Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3251: Head to the beast

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"Help, I say you two big men, isn't this a good life, what's the help?" Chen Jiu naturally couldn't understand why. txt novel download /.

"This ... Boss, this matter is not our two things, but my orc is in critical condition and urgently needs your help!" Immediately they did not conceal, and probably talked about their own difficulties.

Of course, intentionally or unintentionally, the two didn't say anything about the monster, because, in their opinion, if this one talked about the monster, how could the group of beautiful wives let Chen Jiu leave?

"Well, the conditions you have given are indeed very favorable. Besides, with our relationship, I shouldn't refuse, but my strength is not particularly strong. I'm afraid that there will be limited help?" Chen Jiu didn't ask himself Too big to not know myself.

"Boss, you can try it. We believe you will do it. Besides, even if you fail then, we won't blame you or anything!" Shi Zhongyu begged for help immediately, which made Chen Jiu also softened. Already.

"Well, in this case, wait for me for a while, I will discuss with the consorts before talking!" Chen Jiu nodded, then left the two and went to the Nine Five Hall.

"Your Majesty, are you back, Dasheng saved?" A group of concubines were extremely worried.

"Well, things are going very well, and they have an extra fairy tale!" Chen Jiu nodded, and also talked about his affairs in the magic temple, and then released them.

"Daddy, I worry my dads!" After Da Sheng came out, he couldn't help but greet the princesses very politely.

"It's okay, as long as you are good!" The princesses looked at Dasheng affectionately, really treating her as their own child.

"Dad, I'll take them first!" Qi Dasheng was also sensible, and took the initiative to step away without disturbing Chen Jiu and them.

"My concubines, in fact, this time I came back, I also brought you a surprise, I also brought back the sisters of the water god!" Chen Jiu then preached a little bit.

"What? You brought the mother and daughter, okay, you put it out quickly, I would like to see what kind of mother and daughter, actually willing to serve you together!" Mu Lan immediately cried in Java.

"This ..." Although Chen Jiu was hesitant, he believed that the water gods were enough to shock the scene, but they released the three directly.

'Zi ...' The water **** is in charge of the waterway, representing the mother of heaven and earth. Naturally, her breath does not need to be said. It is the elegant temperament of Shui Runer, and the unrestrained character of the fire bird, even standing with the concubines. There is no less inferior existence!

"This is the mother and daughter of the water **** and the fire bird. I never imagined that such a stunning woman would sink together. I fell under a man. I really want to see that scene!" Gan Xiangyi joked, Zhu The princesses naturally have a little expectation.

"You ..." The princesses were shocked, but why the water gods weren't paying them, and they couldn't think that Chen Jiu had collected so many beautiful women in the world before them. These women looked at the holy and unparalleled, match like heaven. If they are really defiled and defiled by men, then I am afraid it will be the biggest blame in the world?

The reflection and interweaving of beauty and beauty naturally made the two parties feel a sense of mutual regret, especially Qing'e was more friendly and went forward to "Xin Er, Que Er, Run Er, welcome you to join our big family!"

"Ah, you are ..." When they first arrived, Shui Xiner did not know these concubines yet.

"I'm Qing'e ..." The princesses then introduced themselves, but they got along very well.

After waiting for a while, the princesses and the water gods became one with each other, all of them were coquettish and dizzy. They were red, and they glanced at Chen Jiu from time to time, it really moved his index finger and wanted to overthrow them all.

It ’s a pity that they are still waiting for him right away. If he pushes it, it will take three or five days. Then the two of them must not be insane.

"Love concubines, stop first, I have something to tell you!" Chen Jiu helplessly interrupted the concubines, and that was to tell them about the situation.

"What? Immediately they will let you go to the human and beast temple to help? How can that be, the leadership of the temple is so controversial, you a false **** to go there to make fun of it!" At the first hearing of the concubines, Naturally, they are very opposed.

"The princesses must be in a hurry, and listen to me, not to mention that they are my very good brothers. It is also very beneficial for us to go here. The conditions for the beast and shrine are too favorable!" Chen Jiu bitterly persuaded: "If I had no confidence before, but now I have become a puppet leixianjue, this makes me not so passive even against the true god!"

"Your Majesty, are you leaving us as soon as you return?" Looking at Chen Jiu's intentions, the concubines couldn't help complaining.

"Well, I don't want to, but depending on their appearance, the situation seems to be particularly urgent, so let's go first and wait for me to come back and spoil you!" .

Yeah, it ’s so easy to get a group of beautiful wives together. He will leave before he can enjoy it. He is really reluctant!

"Your Majesty, why don't you bring them the top ten guardians and the water monkeys!" The concubines hurt the crickets, and they cared again.

"No, don't worry, my concubines. I'm not going to desperately here. I will evacuate when I see the wrong situation. I won't be silly to fight for them!" No matter what to evacuate, it is very convenient.

After all, this trip is different from the past. If there are no parents to save, Chen Jiu can do it. If he can't, let the dragon take him away. Anyway, for the brothers, he has done his best and can't really go. Desperately!

"Your Majesty, you can think the best of this, then you go quickly, come back early, we are waiting for you here!" When the concubines were full of affection, those stunning faces, big white legs. It really makes some people uncontrollable.

"Well, take care of your concubines, I'll go first!" Chen Jiu nodded, left the Nine-Five Hall ruthlessly, and came again to them immediately.

"Boss, how's it going?" They looked at Chen Jiu immediately, lest they be rejected.

"Well, your sisters-in-law have agreed, we can go!" Chen Jiu nodded, and said to the two of them, "Don't resist, let me put you away and tell me the direction, we can reach the beast. Temple! "

"Yes, boss!" Immediately, they were extremely surprised. After being put away by Chen Jiu, he told him his position and came to the outside of the human-beast temple.

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