Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3282: Burned with stones

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

The ancient people's courtyard, Gu Tian has nothing to do recently. He stood beside a heart lamp, waiting silently, bored. ()-. 79xs.-

'puff! 'Suddenly, this bright heart lamp went out, Gu Tian, ​​who couldn't help but find the situation, was taken aback. "Ah, Dad, Dad's heart lamp went out. Isn't he dead? This is impossible! "

After a tense panic, Gu Tian didn't dare to stop, and quickly picked up the heart lamp and ran out. He wanted to tell her mother-in-law about the news as soon as possible so that she could come up with a countermeasure!

In the hall of the ancients, I saw a pretty white snow shadow hanging on a black 'color' figure, shaking it, with an expression of 'fascination.'

"Mother, it's not good, Dad's heart light is off, he may have an accident ..." Gu Tian, ​​at first, did not find the scene here, but shouted and ran over. When he saw the scene in front of him, He couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Ah, did the ancients finally die?" Gu Yue, after learning of this situation, was extremely happy.

"Big brother is dead?" Another black 'color' figure couldn't help but sigh, it seemed to relax a lot.

"You ... My father is dead, are you so happy?" Ancient Weather was angry, staring at the pair of wives and silver 'women' in front of her, really disgusted.

"Tianer, don't get me wrong, we don't want your father to be in trouble, we are worried about it!" Gu Yue then got up and pulled a little skirt to explain.

"Wow, brother, why did you leave, leaving a bitch, I will take good care of you ..." The black man cried at the same time, but it was obviously not really sad. (800)

"Huh, you will be punished!" Gu Tian was very upset, and he left in angrily.

"Hey, this child, I'll go to persuade him!" Gu Yue laughed a little, leaving behind the black man but chasing after him.

"Well, brother, don't blame the brothers for not being righteous, we will take good care of the sister-in-law and take revenge for you!" The black man grinned, feeling that there was nothing wrong with doing this.

In the "Flower" garden, Gu Yue quickly caught up with Gu Tian, ​​with a grieving expression on his face, "Heaven, do you think your mother is dirty?"

"Mother, my father's bones are not cold, so you come here with a wild man, how can you let my father stare!" Gu Tian's face was full of resentment.

"Tianer, just because your father died so wronged, the mother wants to avenge him with the prophets!" Gu Yue could not help but preach: "You also know that these people are old treacherous giants Slippery, how could you please move them if they didn't pay anything? "

"But mother, do you do that, wouldn't it be too cheap for them?" Gu Tian stared at Gu Yue, could not help but be reluctant.

"Rest assured, you see that your mother is losing money. In fact, the mother is taking a lot of advantage!" Gu Yue smiled contentedly.

"Mother, is your father's death, aren't you sad at all?" Gu Tian questioned again.

"Sad, of course, the mother is sad, otherwise it would not be so arrogant, and endured the play of these men.‘ Fuck '! ”Gu Yue went on a sorrow, but Gu Tian forgave her.

"Mother, if it doesn't work, let's go and leave this place of right and wrong, our mother and son find a quiet place to spend the rest of their lives!" Gu Tian finally suggested.

"Tianer, as a man, you ca n’t be so unwilling. Now that your father is dead, I still hope that you will inherit his career and take charge of the whole animal and beast house. Can you drop the chain at a critical moment!" It was suddenly surprising.

"I ... what can I do?" Gu Tian was fairly self-aware.

"Tianer, my mother said you can do it, you can rest assured that what is blocking us now is Chen Jiu. When he dies, then the entire human and beast temple can be completely controlled by the mother during the day!" Moon 'Jade' holding the sky, can not help showing a rare domineering.

Yes, with the charm of Gu Yue, coupled with the hungry and thirsty environment of the human beast temple, it is really possible for Gu Yue to deter the entire temple with silver deterrence, but only if Chen Jiu is removed first.

"It's so easy to get rid of Chen Jiu?" Gu Tian shook his head, no doubt no longer hopeful.

"It's not easy, but it's not a chance!" Gu Yue smiled coldly.

"Mother, do you still have a way?" After Gu Tian heard this, she couldn't help but be ecstatic.

"Of course there is a way, God, you just look at it, that demon. 娆 小 娆. Person, sooner or later your person!" Gu Yue patted his ‘chest’ and made a promise.

"Mother ..." Looking at the slight bulge, Gu Tian still held back.

"Well, give me the light of your father's heart, my mother needs to make a good plan, and it's time to do something to Chen Jiu again, this time I will make him regret doing right with my Gu Yue!" Gu Yue asked for , Amazingly ready to launch again.

"Yes, mother!" Gu Tian obediently gave up his heart light, and then looked at Gu Yue shaking. He looked like he was leaving, and there was a hint of evil and evil thoughts in his heart, but it was still him Soon pressed down, transferred to the body of the demon!

Shaking. "Misty" people. After Gu Yue left, he secretly came to a temple. In this temple, a huge stone mill disk was spinning in the void, and on top of it, a person sat. The seven- or eight-year-old boy is a little weird.

"Ma'am, is there something wrong with the master!" The little boy opened his eyes suddenly, very anxious and sad.

"Hey, Xiaoshi, you should feel it, my husband is dead, this is his heart lamp, completely extinguished ..." Gu Yue then cried out.

"What? Master, he really died. Who killed him, why didn't the master summon me ..." The little boy was extremely distressed.

"The opponent's strength is too strong, the husband is too late to summon you ..." Gu Yue's tongue-in-cheek, quickly won the trust of the little boy.

"Abominable, if the host hadn't let me 'fuck' here to hold the avenue, penetrate the world, and stabilize the foundation, how could I not help him at all ..." The little boy finally screamed heartbroken: "Who killed Master, I want to take revenge for him! "

"Xiao Shi, don't worry, enemies must be enemies, but to think of a perfect strategy, I remember you seem to have a trick called Burning with Stones, right?" Gu Yue asked expectantly.

"Yes, once this trick is used, I and the entire avenue will all be part of the enemy, and even the Lord God, I have the confidence to kill!" The little boy was so traumatized, and then he said: "It's just a pity If I do, then I will lose my ability to move and someone must help me! "

"Xiao Shi, in order to get revenge, I can find someone to help you, but I don't know if you are willing to give up everything for the master?" Gu Yue then asked kindly.

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