Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3265: Ascension

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"Husband, what you say is bad, then Chen Jiu is looking good at the" very "scenery, but you don't forget that there are many enemies. As long as he dies, then I bet he ’s like 'Flowers' like 'Jade' wives, you have to be divided up before we arrive at our animal and beast temple. Do you believe it? "Gu Yue explained directly to the" yin "damage. [Almost all of them, it is more stable than ordinary stations, and many updates are faster, full text without ads. ] -..-

"It's ... wonderful, it's really amazing, why can't I think of it!" The ancients rejoiced, and then couldn't help asking: "Chen Jiu is so powerful. How can we make sure to 'get' him?"

"Husband, don't forget that there is a piece of 诛仙 令 in our hands, but there are some wonderful things in this 诛仙 令, you said that a small Chen Jiu, how could it stand up to the means of 诛仙 王?" Kindness' reminded.

"Haha, I was really frightened by that stinky kid, Yueer, you are really my good wife. Then Chen Jiu seems to be awesome, but a 'hair' head kid can have any ideas, not a month, He must be killed in our beast temple! "The ancients burst into laughter.

"Husband, this thing is indispensable for the help of Lao Tianhu. In the end, let him be the scapegoat for us. Even if something really happens, we can't find us!" Gu Yue went on a plot with the ancients, and the two were getting more and more happy .

‘Zi ...’ A while later, I saw a transparent bottle sacrificed by the ancients. The colorful liquid inside it was ‘swinging’. It was filled with endless dreamy beauty!

"It's so beautiful Shengxian Jueye!" Gu Yuechi took the bottle carefully. [Fast updates, refreshing website pages, less advertising, like this site the most, be sure to praise]

"Yueer, do you say that this old sky fox will really be with us? He won't betray us suddenly?" The ancients are inevitably a little worried. "If he destroys this liquid in advance, then we must kill Chen Jiuke. Difficult!"

"Relax, husband, since the old Tianhu can guarantee that we can write it down, let me help him here, how dare he say no?" Gu Yue's proud and confident appearance made the ancients somewhat skeptical. Yes, why did the old fox listen to her so much?

"Husband, it's not too late. I passed it all night and gave this liquid to Lao Tianhu. Let him feed Chen Jiufu at will, and let him die in three days!" Gu Yue continued in a hurry. Stay up.

"Yueer, not in a hurry, my husband is in a good mood, and I want to be a god!" The ancients laughed suddenly and badly.

"Husband, then you hurry up!" Gu Yue resented, kneeling in front of the ancients, waiting loyally.

"Get up, Yueer!" After a while, the ancients pulled up Gu Yue, lifted the short skirt, and enjoyed her from behind.

"My husband, you are so good, Yueer is going to die ..." Soon, Yueyue was paralyzed. She was soft there, but when the ancients sat up satisfactorily, she stood up again and again.

"Yueer, you are so beautiful!" The ancients were proud of looking at the 'Jade' people being nourished by themselves.

"Husband, if it's okay, people will go first, and when we get back, we will have fun again!" Gu Yue persuaded and comforted, or left soon.

"Huh, this ancient moon is even more cherished than me. She must have some secrets with Lao Tianhu!" Staring at Gu Yue's figure, the ancients couldn't help but be very dissatisfied. "If it's not looking at you," "Ser 'is really good, and if you are quite capable, I would have taken you apart!"

"At present, the overall situation is paramount. As long as you can get the leadership of the temple, you Gu Guyue will be played after being played by Lao Tianhu!" The ancients could bear the bad breath.

"Hey, I just don't know that I just played and filled you up. Is there any interest in the old fox?" Then the ancients laughed again and again with a "yin" danger.

In the middle of the night, at Tianhuyuan, as soon as the white shadow struck a ghost like a ghost, it suddenly entered one of the temples.

"Yueer, you are finally here, but you want to die for me!" Seeing this beautiful movie, Lao Tianhu looked up again.

"Well, what do you want me to do? Our son-in-law's marriage can't be done, and it won't be in-laws in the future. You and I don't have to be so close. Get closer!" Gu Yue said with a stinking face first.

"Yueer was angry, you saw the situation today, not because I didn't want it, but because the dead girl was ruthless. Besides, is my performance today not good enough?" God said with humiliation.

"Tianhu prophet, if you didn't see your performance so well today, do you think you could still see me alone?" Gu Yue gradually recognized the old Tianhu.

"Yueer, then we ..." Lao Tianhu opened his arms and wanted to take the 'Jade' person in his arms.

"Heavenly Fox, I have one thing here to ask you. If you agree, then everything is easy to say!" Gu Yue immediately cast a wink.

"Ah, I promise, I promise you everything!" Lao Tianhu rejoiced, the whole person was crisp.

"In this case, what are you waiting for?" Gu Yue shouted, with a look of shame, which made Old Sky Fox unable to hold it.

"Yueer, I really like to die for you, you are so fragrant ..." Laotianhu can't help but pour Gu Yue down, but just tastes beautiful.

"Uh, no, don't go there!" After a while, Gu Yuejiao. Pushing the sheep's face of the old Tianhu with her beautiful legs, he wouldn't be successful.

"Yueer, I will!" Lao Tianhu was rare and domineering, and even forcibly separated the ancient moon, Meimei tasted it.

"Ah, I ..." Gu Yue was so anxious and angry that she was really helpless about Lao Tianhu, and at the same time she couldn't help feeling a little worried, wouldn't this guy taste anything?

"Yueer, I knew you were pretending to be with me, and seeing what you look like, and still pretending to be pure?" Lao Tianhu suddenly smiled proudly.

"I ..." Gu Yuerao is a Wannian silver ‘woman’, and she ca n’t help but be timid.

"Well, Yueer, your taste today seems a little special?" He smashed his mouth, and the Sky Fox could not help but have some instincts.

"Don't you like it?" Gu Yue said suddenly, nervous and self-pity.

"No, I like it!" How could Lao Tianhu be reluctant to say 'no'?

"Since you like it, hurry up!" Gu Yue straightened up again.

"Well, then, I'm welcome!" Lao Tianhu nodded, naturally full of all the wishes of Gu Yue.

It's over, it's over, these stink men are really a group of dog stuff. Why is there one who is more anxious than one monkey, but there is no good person?

Gu Yue's wish is full. It is reasonable to say that she should be happy, but looking at her looks, it seems very intriguing, it makes people confused, so why?

"Xiang, Guyue, you are really incredibly dead ..." I didn't notice that Guyue's expression was a bit wrong. Lao Tianhu was so happy that it was like eating the most delicious food in the world. Pregnant!

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