Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3291: Die alive

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"No ... this is not me, I didn't die like this, I don't ..." Gu Tian remembered what he had done before his death, and immediately went crazy again. .

"Ah, I don't want to leave ... I want ..." Gu Tian went crazy, suddenly closed his eyes drunk.

"No ... I don't ... I want ..." Gu Tian is in this kind of struggle, the whole person's complexion changes, cloudy and uncertain!

"Gutian, you can't live by yourself. What on earth have you done to make you live like this?" Chen Jiu hurriedly repelled, and it was inevitable that she was curious.

"No, Chen Jiu, kill me, please kill me ..." Gu Tian begged to die, but soon he begged for mercy again, he didn't seem to really want to die!

"Gutian, should I call your emperor directly? Let me see what you are afraid of and enjoy?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but forced the past with his spirit and wanted to discover the real secret of the other party.

‘Booming…’ It ’s a pity that a deep black mist is intertwined inside Tianzi ’s spiritual consciousness sea. It is so tight that it is impossible for people to penetrate.

This is the biggest secret of the emperor. You can't peep at all. If you forcibly peep, then the emperor will die and die!

"Well, since you don't let me know, just let it be, but sooner or later I will find out!" Chen Jiu couldn't do anything, but he didn't force anything.

"Mother, I'm sorry, mother, help me quickly, I can't live without you ..." Tianzi, knelt on the ground with trembling in a short while, was very reluctant.

"Hey, although you are bad people, but this mother-child friendship is strong enough, I will complete you and let you see your mother's relics!" Chen Jiu is not a cold-blooded man after all, sons and mothers are inevitable. Sympathize with him.

"Zi ..." Soon, that magical flower. Bud was released by Chen Jiu, and when I felt this kind of breath, Tianzi stood up smart.

"Mother ..." Tianzi is not stupid. He seems to be able to conclude that this is his mother's breath. After a few steps, he knelt to death in front of this flower. Bud, tears, shame and regret!

"Well, people will die and their words are good. Just talk to your mother, I will go out first!" Chen Jiu shook his head, as if he could not bear the sad side, that was temporarily out of here.

In the human and beast temple, the prophets lost more than 50 people. According to theory, this is a huge funeral, but now it seems that there is a bigger happy event.

Yes, signing a friendly contract, and marrying a nymph. 娆, and marrying Chen Jiu, there is no delay in this matter. The Prophet Ma can't wait to start!

Chen Jiu, as the protagonist, naturally needed to appear frequently. When he was busy with all this and the beautiful bride around him, he couldn't help thinking of Tianzi again.

"I don't know what's going on with this kid. I should talk to his mother about it, and it should be over. How did he die before?" Chen Jiu Ji quickly returned to Jiulong Jiulong, but he ate a lot. shock.

"Gutian, emperor, where did this kid go!" Chen Jiu was surprised. He was unbelievable in the empty area before him.

"Where can you run in my Kowloon ring? But he is no longer there!" Chen Jiu quickly checked to be sure that Gu Tian had disappeared into the Kowloon ring and no one could be found anywhere!

"Strange, how did Jin Chan drop the shell, how did this dress stay?" Chen Jiu frowned, and stepped forward to pull up a piece of clothing.

"Well, that's not right. The clothes are so complete. It is impossible for Tianzi to leave all of them, and this one. His storage ring and artifact have become unown. Is it dead, but how did he die? How could this cover the flower bud? "Chen Jiu couldn't understand, but he could be sure that Tianzi was really dead.

"Fear of committing suicide? Why didn't the corpse stay?" Chen Jiu shook his head, and there was something strange about this flower. Bud, he knew that the death of the emperor was related to it, but he didn't dare to judge it. .

"Forget it, don't guess it yourself. Ask the dragon if everything is clear?" Chen Jiu soon had an idea and explained the situation before coming to the dragon again.

"I don't know, I'm too tired, and it takes time to recover. How can there be so much idle work?" The dragon rolled his eyes politely.

"This ... isn't it possible to recover time and space and find out the cause of his death?" Chen Jiu was still reconciled.

"Everyone is dead, why are you so persistent? Besides, in Jiulongjie, time and space are not so easy to break!" Dragon persuades kindly.

"I ..." Chen Jiuran nodded and nodded: "Well, if that's the case, then I won't hold it anyway, no matter what, he'll be dead anyway. As for how he died, then Let future generations imagine it! "

"Well, go!" The dragon nodded, then fell asleep again.

"The human beast and shrine is almost over, it's time to go back!" Chen Jiu left Jiulongjie, took a fragrant beauty to sleep, and planned to leave the next day.

"Chen Jiu, haven't you lived for a few more days? Well, take care of you ..." The Prophet Ma said a few words of politeness, and they soon let go. After all, no one wants to keep such a killer star beside him .

"Boss, let's go with you!" Immediately, Shi Zhongyu and ordinary people escorted Chen Jiu and slowly returned.

But during this period, Chen Jiu's fame resounded in the worlds of the gods, allowing all parties to talk again.

In particular, the human prophets did not finish their lives. After their mouths and the influence of the battle, they passed Chen Jiu to the gods and called them gods. They were called the first deities, and they were chasing the King of Immortals!

There are two sides to this matter. While everyone admires Chen Jiu's fighting power, it is inevitable that some defensive voices will sound, saying that he is a good color of inexhaustible silver. Demon, kill the Quartet in the human and beast temple, only to marry the fox family. princess.

This incident also happened in real life, so soon many people believed it and started to scold Chen Jiu!

At the peak of the Nineth Five-Year Plan, the concubines naturally heard these gossips. When they worried about Chen Jiu, they inevitably felt a little bit resentful.

"Fake public welfare, but we still want to have fun with him, who knows he stole away behind us, sisters, this time we must not be able to spare him!" Zhu Fei soon The United Front is only waiting for Chen Jiu to return. How can he respond?

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