Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3195: Don't blame him

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Uh ..." Chen Jiu was in the Avenue of Joy. When he ate a slice of the Avenue, there was no pain. The whole child was intoxicated, drunk, and obsessed. What is going on?

"Oh, look at the expression of Your Majesty now, as if we were kneeling in front of him, when we surrendered to him?" Mu Lan both awakened, looking at Chen Jiu, they were particularly upset. Knowing that this is their common man, it should only be revealed in front of them!

"It's a bit like it, but Your Majesty isn't so uncomfortable anymore, it's worth rejoicing!" Qing'e also nodded slightly with a drink.

"But I would rather he be uncomfortable. Who knows what happened to him like this, in case he was there to rejoice with the happy Taoist, how could this be good?" Gan Xiangyi couldn't help but worry.

"It shouldn't be. As for what happened, let's just ask His Majesty for a while. Don't guess now, can he have anything wrong with him under our eyes?" Fei Xianer finally comforted everyone It can be said that the concubines gradually calmed down, but their hearts were more confused.

In Happy Avenue, Chen Jiu did not know that his intoxicated appearance was looked at by the concubines. After arriving in Happy Avenue, he also bite a highway without stopping, but this highway, once digested However, it is as if it is a poison that can make people feel psychedelic, and he is also addicted to a joy.

Of course, this joy is actually consistent with what the concubines guessed, but the protagonist of this joy is ever-changing and not fixed on one person.

She can be Xiaojiabiyu, but it can also be high and quiet ... Anyway, she has a lot of temperament and looks, and it has all kinds of tastes, everything!

"Well, this is life. This happy Taoist is more enjoyable than the Taiko Taoist just now." Chen Jiu bites the avenue, and can't help sighing in his heart, because compared with the tangle and pain just now, This encounter is simply pure enjoyment.

Hundreds of millions of women gathered together to submit to Chen Jiu and let him play together. Play, this joyous avenue brought Chen Jiu, an unthinkable joy, but he was happy, but he did not know the concubines. I was extremely worried again.

"Ah, look at what your Majesty is doing? Whoops, why is this shameless, this is too wasteful ..." The princesses screamed again as if they saw something incredible.

"This ... This is fortunate that Your Majesty has endless energy, but if you change over to a man, you will not be able to cultivate the unique avenue of joy of this happy Taoist master!" Fei Xian'er also sighed.

"Sister Xianer, what do you mean? Don't you think your Majesty is doing such a shameful waste?" The other concubines were puzzled.

"There are thousands of avenues. Everyone walking may come out of a different way. This is like everyone walking forward with their eyes closed. Can you walk at the same pace?" Fei Xianer paused, but solemnly. Explained: "Although this happy avenue has not changed since ancient times, but because of the different people who control it, there will be some small changes, and these changes are brought by today's happy Taoist!"

"Sister Xianer, do you mean that this happy Taoist is extremely silver, so will your Majesty be so unrestrained?" The other princesses faintly understood something.

"This is indeed the case at present. Sometimes our women can have endless joy, and the happy Taoist uses this to fully control the avenue. Therefore, Her Majesty wants to rob her of the avenue and must also experience the same thing , That is endless joy! "Fei Xianer nodded and explained.

"It turned out to be that way, that your Majesty is so shameless, really don't blame him?" The concubines gradually understood Chen Jiu.

"Well, I really don't blame him, just afraid that he has experienced this joy and has no interest in us anymore!" Fei Xian'er was definitely a little worried.

"He dare, if he dare not want us, where can we find such a good woman, is the happy Taoist comparable to us?" The concubines are still very confident in themselves.

"Your Majesty, please do nothing!" Chen Lan silently blessed, but still looked worried at Chen Jiu, blushing and embarrassing.

'咻咻 ...' Chen Jiu, he is almost the best gunner in the world at this time. He is driving an artillery of his own, and it is sky-high. He is constantly shooting at the void, contaminating the entire void. A special charm.

But let's not say, after the bombardment of Chen Jiu, this avenue has been refined, and the end is even faster. He originally had to eat the avenue to be able to refine it. Refined by him!

In terms of behavior, Chen Jiu looks a bit shameless and shameless, but this is actually not in sync with his thinking, because in his thought, it is not such a simple bombing, otherwise his old face would not have been Method.

The eyes were deep and fascinating, deep in the eyes of Chen Jiu, if you look at it carefully, it turns out that all the beautiful women are beautiful!

These beauties, all beautiful and effervescent, formed a long line, and endlessly accepted Chen Jiu's control. The thing Chen Chen had to do was very simple, that is, to mark them one by one, and then Subject them to submission.

In the face of so many beauties, Chen Jiu knows it is fake, but it is somewhat uncontrollable. It is to want to serve them, which is also at the expense of his power. Otherwise, he can only hope The female stepped off!

Each beauty has its own advantages, and the feelings brought to Chen Jiu are naturally abnormal and different, but no matter what kind of feeling, it is enough to make a man intoxicated.

"Fuck, that's too cool, isn't it just doing this in Happy Avenue?" Chen Jiu was so refreshed that she felt numb all over the body. Knowing this was almost impossible for him.

"Uh, the real Tiandi Avenue shouldn't be like this, but Happy Avenue is so pure, it must be the aunt of the happy Taoist, just like the ancient cause-and-effect road. With the owner, they are on the highway. Going out of different paths, and along their own path, naturally they will have some of the same encounters! "Chen Jiu knew for a moment, and even scolded a Taigu Taoist for a **** dog ​​because of his road, It's really tortured, and it's still scary to me, no.

"Officials, aren't you okay?" Chen Jiu paused a moment, and the beauty who thought of the metamorphosis in the middle of the road unexpectedly showed an endless disappointment to him.

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