Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3211: Twenty four

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Booming…’ Chen Jiu could not wait to start to devour the refinement. Although his method was stupid, it was very effective.

I hate the dog shrine, and naturally it started from them. Chen Jiu's first refining was a Jiuquan Taoist. The road of this Jiuquan Taoist belongs to a branch of a water system. Its characteristics are Endless, full of energy!

Fortunately, without that disgusting story comprehension, this can't help but let Chen Jiu be relieved. You must know that the perception of the ancient Taoist really scared him.

Dadao ’s perception is not without it. It ’s just the Jiuquan ’s perception and control of strength. There are not so many personal feelings in it. So much stress!

"Roar ..." Eating like a swallow, I saw a huge waterfall flowing into Chen Jiu's mouth, and then he was digested, overflowed from the pores, and became his own power, like a small universe. Wrapping him, it's amazing.

Of course, this is the time-accelerating image that the princesses saw. In fact, in the early stage of refining, Chen Jiu was not so fast and extremely difficult.

Getting into the road and forcibly digesting it is a very painful realization. Even though Chen Jiu has been used to it, it is still rolling with pain and some can't bear it.

Fortunately, relying on her own genetic strength and stubborn vitality, Chen Jiu insisted on holding it down. After the initial stage, the later stage is actually much simpler.

‘Zizi…’ The strength of the Tao changed, and Jiuquan Avenue was quickly controlled by Chen Jiu 95%, which shows that the power of the Jiuquan Taoist is very low!

After Jiuquan, this is a Harada master. Unlike Jiuquan, this Harada is in control of a vital road of soil properties.

This avenue also has its own distinctive characteristics, that is, it is endless and strong in defense. Using this avenue, the owner of Harada is also known in the Inu Shrine.

However, even if it is even more powerful, it will be a thing of the past. With the strength of Chen Jiu ’s head reaching 80%, then this Harada ’s proud avenue is no longer under his control. Already.

Aso, this is also a very well-known one. Although they are not as well known as everyone in Inoue, when it comes to him, it will make everyone impressed.

Aso is a bald monk who wears a shabby monk costume for many years, but don't look at him on the surface like eating a Buddhist statue, this guy is a silver devil!

According to the data, before the Aso master made his debut, he often disguised himself as a **** stick. By surpassing the name of others, the homes of the wives of the dead couple in the silver mess were simply riches.

Such a villain can survive to this day by no means of luck, because the way he cultivates is also particularly powerful.

The avenue of ghosts, this avenue is legendally a avenue formed by the forces of all the lonely ghosts and ghosts in the world. It is rather evil and weird. It is precisely because of this avenue that Aso was able to succeed repeatedly. Coax ignorant women.

"His ... It's cold!" When Chen Jiu swallowed this ghostly avenue, he couldn't help but chill, but it was a bit difficult to adapt. It's okay to be cold, but the key seems to come from the bite of all ghosts, people think To collapse. Collapse!

For my own plan, I have to endure even the most uncomfortable, let alone refining and avenue, this is also a means to increase strength, so this difficulty is really nothing for Chen Jiu.

The fifteen Inu Shrine Taoists, who spent all the time in a normal day, have all finished refining. Then Chen Jiu did not rest, and continued to look at the five Tiger Tiger masters.

Shuimu Taoist, this is a Taoist who cultivates the Shuimu Avenue. This water helps Mu Shi, which is the flourishing plant growth in the world, that has formed this avenue, which is gradually known by everyone, although there is no way to follow the real Compared to the first-class avenue, it is undoubtedly not bad.

Tianyun Avenue, Wanyue Avenue ... The next few roads are relatively decent and have no evil power. This is really nothing for Chen Jiu, and the refining is completed in a short while.

The five men under the Tiger Tiger Master are over, and finally it ’s the turn of the Emperor League, and Chen Jiu will not have any kind of heart and tenderness!

The way of Feng Jian made Chen Jiu unexpected. Under this Emperor League, he had a powerful role, and it was actually a avenue for swords.

There are thousands of avenues about swords. After Chen Jiu was slightly surprised, he didn't hesitate, but as soon as he swallowed and digested, he couldn't help scolding.

What Fengjian Avenue is filled with evil powers, this is just a demon crooked road covered with human skin!

Scolding and cursing, to deal with such Taoist masters, Chen Jiu's biggest reliance is to refine his road, otherwise he would not be sure to trap and kill them.

Bone Stone Road, this is also a well-known Taoist master, after practicing the Bone Stone Road, his body is as hard as a soldier, and it can hardly be destroyed!

It took another night of normal time, and Chen Jiu refined the majority of the 24 Taoist avenues. As long as they used Dao Power, Chen Jiu could easily control them and even kill them. It is not impossible.

"Huh, it's finally done!" Chen Jiu felt his own achievements, and couldn't help but take a sigh of relief and walked down the Xian Road.

"Oh, sisters, Wanse Silver Devil has come down, do we have to run away quickly?" Mu Lan was still joking at this time, but she said it made everyone a lot easier for no reason, after all this time They are aimed at a total of twenty-four Taoists.

"Your Majesty, how is it?" Although Qing'e had some blushing, she was not as noisy as Mu Lan.

"Everything is okay, as long as we release the news to their opponents, but now the trouble is for the opponent at the beginning, and I definitely won't believe such a thing!" Chen Jiu explained, it was quite a bit difficult to open this. Head.

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured that with the influence of our Puxian Society, this can still be done!" Kong Zhi said suddenly and solemnly.

"Oh? Kong Zhi, do you have an idea?" Chen Jiu was surprised.

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, the Aso prince is fond of those women who have died. But one of these women did not die her husband. Her husband was only seriously ill. Please use this method to expel the disease. Who knows that he actually seduced the woman, and after he learned about the man, he sighed in anger, but after he was buried, his wife also felt shameless and hanged herself. "Kong Zhi continued It's a bit dumb, but it instantly brightens everyone's eyes.

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