Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3258: Stand by my side

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"You ..." Gu Yue was too familiar with the eyes of men, and she immediately pushed Gu Tian away in a shock and hurriedly tightened herself. Read the latest chapter of this book, please go to 800 novel network (.800book) -..-

"Mother, I ..." Gu Tian swallowed saliva unconsciously, he just couldn't pull it out.

"Tianer, you have a fiancee, you understand?" Gu Yue drowned, but there was a pain that couldn't be hidden deep in her eyes.

The so-called rivers and mountains are easy to change, and this ‘sex’ is difficult to change. Although some people seem to have reincarnation, some ‘sex’ characters are still difficult to change!

"Sorry, mother, I am incapable. I lost my fiancée!" Gu Tian woke up, and then complained extremely bitterly.

"What? You **** something, you know how much sacrifice your fiancee did to your mother to get it back for you, you can just lose a sentence?" Gu Yue couldn't help but get angry. Exploded, this son is too frustrated, right?

"Mother, did you let that old fox do it?" Gu Tian could also guess something vaguely.

"Huh, Hugh was so nonsense!" Gu Yue was so angry that his face was "colored". Hongjian drank and preached: "How the **** did you lose the demon. Hey, come from the beginning and let the mother talk, let See if there is any remedy! "

"Yes!" Gu Tian then didn't dare to neglect, and it was just one hundred and fifteen to tell. Gu Yue didn't care about it at the beginning, but when she heard the name Chen Jiu, she couldn't help clinging. Look.

"Chen Jiu, why is there another Chen Jiu, is it possible that our mother and son are in conflict with this name?" Gu Yue hated, and was very skeptical.

Gu Yue has heard about Chen Jiu ’s name, and even she was very frightened, because from that word, she had already determined that Chen Jiu was her enemy!

With the Shenlong attacking, he did not say anything in the magical temple, but also rose to fame in the Yuanli temple, but now he actually came to the beast temple to show off his strength?

"Mother, do you know this Chen Jiu? Why did I find this person very annoying when I saw him?" Gu Tian couldn't help asking.

"Tianer, you have transformed his appearance for the mother, let me know at a glance!" Gu Yue finally secretly held his heart and solemnly ordered.

"Yes!" Gu Tian promised, a handsome face turned into the air by him.

"Ah ..." Gu Yue saw this face and immediately couldn't help but scream, she couldn't forget that this time the person tore her like a demon. If it wasn't for special life-saving techniques, she would I can't die now!

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" Gu Tian was even stranger.

"It really is him, it really is him!" Gritting his teeth, Gu Yue can't wait to swallow Chen Jiu!

"Mother, who is he?" Gu Tian asked again.

"Tianer, to this day, the mother has told you truthfully, this person is our greatest enemy in this life!" Gu Yue suddenly said, and said seriously: "Originally the mother was here to run a business His own world, that is used to kill this person, but unexpected, just when we are about to be full, he actually came over again to destroy, it is really horrible! "

"Mother, how did he offend us?" Gu Tian still didn't understand.

"You don't have to ask any more. Anyway, as long as you know that killing this person, we can get great happiness!" Gu Yue was much more lazy and explained, and the dispute between them inevitably involved some company. She was ashamed of herself. By then, their mother and son would simply stop being humans!

"Mother, I don't want to kill this person all the time, but he's so powerful, I'm so proud of it, he was easily defeated by him. I think even a mother is not necessarily his opponent! Gu Tian preaches resentfully.

"Tianer, our mother and son are weak and do not have the help of a dragon. Of course, we can't do anything directly with him, but don't forget, your father is now an ancient prophet!" Gu Yue sneered with laughter. " Some ancient prophets took the lead for us. What are we afraid of?

"But mother, the animal skin vows, I have already made a statement, it's not good to repent, right?" Gu Tian preached again.

"Well, as long as we bite into Lao Tianhu and you were forced by them, then there must be a turn for the better!" Gu Yuejiao reprimanded.

"Mother, but will Lao Tianhu help us figure out his 'girl'?" Gu Tian couldn't help but be unsure.

"Of course, I forgot how my mother used to match you up. I talked to Lao Tianhu tonight and I didn't believe he didn't agree!" Gu Yue's eyes flashed with "fine" light, and she had a plan.

"Okay, ma'am, then my marriage is up to you!" Gu Tian felt 'grateful' again and again, and at the same time he was extremely resentful, and you were waiting for me, and I would marry you in the future. After 'door', see how I play you. 'Get' to death.

"Tian'er, you have suffered this great calamity. Although it is a disaster, it is also an opportunity for experience. This difficulty is nothing in front of us. Since Chen Jiu dare to come, this time we must let him come. Back! "Gu Yue vowed, she had a big picture this time!

"Mother, if I have the chance, let me kill him with my own hands!" Gu Tian asked, and Gu Yue didn't say much, and left quietly.

In the evening, the Prophet Ma and Chen Jiu had just left in the Tianhu Courtyard, and when they saw a pretty shadow, they went in again.

"Yueer, you finally came, but you really want to die for me!" Lao Tianhu and Gu Yue are not one or two times now. He also eats this "mystery". Thinking twice, eating twice, thinking three times, no one is enough.

"Huh, old liar, don't be good to you anymore!" Gu Yue murmured, holding on to her feet and twisting her waist. "Jiao" 's coquettish anger.

"Ah? Yueer, why did you say that? I ignored her demon's objection for your sake, forcibly married her to your son, and you said that I was not a rare you!" Lao Tianhu made no secret of it. I look at the old and disrespectful, but just look up and down, and I'm infinite.

"It sounds better than singing. You're so close to Tianmayuan recently, don't you want to change your marriage?" Gu Yue blamed again.

"Yueer, you care about this, I tell you, that old horse shamelessly ran to me every day, and I can't always drive him away? I actually want you most!" Lao Tianhu During the explanation, he approached Gu Yue and sniffed softly.

"Really? If they bully me, you will surely be on my side?" Gu Yue is obviously playing with mysteries.

"Of course, Yueer, you are my life, let me taste it!" Lao Tianhu became more and more fascinated by Gu Yue, and could not help but throw her down.

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