Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3249: Adapt for a few days

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Guangming Sacred Mountain is still magnificent, but the figure below it, Bao Xiang solemnly sat up, like a stone Buddha, immobile.

"This ... It seems that the Great Bible is in full swing, and there has been too much mental growth!" Chen Jiu was surprised when he looked at the appearance of the water monkey.

"Chen Jiu, I'll let her out!" The Bright God did not hesitate, but Zhang Shoujian received the Holy Mount of Light, and the water monkey completely restored his freedom.

‘Zi ...’, the water monkeys dazzled in a flash of gold!

"Light child!" Then, the water monkey roared towards the light god, apparently hating him too.

"Da Sheng, don't be impulsive!" Chen Jiu blocked in front of the water monkey in time.

"Mom, have you come to save me?" The water monkey saw Chen Jiu and was moved to tears in an instant.

"Well, my mother is here, go home with my mother!" Chen Jiu stepped forward and hugged the water monkey, just caring and comforting.

"Mom, but aren't these bad guys killed?" The water monkey was obviously a little uncomfortable.

"Don't kill, we are now reconciled!" Chen Jiu explained, although the water monkey didn't understand the reason, she obviously did not have that much hostility.

"This ... Congratulations to Chen Jiu, your mother and daughter are reunited. If nothing is wrong, stay with me for a few days?" Although Bright God felt strange, he didn't ask anything to please him.

"No, I ’ll go to Dou Shen to intercede for you. I will leave immediately after I finish the work, and you do n’t have to give it away!" Chen Jiu shook his head, took the water monkey and left the Temple of Light, and went to Dou Shen Passed.

"Chen Jiu, Dasheng has been rescued. Isn't that bright **** threatening you?" Dou Shen looked at Chen Jiu with a stunned expression, obviously worried.

"Well, it was saved, but I'm sorry to fight God, I'm afraid I can't do what you want!" Chen Jiupo said apologetically.

"What? Are you willing to help me?" Doudou was disappointed.

"God of fighting, the **** of light has given out the Xianxian order, so I can't refuse, but you can rest assured that although I can't help you get leadership, in the future, the Xianxian battle plan will open, and I can give you a place to go in!" Chen Jiu Comforting preaching.

"This ... well, thank you anyway!" Dou Shen knew that things could not be violated, and no longer demanded anything.

"Well, then I'm leaving!" Chen Jiu said without a long stay, and took the Great Saint to the water temple again.

"Da Sheng, you finally came out, this is really great!" Seeing Qi Da Sheng, the mother and daughter of the water gods couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Thank you!" Qi Dasheng also knew vaguely that the relationship between the two women and Chen Jiu was not "will you be my father?"

"Ah, this ..." The two women were asked in such a way, and they were so ashamed that Yuyan Hongfei was so pretty.

"Ha ha, of course your new dad, well, you go back to rest first, I will let you out when I arrive at the divine temple!" Chen Jiu said, did not make the two women have been embarrassed. Kan took away water monkey.

"Fu Jun, how's the situation?" Without the water monkey, the two girls were not so shameful immediately.

"Well, it's a little different from what I expected. The God of Light gave out a fairy order, and I support him!" Chen Jiuwei explained slightly.

"What? You Xianling, this bright **** is really willing!" The water gods were surprised, but didn't say much.

"Yes, Xiner, arrange it and go back to the hospital as soon as possible!" Chen Jiu nodded, and then urged.

"Ah? I'm going back in such an anxiety, I ..." Shui Shen was suddenly ashamed and became afraid to look up.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Chen Jiu asked in puzzlement.

"Fu Jun, do you really don't understand or are confused? Mother is embarrassed to have fun with your women!" Shui Run'er said next to the old man of Water God.

"Runer, you can't stop talking nonsense, I am not!" Shui Shenxiu's feet stunned, and he was so angry that he couldn't see anyone.

"Eh, this, it's okay. It may not be very suitable at first, but it will be fine slowly!" Chen Jiuzhi comforted him.

"Fu Jun, can you give me some time?" Shui Shen was embarrassed. Although he agreed, it was really unacceptable in his heart.

"How long do you want?" Chen Jiu was unwilling to delay.

"Maybe just a month?" Shui Shen preached for a moment.

"So long?" Chen Jiu could not wait.

"Fu Jun, please, please?" Shui Shen played Jiao.

"This ..." When Chen Jiu was in trouble, Shui Run'er suddenly suggested, "Fu Jun, do you want my mother to adapt to this life?"

"Is there any way you can't?" Chen Jiu looked at Shui Runer in surprise. As the saying goes, the mother-in-law, Mo Ruo Nu, wanted to break through Shui Xin'er.

"Of course there is a way!" Shui Run'er proudly said, "You should have found the fire bird now. She is also an outsider to her mother. If you let her be with us first and let her adapt to it for a few days, Then I'm afraid she won't resist anyone else! "

"Ah, this is a good way!" Chen Jiu was immediately overjoyed and applauded.

"What? How can you do that, Runer, how do you come up with some bad ideas!" Shui Shen blame resentfully.

"Mother, you will have to go through this one sooner or later, you can't escape, you should slowly learn to accept it!" Shui Runer advised the room and motioned Chen Jiu to release the fire bird.

"Oh, where is this?" Huo Queer stunned for a few days, and when it came out, it was naturally yelling.

"Welcome home, Sister Cheer!" Shui Runer smiled proudly.

"Well, you are your sister!" Huo Queer gave a glance unwilling to lose, and then looked at the water god, the look was quite strange.

"Hello, Hi!" Shui Shen also greeted with an awkward expression.

"Good water god, are you really his woman?" Huo Queer asked, making the water **** extremely difficult.

"Huh!" Shui Shen could not refute this fact.

"Water God, since you were a child, you have always been a noble lady. I don't ask myself to be a woman like you, but you have always been the most admired woman in my heart, but I really can't think of it. You are also sinking. One day of being a man, and I actually have the same man as you ... "The fire bird couldn't help but sigh.

"Chel, I'm sorry, I can't control some emotional things!" Shui Shen thought that Huozhal was burying her, and she bowed her head without a word, consciously a little ashamed.

"No ... Water God, I didn't blame you. On the contrary, it is extremely proud of me to be able to enjoy a man with you!" Huo Queer continued to stun the Water God again.

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