is a ferocious beast, are our proud girls actually tarnished by a ferocious beast? Are most of them concealed? Fear later.

"I didn't say that!" Fei Xian'er naturally shook his head quickly.

"Actually, when your Majesty was ours, it was really like a beast. I think in some ways, he is a human beast!" Gan Xiangyi suddenly affirmed.

"Do you want to be shameful, do you really plan to talk to the fierce beast?" Mu Lan commented unhappyly.

"I don't care what fierce beast is not fierce, anyway, as long as it is your Majesty, then I like it!" Gan Xiangyi even lifted up with Mu Lan.

"Well, he doesn't explain his own affairs anyway, I won't let him sullen me anymore. I can't accept a fierce beast!" Mu Lan also insisted.

"Okay, when you wake up, you must run faster than all of us!" Gan Xiangyi laughed politely.

"You ... just wait, I won't be like you!" Mu Lan turned her face angrily, not arguing with her.

"Your Majesty, isn't it dangerous?" Of course, not all women are thinking about it all, everyone is more concerned about Chen Jiu's safety.

"Danger seems to be dangerous. Swallow the avenue and digest it with the body's instincts. It is like eating poison that is difficult to digest, which will cause a great burden on the body!" Fei Xianer explained, but it is also true. Somewhat worried.

"Ah ..." Sure enough, the side effects broke out before I took a few bites. I saw that Chen Jiu, who was just fine, was completely dark, and the whole person was distorted.

Disaster, death, destruction, these terrible breath converge on Chen Jiu's body, making him look like a dying person.

"This ... Your Majesty ..." Mu Lan screamed, suddenly very worried.

"Well, you said you didn't accept it. Your Majesty has a condition, and you see that you are not more anxious than anyone else!" Gan Xiangyi stunned, but no doubt also extremely worried.

"Your Majesty won't die, right?" Chen Lan clenched her fist in fear.

"It shouldn't be that Your Majesty dares to do so, it must be with great certainty!" Qing'e persuaded, but she was also agitated.

‘Zi ...’ Fortunately, after a while, Chen Jiu ’s body recovered, but immediately after he recovered, he opened his mouth again and bit the disaster avenue.

‘呲 呲…’ The avenue of disaster, at this time across the immortal road, is like a giant mulberry leaf, accepting the envy of Chen Jiu, a giant silkworm.

This situation is slow to say, but it seems to be extremely fast. Every time Chen Jiu eats a road, he stops to digest for a while!

With the growing area of ​​cannibalization, Chen Jiu's body also faintly added a sense of disaster, which fits into the entire avenue.

At this time, Chen Jiu's uncomfortable time was getting shorter and shorter, and for some time, she couldn't even see how uncomfortable it was, which could not help but let the girls gradually feel relieved.

‘Pap…’ Suddenly, in the dark eyes of Meng Xingchen, tears kept dripping, which puzzled the concubines.

"Xing Chen, what's the matter with you? Isn't your Majesty's situation getting better? Why are you crying?" Meng Ruhua asked in confusion.

"Master, one year in the sky, one day on the ground, and the time and space between us and His Majesty is now a huge gap. Even if it is uncomfortable for a breath, it is probably a few days. Sisters, I am afraid that the pain has endured for hundreds of years, right? "Meng Xingchen awakened the person in the dream, and all the concubines were in pain.

Yeah, the princesses stayed in the real world, it looked like Chen Jiu felt uncomfortable for a while, but it was all caused by the time has accelerated countless times. If it was with Chen Jiu, I'm afraid every time It's just days but months!

The painful suffering, the concubines at this time can not imagine, in such an environment, how did Chen Jiu survive? As his lover, watching him suffer so much, even if he saw what he had achieved, he couldn't help but feel terrible and worried for him.

"Okay, Star, since Your Majesty has decided to do so, we have no way to stop him, but when he returns, our teachers and disciples can reward His Majesty well!" Meng Ruhua shed tears in her eyes, and kindly persuaded .

"Well, if this thing is known to the sisters, it is necessary to dedicate it to Her Majesty!" Dream Star nodded, and could not help but sigh and preach.

"Your Majesty has suffered so much for them, and this is also their obligation!" Meng Ruhua did not object.

"No, this is absolutely not possible. You cannot give him countless women because of pity on him!" Although other women also felt bad for Chen Jiu, they did not agree with such a proposal.

"Well, don't worry, sisters. In fact, I just said casually, if your Majesty wants those women, I'm afraid to pick them already!" Meng Ruhua kindly advised, naturally she was reluctant to send Chen Jiu out to let Everyone shared it.

"Yeah, your Majesty is no longer eating the avenue, his breath now is completely a disaster genius!" Luo Yi suddenly exclaimed again to remind, everyone's eyes naturally looked back.

'Boom rumbling ...' Chen Jiu, he gave up devouring the avenue, because with devouring the avenue, he has truly controlled the breath of this disaster, just like a genius who was born close to the disaster, in that avenue Be aware of yourself.

Desperate, Chen Jiu didn't know that the concubines were worried about him. After being able to comprehend it, he inserted the Taoist meter above his head and observed the numbers above.

Five percent ... twenty percent ... eighty-five percent, the power of the Dao finally stopped faintly. In order not to frighten the snake, Chen Jiu could not give the road of the disaster Taoist all at once. Refined!

"Eighty-five percent, it seems that the absolute master of this catastrophe is not as good as the gods. Is n’t slaughtering him like a dog at this time?" Chen Jiu smiled silently, and his confidence was even stronger. Enough.

After a short stop, Chen Jiu did not hesitate, he quickly opened another road, and this road is obviously stronger than the Avenue of Disasters!

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