Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3286: Gu Yue

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‘Boom! ‘Singer ’s wife and Little Stone are all at the same time, and the‘ wave ’on the avenue ’s movement ’s‘ swing ’is full of people ’s hearts, and everyone feels that what ’s so sad in the heavens and earth suddenly lost. txt e-book download / [Stop page is refreshing, there are few advertisements, I like this kind of website most, be sure to praise]. Visit: ..

The Tianshi Shenma broke out with the whole avenue, killing the Prophet of the Lord instantly, and then took away the Holy Wife with his spare power. Its power was eventually exhausted and completely disappeared!

There are so many avenues in the heavens and the earth, and it is not much to damage one of them. At the time when the Prophet of the Gods, the Rabbit, was sorrowful, it was still tit-for-tat.

"Why did you kill me?" Gu Yue, under the protection of the prophets, arrogantly fought with Chen Jiu without fear of him.

"The one who stops me is dead, the dragon comes out!" Chen Jiu gritted his teeth and stared at the ancient moon in front of him with a craved desire. He didn't want to wait any longer.

"What? You're crazy ..." Gu Yuelian's "color" drastically changed. She didn't expect that Chen Jiu was so determined to kill her. At this moment, she turned away and hurried out. "The prophets come and protect me!"

"Mrs. is in trouble, hurry ..." To say that these days Gu Yue is really not idle. With her own martial arts, she really enveloped a lot of human prophets.

These human prophets, greedy for the beauty of ancient moon, are naturally willing to be used by her, want to protect her thorough!

‘Oh…’ Hundreds of human prophets suddenly appeared along the way of Gu Yue's escape.

'Roar ...' Looks like a copper wall and iron wall, but these situations are nothing after the dragon comes out. The giant dragon roars and rushes forward. The place where it passes is almost gold and stone. No matter how strong the other's avenue is, it cannot be resisted. txt complete download /

‘Booming rumbling…’ The avenue defenses were broken by dragons, and Chen Jiu took control of it. It was just like the gods of war in the heavens, and they killed Gu Yueyue fiercely.

"Rice barrel, you waste, don't fight alone, Union Avenue suppresses it!" Gu Yue even felt a little bit of smell coming, and she was really frightened.

"Yes!" The prophets were awakened, and they united in the avenue, many haloes shrouded down like a colorful giant umbrella, and they veiled down to the dragon empty.

'boom! ‘The dragon is very strong, but it has n’t been able to break the shackles of this big umbrella in a short time!

"Haha, Chen Jiu, you can't kill me. When the dragon's time is up, I will take your 'life'!" Gu Yue couldn't help laughing again, watching the power of the dragon being restrained.

"Hmm, Prophet Ma, what are you waiting for?" Chen Jiu was angry and yelled at Prophet Ma when he ignored them.

"This ... we ..." The Prophet Ma and they were still hesitating, because if they shot, then the whole temple would be really 'disordered'.

‘Booming…’ At this juncture, the dragon was not idle. He fought with the umbrella of the avenue. Although he could not tear it directly, it also caused a lot of damage to it!

"Abominable, every Taoist master, attack with a Taoist device and try to kill this kid. As long as he dies, then it won't hurt!" Gu Yue angrily, commanded again.

"Kill!" The prophets, at this time, also knew that the situation was serious. If the dragon really broke through the defense, none of them would be better.

After obeying Gu Yue, the various parties attacked, carrying more powerful world power, smashed into the dragon body, and also attacked Chen Jiu's body.

‘Boom rumbling…’ But it ’s amazing. Although the dragon is powerful, after all, his two fists are hard to beat with his four hands. Under his huge dragon body, it is impossible to dodge so many attacks.

Fortunately, the dragon body is hard and the defense is unparalleled. Although ‘flowers’ are blooming everywhere, it is not a big deal. It can still persist in attacking!

"No, this dragon body's defense is too strong, we can't break it!" The salt prophets were cold and very nervous.

"It's okay, you only need to stick to it for a while, you don't have to kill it!" Gu Yue didn't force it, but just consumed it.

"What should we do? We can't do anything?" The Prophet Ma looked at Chen Jiu and fought in the blood, but he really had no idea.

You ca n’t justify it if you do n’t do it, but if you do, it ’s bound to be a ‘chaos’ in the whole temple, and the prophet is ridiculed, and he is not willing to bear the loss!

"This ... why did this suddenly start?" Naturally, such a battle quickly attracted the attention of Lao Tianhu, and he couldn't help asking it.

"Hey, Gu Yue counted Chen Jiu and let his mother-in-law strangle him to death. Now he's crazy and must kill Gu Yue, but Gu Yue doesn't know what tricks were used. The prophets swore to protect her. We really don't know what to do. Is it good? "The Prophet Ma told them the truth.

"This ... Gu Yue's martial arts are really powerful, I ..." Lao Tianhu looked at Gu Yue's Wushuang wonderful body, but still couldn't completely get rid of her control at this time, knowing that this 'woman' must be eliminated , But it is hard to say anything cruel!

The Prophet Ma was hesitant, and Lao Tianhu was in a "private" situation. The leaders of these two forces did not make a decision. Even the people below could only wait and stare.

"Kill ..." Chen Jiu didn't really expect them. At this time, his intentions were so high that he didn't vomit, and the whole person turned into a dragon-like dragon, soaring into the sky.

"Zi ..." Chen Long vomited beads, and Chen Jiu held a stone ball on his head, which led Chen Jiu to rush forward, unstoppable.

‘Boom rumbling…’ Through layers of impediment, Chen Jiu finally broke through the giant umbrella through a hole, which was shuttled past.

"What? You actually came here alone ..." Gu Yue saw Chen Jiu, ‘flower’ tolerate ‘color’, and that was to turn around and run.

"Where to go!" Chen Jiu drove Yu Dadao, chased out desperately!

‘咻咻…’ When they fled and chased, the two were too fast, and suddenly disappeared in front of the crowd in a blink of an eye. There was no trace of the ‘chaos’ between the wars.

"Roar ..." The dragon roared and continued to attack, restraining the hundreds of prophets, and leaving them with no time to distract themselves to rescue Gu Yue.

In the Arctic Icefield, as the ice melts, a lens-like ice layer is formed. Inside it, a paradise of "bird" fragrance is formed. No matter how cold the wind is outside, inside it, It is 'Spring' warm 'Flower' fragrance, intoxicating!

"Ah!" It was a peaceful paradise, but suddenly a scream came, and I saw a beautiful figure in white clothes, falling from the void with blood, fragrant and beautiful, it was pitying enough.

"Chen Jiu, stop, don't kill me!" Gu Yue turned around with begging, looking at a young man there.

"Gu Yue, I didn't intend to get rid of you this time, but you killed the saint and completely annoyed me!" Chen Jiu gritted his teeth and was very angry.

"Chen Jiu, there is a way to owe debts and be justified. I killed the saint, and I will pay you back again. Why do you try to kill so much and not give people a way to live?" Gu Yue uttered an amazing sermon.

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