Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3202: First false god

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Ah ... what's going on? How did our avenue become so difficult to cross, as if frozen? It made us hard to move!" Niu Mang was shocked, and the happy master and the disaster master were even more afraid. Screamed.

You know, the two people's biggest reliance on escape now is their own avenue, but now, even the avenue is blocked, how can they escape?

"Hum, still want to escape?" Chen Jiuyi smiled, but came coldly to the two of them.

"This ... are you doing all this? It's impossible!" The disaster masters are simply unbelievable. "Even the Emperor can't do this!"

"Yes, the Emperor can't do it, but I can!" Chen Jiu smiled proudly and walked towards the disaster master. "Dare to mess with me, Chen Jiu, then take you on the road!"

"No ... don't ... ah ... I'll fight with you!" The disaster master looked at Begging for hope, and couldn't help but give birth to the guts, holding the disaster **** wheel to Chen Jiu fiercely.

"Chairman, be careful!" Niu Mang then they reacted and wanted to rescue but it was too late.

'boom! 'In fact, Chen Jiu didn't need the rescue of these people at all. Under the respect of the Tao, the disaster master was directly blasted into a blood lotus, and then completely dissipated in the avenue and completely disappeared. ≥.

"The disaster master, this is dead ..." On the one hand, they were surprised, but the happy master was shocked. She looked at all this in horror. It was unimaginable that she was still galloping on her stomach last night. A generation of Taoists said that they died immediately, and that their bodies were not able to remain.

"Happy Master, now it's your turn!" Chen Jiu killed the disaster master, as if he had killed a chicken, as if it was so insignificant, he walked towards Happy Master.

"No ... you are not a person. You can't shoot at me. You have to know that your people are in my hands. If you really kill me, then they will die!" The happy master thought he caught the last. The life-saving straw was just threatening to Chen Jiu, and he couldn't help looking at the Taoist side full of resentment.

"Well, demon girl, do you think I was so close to you just now. Why is it so close? I was fighting for the chairman's time. Your archaic Taoist has already been beheaded by the president. You are still obsessed with it. Seek my own way! "One who couldn't bear it, quickly stepped forward to justify himself.

"What? The Taikoo Taoist is dead, how can this be possible?" The happy Taoist even fainted.

"Don't believe it? See what it is?" Chen Jiu offered a magic knife in his hand, which is the **** magic sword of Taikoo Taoist.

"This ... you did kill him, but how is this possible?" The happy Taoist saw this magic sword, his face immediately dying.

"Nothing is impossible, Happy Master, it's time to get on the road!" Chen Jiu looked at the Happy Master coldly, just holding up the respect of Wandao and walking towards her.

"Don't, Chen Jiu, don't kill me, I still have something to say!" The happy Taoist screamed again with a sweaty face.

"Oh? What do you have to say?" Chen Jiu stopped in time, and she wasn't afraid of any waves she came from.

"Chen Jiu, how on earth did you block my avenue of joy? As long as you tell me the truth, I will tell you the real mastermind behind the scenes!" The happy master did not want to understand before he died.

"Oh? Is n’t the ambassador the Emperor behind the scenes? I do n’t need to say that you all know it, but since you asked, I can tell you exactly that your avenue has been refined, so I can naturally block it. You! "Chen Jiu did not hide it.

He couldn't conceal these things at all, because after killing these people, the road of these people Chen Jiu was naturally in full control, and it was necessary to control and fight. Everyone can see it, and they can't hide it at all!

But what if everyone knows? The pseudo-gods couldn't stop Chen Jiu from refining their avenues, but they provoked Chen Jiu, which would be the biggest nightmare of their life!

"You have refined my avenue of joy. How is this possible? My joyful master has exhausted all the hardships and tasted the pressure of countless men, and then he has refined himself into a body of yin and yin. Situation, your man, congenital shortcomings, it is impossible to control this avenue! "The happy Taoist with a sneer on his face simply thought that Chen Jiu was lying.

"Happy Taoist, is that just what you think is good? Besides, if you can practice Wanyin's body, then I can naturally become Wanyang's body!" Chen Jiu's impatient explanation has been raised again. The Supreme Master in his hands.

"What? Is there a body of Wanyang in this world? You ... no wonder, no wonder you married so many wives, so it is ..." The happy Taoist was horrified, just looking at Chen Jiu's eyes, Suddenly realized.

"Now that you understand, it's time to get on the road!" Chen Jiu sighed, and then slowly smashed the stone ball down. This blow was very slow, making people feel death at close range, but it was impossible to break free.

"No ... Chen Jiu, don't kill me. My Wanyin body and your Wanyang body are a perfect match. I am willing to be your woman. No ... female slaves can also ... please ask me. ... only I am your true goddess, and I am the real woman ... "Under the threat of death, the happy Taoist is fighting for himself at all costs, and in her opinion, there is no one who can rely more on it. Also calculate the colored body.

It ’s a pity that some things feel good to themselves, but in the eyes of others, it may not be necessary. It is like Chen Jiu now, facing the devotion and devotion of the happy Taoist, there is no joy at all, but the expression of disgust full of joy Lord, you are enough, you silver lady, you have tasted so little bitter taste, and what woman to talk about, let me die! "

"Yeah ... I have a taste ..." The happy Taoist did not stare. In her eyes, she found a true emperor, but unfortunately men are naturally more like pure women. If it is not for venting, who would look for her? Woman?

"This ... the two avenue masters are so dead!" Watching Jiu Jiu soaring, they slaughtered the two avenue masters easily. The hearts of the vice chairman of Niu Mang were also chilling and a little scared.

They also knew about the trouble at the magical temple, but they thought that Chen Jiu should rely on the dragon at that time, but he couldn't think of his own strength!

"Well, those who provoked me will die!" Chen Jiu nodded, and the words exuded great majesty, making people dare not have the slightest disobedience.

"Chairman, I really can't see you more and more? Seriously, how powerful are you now?" While asking boldly, I was also very curious.

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