Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3256: Win the engagement

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nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Although taking a woman as a bet, this is contrary to her own life style, but nowadays, Chen Jiu can't care so much to save demons. Popular [Starter]

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Chen Jiu has 100% confidence in Zhan Gutian, otherwise, he would never easily take a woman to gamble!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "This is a big game!" Watching the disagreement between Chen Jiu and Gu Tian, ​​there was an ups and downs in their hearts, and it was simply incomprehensible.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; They originally meant to bring Chen Jiu to the phase of the demon. Hey, if the phase meets, then slowly plan what to pursue, but they can be better, as soon as they come up, they are directly opposed, and finally they have to decide directly The demon's ownership belongs, all these developments are undoubtedly beyond their expectations, but they still surprise them.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Every word is just a word, I'm afraid you can't do it!" Gu Tianyun stormed the wind and beat the young generation of invincibles in the temple. This self-confidence is extremely strong, and of course not afraid Any challenge.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; A busy peace, the two papers will be established, probably meaning that the winner is demon. Alas, the loser must not come over again to entangle. Otherwise, the family must be destroyed and the gods will be destroyed. !!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Huh, I don't care where you come from, you stupid guy, anyway, Gu Tian, ​​you're dead!" Gu Tian stared at Chen Jiu eagerly, anxiously waiting for him Unloading eight pieces.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Very good, Gutian, I will let you see what is the gap!" Chen Jiu nodded with satisfaction, but also stepped back, ready to compete with Gutian.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Be careful ..." Demon. 娆 looked at Chen Jiu with concern, and the deep affection in his eyes directly blew up the ancient sky.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Give me death!" Gu Tian punched, the sky was falling apart, and the end was to destroy time and space!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Too weak!" Chen Jiu gently waved his sleeves as if driving a moth and flew Gutian to the fan all at once. [舞 舞 eBook]

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ‘bang! ’As soon as Gu Tian fell, his face turned red, and it felt incredible.“ Where did the stink boy get such a big brute force? ”

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Gutian, you are not my opponent, let it go as soon as possible!" Chen Jiuwei, there was no rush to kill.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Concede defeat? Let you see my true power, Qiankun a sword!" Gu Tianxianjian sacrificed a white fairy sword, which was so sharp that it pierced directly. Void, cut the past to Chen Jiu at high speed.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Climb down!" In response to this attack, Chen Jiu only patted his palm gently, like a fly, and easily broke the sword of Gutian, patted him dead. On the ground, coughing up blood.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "No ... how could it be so strong?" Gu Tian was dumbfounded, he looked at Chen Jiu in horror, and found that he was like a mountain that couldn't be shaken, and was physically and mentally weak.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Gu Tian, ​​are you able to bear that now? It really disappoints me!" Chen Jiuyi looked at Gu Tian with a smile, and unconsciously regarded him as a former heavenly son.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Ah, you forced me, Qiankun Avenue!" Gu Tian roared, he could not accept such a situation, could not help but release his immature avenue.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ‘Boom! ’Rao is immature, but this Qiankun Avenue is also vast and bountiful. It is like a world, when the air shock crushes Chen Jiu.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Break!" Chen Jiu pointed it out lightly, and his eyes were full of contempt.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "You are looking for death!" Gu Tian couldn't help laughing, in his opinion, Chen Jiu would have to be seriously injured if he didn't die!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ‘bang! ‘Unfortunately, Gu Tian was so dumbfounded that he was so proud of this avenue that in front of Chen Jiu, it was just like a world of paper, and he opened a big hole with a simple poke.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; The avenue ruptured, and then the whole was more like a discouraged ball, no longer able to save a little bit of coercion, and the sound of ‘咻’ was completely dissipated!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "No ... this is impossible!" Gu Tian roared, it was simply unacceptable.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Gutian, you just want to marry a demon. Alas, it's just a wishful thinking!" Chen Jiu was not polite, and came forward with a slap.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; ‘pop! ’There was nothing to hide, Gu Tian was pumped away all of a sudden, he coughed up blood, and fell miserably.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Don't be awake yet? I'll hit you to wake up!" Chen Jiuyi succeeded, and seemed to draw Gu Tian, ​​but he didn't show mercy, he continued to pump in the previous step. past.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 'Papa ...' One big mouth was pumped up. Chen Jiu could pull Gutian directly if he wanted to, but he didn't. Gu Tian is so horrible that he can't bear to see it, and it's so painful!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "No, please don't hit me anymore, I confess!" Gu Tian cried miserably, and he felt that he would be killed alive if he didn't confess.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; This man is so terrible, Gu Tian now faces him, there is no longer a bit of disgust, only the deep fear.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Very good, then sign and bet on this gambling contract!" Between the orders of Chen Jiu, Gu Tian didn't dare to neglect, and now his life is almost gone. Coquettes.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; So, Gu Tian's fiancee was immediately dismissed by him and lost to another man, and he is naturally Chen Jiu!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Very good, let me go now while I'm in a good mood!" Chen Jiu took the contract and smiled proudly.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Yes!" The stumbled, Gutian fled, and he didn't even dare to sue Lao Tianhu. He just fled back to the ancient prophet's house and hid alone, trembling. pico.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Since he was born, Gutian has never suffered such a big setback. Today, whether it is a psychological or physical contusion, it scares him out!

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; Tianhuyuan, ran away from Gutian and won the marriage contract. Chen Jiuzhi was proud of the demon. He beckoned and shouted: "Little fox. Beaver, you will be the fiancee of my son in the future Got it, understand? "

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Yes, husband!" What made them stare at once was a demon such as Demon. In front of Chen Jiu, she looked like a promise, obedient like a girl.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Haha, let's continue chatting for a while, you can go there and wait, just call me when you have to leave!" Chen Jiuda laughed, and then ordered them to take away immediately enchanting.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; is still the cool room, but the man has changed one, which is actually nothing, but it is incomprehensible, that is the dignified demon. Princess Wu, who does n’t know how to shame Sitting directly in the arms of this man, and flirting with him there.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "I rely on, the boss really is the boss, this ability to pry into the corner of the people, there is absolutely no one before, no one comes after!" Looking at Chen Jiu from a distance, I couldn't help but sigh stand up.

nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; "Right now, you said that the gap between human beings is really that big? We are diligently pursuing demon. Hey, people do n’t even look at us for a moment, our boss just came, demon Princess. He was playing so hot and hot, don't you wonder if there was something tricky in it? "Shi Zhongyu shook his head and couldn't understand it.

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