Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3200: Needle felt

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"Oh, here I am!" Chen Jiu quickly took away all the treasures of Taikoo Taoist, and then came back to the mountainside again. [800]. Updates are fast.

"Nine children ..." The lonely defeated tall figure couldn't help but feel a little relieved and 'excited'.

"Jiu Shidi ..." Xingjian, they were even more amazed and grateful.

"It's called Jiu Shiji, but Chen Jiu's status is better than Master!" Liu Xiaofei corrected and shouted. He and Chen Jiu went to the divine temple, which is also a great talent, but he has been dumped in just three years At eighteen thousand miles behind him, he could only admire such a huge gap.

"Haha, why don't you plan to recognize me as a younger brother?" Chen Jiuda laughed, but came to this group of masters and apprentices and talked with them happily, but there was no slightest shelf.

"Chen Jiu, don't you see so many beauties on our side? Why did you come to me with a group of big men Qingqing?" The atmosphere was still quite "harmonious", but Meng Hongya's sisters were looking through Qiushui Chen Jiu didn't pass, and didn't even look at them more, which made them resentful.

"Ah ... good sisters, don't be angry, I see you're all right, besides you are so dressed, it's really inconvenient for me to go!" Chen Jiu helplessly glanced, these people have long legs. The "dew" outside the snow-white is just an excellent 'door' door 'cannon. The cannon in the jacket of the cannon is called' aspiration ', like a bomb. If it passes, it must not be piled with sugar-coated shells Bombed?

"Chen Jiu, what else have you seen with us, you sisters, which of you haven't seen?" Meng Sui Sui wasn't snorting.

"Ah ... I ..." Chen Jiu was also guilty immediately, and her old face was blushing. txt complete download

"Your Majesty, please go there. The sisters are grateful for your life-saving grace, and want to thank you face to face!" Meng Xingchen's kind explanation at this time persuaded, and it was precisely these sisters' demands that They called Chen Jiu over.

Of course, if it is an ordinary 'female' person, it is naturally not so courageous, but such as the dream stars and dreams of 'flower' peak, this is a close relationship with them. This is naturally Let their cowardly outburst of 'woman' people!

"Hey, it ’s still generous with Master Xingchen. Even if you have a man, do n’t forget our sisters!" Mengxue's sisters such as 'Hua' all laughed at each other. "Chen Jiu, when you were at our peak like 'Hua', we stay Are you not thin? Why do n’t you dare to be with us now? Is it because you did something bad to us? "

"I ..." Chen Jiuyu concluded, I really don't know what to say.

"Well, brother, the girl is also kind, please go over it, otherwise, wouldn't it really be a loss!" Some teachers and brothers of Lonely Peak snarled and pushed Chen Jiu to the past.

"Hey, you ..." Chen Jiu couldn't resist, and as soon as they arrived in front of the 'girls', they were dragged by a group of them into the 'girls' pile and surrounded them strictly.

"Chen Jiu ... Thank you so much. If it weren't for you this time, we'd be dead ..." Gratitude continued. The sugar-coated shells attacked Chen Jiu even. The drunken breath blew his mind unsteadily, watching the concubines silently for help.

"Hum, what a pity!" Mu Lan, however, were angry and didn't eat this set at all.

"Like 'flowers', your apprentices are really stingy!" Beside dreams like 'flowers', Qing'e couldn't help but have some opinions, in the face of his wife. In the face of dreams like 'flowers' their masters and apprentices, these concubines have been soaring.

"They're just grateful to Chen Jiu, and want to thank him, it won't be too special!" Mengru said, with a thick face, "Hua", but in fact, there is something in her heart.

Helpless, they are all their own apprentices. If they do not agree, wouldn't it hurt their hearts and leave a man with a bad reputation?

"Well, sisters, listen to me. Although I saved you this time, in fact, this time it happened because of me. It is only natural for me to save you. This is not a big favor. Everyone is so good to me! "Chen Jiu was able to bear it at first, but after a while he felt a kitten claw scratching under him, which made him blush and speak out.

"Chen Jiu, no matter how you say you saved us, if we don't agree with each other, how can we repay your kindness?" The sisters laughed boldly.

"Ah, you don't need to show your body, you have seen it, my wife has enough!" Chen Jiu was shocked, and suddenly saw the brothers and sisters of Lonely Peak shouting in front of him: " Hey, a few of you, hurry up, I'll introduce you a 'door' dear! "

"Master, do you really mean it?" With both eyes bright, these brothers have long been jealous of Chen Jiu's "blessing". Blessed, then naturally came quickly.

"Oh, we don't want to, some of them are necrotic, so don't have anything to do with them!" Meng Hongya, they panicked and hid behind Chen Jiu.

"This ... you misunderstood ..." Chen Jiu tried to explain, but he couldn't get the approval of these 'woman's, which made him look at the lonely defeated heavenly way: "What do you think of my master?"

"Chen Jiu, I still have to take a step in advance!" The lonely defeated old man blushed and immediately slipped away.

"Hey, Master, wait for us ..." The other Masters seemed to be okay, so they didn't want to be shamed anymore, and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

"Chen Jiu, our sisters haven't seen you for a few days. How can you, a disgraceful person, marry our Master and never see you returning to the 'Door'?" A group of 'girls' immediately surrounded Chen Jiu again. Yes, lamenting.

"I ..." Chen Jiu really said that in this group of 'girls', he really looked particularly vulnerable. The embarrassing look made the princesses want to laugh when they saw it.

Being small and large is taken advantage of, Chen Jiu feels that at this moment, it will be more tiring than fighting with Taikoo Taoist masters.

"Hong Ya, Xue 'Hua', don't bother you with Chen Jiu. He still has business to do. If you really don't want him, go back to Jiuwu Peak with us!" Mengru 'Hua' suddenly spoke for him. Chen Jiu released the siege and successfully resolved the matter.

"Master, why don't you say it earlier!" The sisters all became happy one by one. In fact, they just wanted to see Chen Jiu more, and there was no need to have a relationship with him. After all, they still knew themselves.

"Well, I'm going to take a step!" After Chen Jiu was able to get away, he hurried away and left. The man stole. Hey, it would be complacent to go out and take advantage of some small advantages outside the door, but in the presence of his wife If you take advantage of it, it's really like sitting on a needle!

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