Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3241: At any cost

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Dad, wouldn't you be mad? You can't laugh at this time?" They were quite puzzled at once. They were just as dark as an eggplant, and how they smiled at the blink of an eye. Persimmon. Read the latest chapter in full.-

"Immediately, I have to say, Dad looked away, and you‘ crossed ’a good brother!” Killing the ‘chicken’ and looking at the horse, he just thumbed up and praised him.

"Dad, what's wrong with Chen Jiu recently?" Not immediately stupid, he knew that Chen Jiu must have made a big move.

"What's wrong? He's awesome now, the whole gods space, who dare not give him face now?" Ma killing the "chicken" suddenly said with a bold look: "As long as you can invite your brother, Our crisis can be lifted! "

"Dad, I'm afraid it's late. The boss is very good at 'girls', but now they're all engaged. It's probably not a big deal!" He shook his head immediately, some preaching with some hope.

"No, don't say that they are engaged, even if they are married, then as long as Chen Jiu is willing, they can still be dismantled!" Immediately under the eyes of their surprise, immediately killing the "chicken" preached: "Yanran Do you know? The principal **** contract must have been heard by you, but Chen Jiuyi rescued his mother in front of the magic gods, and also killed the empty gods one after another ... "

"What? The boss is so powerful ... does the magic gods ignore him?" Immediately they were unbelievable.

"Control? They want to control it, but the key is that they can't control it. Even the dark evil gods have been driven away by him ..." The horse kills the "chicken" and then no longer conceals it, it is about the recent scenes of Chen Jiu. Over again. Popular novels

"Oh my god, how long have I been apart from the boss, the boss has made such a shocking thing, it seems that I really missed too much!" Immediately at the end, I have no doubt about the true 'sexuality' of the thing, and sighed regret stand up.

"Now, now that you know everything, then you should also understand. The only thing that can save us now is Chen Jiu. Wait for the demon. I really married Gu Tian, ​​so the ancients will definitely start with us. "After the killing of the" chicken ", he begged him earnestly.

"Dad, you said easily. At the beginning, you were so hostile to Chen Jiu. Now you are having difficulty. You are going to ask someone for help. How can there be such a cheap idea?" But suddenly, he suddenly felt emotional. Willing to preach: "I won't go, I can't pull this face anyway!"

"Ah, right away, are you still my son?" Immediately blushing and killing the "chicken" blushed and said, "We don't want him to help in vain. That kid likes 'girls'. Our hospital's Demon. After he pursued it, it would be his 'woman'. If such a big beauty was given to him, he would make a lot of money! "

"Dad, you can do it. Even the demon. Aunt really has followed the boss, that is also the boss's ability, it has nothing to do with you!" Immediately shook his head, disagreeing with a look.

"This ... then what else do you want?" Anshan said angrily.

"Dad, I think you should discuss it with you, and see what price you are going to pay!" Immediately made a request, this is going to ask someone to help, can not always go empty-handed?

"Your boy, okay, please be sincere. If the boy does not come, it will be a bad thing!" He killed the 'chicken' and nodded in understanding, then went out the 'door'.

Tianma Prophet's House, a group of prophets headed by Tianma Prophet gathered, no doubt they are all very emotional!

"Prophet, I have a method, and maybe we can save our disadvantages ..." In front of this group of prophets, the horse killing the "chicken" carefully spoke his proposal.

"What? Your son and Chen Jiu are brothers. This seems to be possible. As long as he can come to help us, it is definitely a great help!" The Tianma Prophet heard them, and they were all surprised. stand up.

"Prophet, at once he said that people can't be asked in vain ..." Ma killing the "chicken" just expressed his intentions euphemistically.

"You can rest assured that we won't let him help in vain, as long as he helps us get the Tianhuyuan, sit firmly, and don't let the group of humans succeed, we will establish the friendliest alliance with his sister-in-law, and This is not to mention, we have ten Taoist instruments here, all of which can be given to him as gifts. As for what else he wants, he can tell us when he comes here! "

"Yes, with the words of the prophets, I can rest assured!" The horse killed the 'chicken', and he did not expect that the conditions given by the prophets should be so generous.

In fact, these prophets are bitter and hard to say. Although they have human and orcish temples, although there are two species of humans and orcs, they have always been dominated by orcs, and humans have been with them. Back pressure, this will naturally make the orcs feel a great crisis.

In the temple, although the prophet is the true ruler, the temple is the cradle of talents. Once the initiative of this cradle is lost, the problem of orc mating will become more prominent, and it will be difficult to give birth in the future. What is the reproduction?

The calamity is imminent, and there will be a crisis of genocide for a long time, so the people who are orc prophets will be so anxious to get angry and stabilize their position at all costs.

The Dean's Hall immediately and respectfully took over the ten Taoist instruments, and he couldn't help but be surprised. "The ten Taoist instruments were met, and other conditions were mentioned casually. It seems that I must go on this trip!"

"Okay, it's not too late, get ready to go!" The horse rushed to urge the chicken.

"Of course you have to go, but let me find a companion anyway!" I promised immediately, and found ‘Jade’ in the stone, and went with them, leaving the Man-Beast Shrine in secret.

"Unexpectedly, we human and beast temples actually asked the boss to come over to help!" Along the way, the ‘jade’ in the stone was also very emotional.

"Yeah, I hope it's too late. No one knows when they will get married. If they get married, then I'll be in trouble!" Immediately nodding his head, he could not help speeding up the pace.

At the Nine-Five Peaks Hall of Yuanli Shrine, I saw that the beautiful body fell on the ground, and they were incredibly weak.

"Haha, concubines, I have to go first. Here are some Taoist tools. Please allocate them yourself and wait for me to come back. Let's fight another ten thousand rounds!" Chen Jiu looked at these bright princesses We just left a pile of Taoist devices in a rush.

"Your Majesty, you must be careful!" The concubines cared and watched Chen Jiu leave.

The magic temple and his party have a great responsibility. Chen Jiu passed this time. One is to rescue the water monkeys. The other is to help the fighting gods return to power. Third, if possible, he wants the water gods to come and have fun with the consorts!

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