Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3289: Requires three

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"My mercy? Prophet Ma, if I were you, I would have been ashamed by my own words!" Chen Jiu inevitably had a resentment in his heart. These people did not help themselves just now, but now they are backing up and they are back. Obstruction is really wicked.

"Chen Jiu, we know that you have grievances in our hearts, but we also have our own concerns. After all, these people are the pillars of our hospital. If the loss is too great, it will be bad for our hospital!" Prophet Ma explained helplessly.

"Yeah, you always have your own interests in mind, even if I have sacrificed just now, I will not hesitate, as long as your temple can unite, isn't it?" Chen Jiu could not help but chill.

"This ... Chen Jiu, this is not the case. Don't get me wrong. We just didn't want to cause chaos in the temple and caused too many casualties!" The Prophet Ma immediately lowered his head in shame.

"Then let them besiege me? I'm sorry, I'm still the helper you invited, and you can die so openly, and I have nothing to say to you, just give me away, otherwise Don't blame me for being ruthless! "Chen Jiuhuo was furious, and he did not mind if they shot the Prophet Ma.

"This ... Chen Jiu, can't you relax it?" Lao Tianhu, they were really embarrassed.

"Shenlong killed me. Who dare stop me today? There is no amnesty to kill!" Chen Jiu was too lazy to say nonsense, and the dragon hit the dragon directly.

"Ah, Chen Jiu you ..." Instantly they were knocked away by several of them, and they were helpless with a look of shock in their faces.

"Kill, you are all going to die today!" Chen Jiu drove the dragon and rushed into the group of panicked prophets, once again letting the road be damaged and the superstar stunned.

"Ah ... no, save us ..." The prophets used to be high above, but at this time they turned into lambs to be slaughtered, one by one miserable.

"The prophet, let Chen Jiu open the killing ring in our hospital, shall I wait and see?" After the Prophet Ma, they soon gathered some prophets, uneasy and unwilling.

"Hey, I did something wrong just now, and now this is the evil result!" With a sigh, the Prophet Ma scolded harshly: "If you don't want to die, then don't be against Chen Jiu, otherwise I can't save you! "

"Yes ..." Although the prophets still murmured, but now they died not themselves, and they could not go up alone and desperately.

"Escape, run away from the temple, run away ..." Many prophets were soon slain, and they didn't care any more.

‘Booming ...’ The avenue was full of sky and rushed away. Eighty prophets left their foundations and fled in a hurry.

"Where to go!" Of course, Chen Jiu was not so easy to let go. He drove the dragon to some prophets and killed them.

"Don't, Chen Jiu, forgive me ... My Prophet Wuyue will be grateful for your life ..." One of the prophets, kneeling tall and burly, stood in front of Chen Jiu.

"I don't need your gratitude, go to death!"

"Ah ..." With a scream, the huge body of the Prophet Wuyue was smashed into a slump, and then swallowed by the dragon, which completely disappeared.

It was late, it was fast. Almost a breath of Wuyue was already dead. When the dragon moved a tail, it immediately hit another prophet.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ Although the battlefield was shifted, it was even more tragic. The prophet fled, but his fate was inevitable!

After such a killing for a while, it is said that another 30 prophets were swallowed up and eaten, but at this time, the more powerful prophets have escaped without a trace.

"Asshole, you cowards, you have the ability to come over!" Chen Jiuda killed a pass, but in fact his anger was almost gone. He drove the dragon at the human and beast temple. Dare to act rashly.

"Chen Jiu, enemies should be solved or not. Although they have made mistakes, they are also caused by Gu Yue. Now they have learned the mistake and received the punishment they deserve, so let it go!" Lao Tianhu kindly persuaded again at this time, because he found that Chen Jiu's bad eyes came to him.

"Well, if that's the case, leave them alone for now!" Amidst the uneasiness of God's fox, Chen Jiu did not intend to pursue it.

"Ah, that's great. There are a lot of adults, Chen Jiu, and our entire divine house will be grateful to you!" Lao Tianhu couldn't help but be surprised.

"I talked a little bit just now, you don't mind, but these people are really damn, I killed them, you won't blame me any more, right?" Chen Jiu then raised eyebrows and prophets.

"Don't mind, Chen Jiu you killed them, that's their goddamn, of course we won't mind it!" The Prophet Ma laughed with a smile on their faces, naturally dare not touch Chen Jiu's mold.

"That's all right. In this case, I will recall the Dragon?" Chen Jiu asked, but it was also guilty, because the time of the dragon's appearance has exceeded, it is time to go back.

"Let Master Shenlong return!" The Prophet Ma couldn't wait for it, a huge killer, and they were trembling.

"Roar ..." The dragon was ordered, and then disappeared as soon as it turned around, and everyone could finally breathe.

"Prophecy Ma, a rebellion headed by the ancient academy, I have helped you get rid of it. I promised you that it was completely done. I wonder if you promised me anything?" Chen Jiu then raised his opinions.

"Counting, counting, I wonder if you have any requirements for Chen Jiu?" The Prophet Ma was quite helpless. Although he was the only one, the overall strength had fallen too much.

"My requirements are three. The first point is that we hope that the two of us will sign a friendly contract!" Chen Jiuli immediately preached. His intention was to replace the Emperor League and become the boss of Yuanli Temple.

"There is no problem with this!" Naturally the Prophet Ma was also anxious.

"Secondly, I hope to marry the demon. You, and dowry, you have to prepare more, it should be my wages!" Chen Jiu continued to demand.

"Yes, there is no problem with this!" Lao Tianhu was in pain, but secretly whispered in your heart, your kid killed so many prophets. Is this baby confiscated?

"The third point is the simplest. Gu Tian, ​​I want to take him away!" Chen Jiu naturally did not forget Gu Yue, the so-called genius son, and the dispute between them is a long-standing one.

"You can take him away, but Chen Jiu, we also have a condition, I hope you promise us!" Nodded, the prophet Ma also raised the condition.

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