Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3223: Take advantage of

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Hami? You mean that many of the Taoists who are responsible for carrying out our mission and spreading rumors to stink Chen Jiu have all been killed by the enemy?" Inoue heard the report of the following people, which was unacceptable.

"Yes, President, these people are too unlucky!" The Taoist below couldn't help but be very sorry.

"Oh, you, sledgehammer, can't see such obvious things? They died together, someone must be the master behind the scenes, otherwise how could they kill them all!" Inoue was furious, It growled.

"But president, some people have seen these people when they died. It was really just their opponents who shot them. They were killed directly. There is no one else to help!" The Taoist was aggrieved.

"Hum, check, give me a good look at who these people are, who dare to kill my dog ​​shrine like this, how can our dog shrine be so forgiving!" Inoue was annoyed, and then ordered even more.

"Yes!" After the Taoist order was obtained, the Inu Shrine immediately launched an investigation.

The Tiger Palace, the Tiger Taoist drank a small drink in Yuyou, a Taoist hurried over, stumbling like a mortal.

"What's the matter, Master Yeli, I won't have too many clerks at night. I can't even stand up with my legs and feet, haha!]" The Tiger Tiger Master politely laughed.

"Tiger Lord!" The comer's square head and big body was quite strong, but he didn't seem to be joking at this moment, but his face was anxious: "Mizuki, insects and beasts are all dead!" "

"What? What's the matter?" The Tiger Tiger Tao couldn't help but startled suddenly.

"Master Tiger, do you remember telling me a few days ago that I should find some people to cooperate with the Inu Shrine to spread rumors?" Ye Lidao reminded him.

"Yeah, this ... you mean that the five of them spread rumors and were killed by Chen Jiuyi's anger?" The Tiger Tiger master couldn't help but startled in a cold sweat.

"Tiger Lord, you guessed half right. They were not killed by Chen Jiu, but were killed by the enemies, but the others did not die, but they died of five of them. This is too strange!" Ye Lidao analyzed again.

"It's true that this matter must not be related to Chen Jiu. Our people are dead. What about the Inu Shrine?" The Tiger Tiger Master asked unwillingly.

"Dead, all dead. According to my preliminary inquiry, this dog shrine has lost no less than ten Taoists this time!" Ye Lidao confessed immediately.

"Haha ... it's almost the same. Those **** in the Inu Shrine are really as many dead as possible!" When the tiger master heard this, he immediately laughed heartlessly.

"Tiger Lord, but we have also died of five people!" Ye Lidao Lord reluctantly reminded, "If you can't do well, it will chill the hearts of other Taoists!"

"Oh, you're right, they can't die in vain. Although I can't move that Chen Jiu, I can still get revenge for them!" The tiger tiger commander immediately ordered: "Call your brothers and follow me! "

"Yes, Lord Tiger!" Under the authority of Ye Lidao, he immediately went down and notified.

In the Emperor League, in the palace, the prince's face was dark and obscured, waiting for the instructions of the Supreme Emperor!

"Feng Jian are all dead? Can't even the bones resist? Could Chen Jiu have taken the shot himself?" Rendi stared at the prince in disbelief without realizing it.

"No, it's just that their enemies have shot, but their enemies should not have such a great ability to kill them, otherwise they would have already shot, why would they wait until now?" The prince analyzed wisely, obviously more so than the other two Win.

"Good to say, this time we mainly focused on the actions of the Fuying Inu Shrine. I don't know what happened to them?" Rendi pondered for a while and asked again.

"Inu Shrine, the group of useless things died even worse. Fifteen people died, and not only them, but five tigers died there too!" The Prince was more or less happy to preach .

"What? So many Taoists died all of a sudden. This has never been in our temple history for tens of thousands of years, hasn't it?" Rendi was really shocked.

"Yeah, it must have been the act of Chen Jiu, but he did it secretly, and we don't have his evidence for the time being!" The Prince said with a grudge.

"Well, don't worry about Chen Jiu first. These people wantonly kill the same house. All of them must be captured and guilty. If you dare to resist, then it is against the majesty of our imperial alliance!" Rendi also immediately had an idea.

"Emperor, in this case, then I will lead the army to kill these murderers, and then capture them!" The prince took the lead, and eagerly went out to dispatch troops.

In the Star Academy, the star Taoist was drunk and was dancing freely, but he suddenly banged, and a few small Taoist masters came together to kill him, his face was not good.

"Well, you have a star, kill Jiuquan of our society, don't say that you confessed your guilt in the past, but you still have free time to drink? Is it true that my dog ​​shrine is so bullied?" The headed little Taoist scolded angrily.

"Inu Shrine is not easy to bully, but Jiuquan and I are just personal grudges. If you want to bully others, I will not be a mess!" The star Taoist may have been afraid before, but since the acquisition of a **** Later, he was much more energetic.

"What? You joined the Wuxian Hui ..." When they heard the name of the Wuxian Hui, these people were a little seduced immediately. Others didn't know, but they knew that Chen Jiu was driving the dragon and swept the dark evil god!

"Yes, thanks to the president, I just joined the association!" The star Taoist arched his hands out of nothing, took out a token, and was grateful.

"Okay, you are a star, let's walk and see!" A few small Taoists, angry, didn't dare to blaze, but turned and left.

Unfortunately, almost the same scene began to be staged one after another, which made all the minions of the Inu Shrine come out, and all of them came back in vain!

In the end, dozens of members of the Inu Shrine came together to face the president without a face, but suddenly they felt as if they were in trouble.

"Leave, brothers, follow me and seek justice for the worm brothers!" At this moment, the Tiger Tiger Master brought a group of people and waited, and actually pleaded guilty to the broken Taoist Master.

"Well, the tiger master actually shot it in person. Let ’s take a look at it and see if he dare to slap this hard bone!" The whole team of Inu Shrine immediately followed, even if it was eating 憋, It is also necessary to find a companion. Otherwise, how can I make a difference?

Destroyed courtyard, Destroyer Taoist watched the Tiger Tigers who suddenly broke in, waiting for all the people, can't help but worry. Although he joined the Ninth Five-Year Evil Fair, can this small society shake the Tigers?

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