Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3294: First PR

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"Master, of course I remember, you promised to help me find all the flesh, if you can become your human beings, then life should be more refined!" Xiao Pu said, the weird person A lot of anticipation appeared on his face. Read the full text of the latest chapters [Fast updates, refreshing website pages, few advertisements, like this site the most, be sure to praise it]. Visit the latest chapter: ЩЩ ..

"Yes, Xiaopu, you understand that, as long as we are human beings, life will be infinitely refined, but people are different. What kind of life you want to live, you have to choose who you are. OK, don't you know what kind of person you want to be in the future? "Chen Jiu asked seriously.

"Me? I want to be the most powerful person. I know that no matter what kind of species, they have the strength to respect them!" As a ‘fine’ strange body, Xiao Waterfall attaches more importance to strength than humans.

"Little waterfall, you are a little greedy. The most powerful people are all heroes. How many people are willing to offer you the" flesh "body?" Chen Jiu's face is inevitably a little distressed. color'.

"Master, if the strength is too weak, wouldn't it affect my performance!" Xiao waterfall insisted on preaching: "Don't worry, I don't miss this time, I can wait forever!"

"Well, in fact, when I come here this time, I have a chance to give you. This person has to be strong, that is definitely the strongest!" Chen Jiu nodded and said, "She can only gather one step away. Mind, if you use her body, once the fusion is completed, you can immediately become the main god! "

"What? What are the good things the master is waiting for? Hurry up to me?" The little waterfall immediately became excited when he heard it. Read the full text of the latest chapters [Almost all the books you want to read are ah, they are much more stable than ordinary stations, and they are updated a lot faster. There are no ads in full text. ]

"Uh, little waterfall, I do n’t want to give you. To be strong, this 'woman' is indeed the most powerful and perfect 'meat'. I have no body better than her, at least But she also has some bad sex, I have to explain it to you in advance! "Chen Jiuyi said his intention, but did not mean to deceive Xiao waterfall.

Qingyue killed her and left a ‘flower’. This was the cohesion of ‘fine’ Hua in her life, and Chen Jiu could n’t destroy it. He was figuring out how to use it.

Although Qingyue is cheap and embarrassing, no. It is not worthy to see, but her hooking and attracting effort is absolutely first-class. No one can compare. The so-called everything has two sides of sex. Now, it is definitely the first master of public relations. No one can resist her attack.

Since it is impossible to kill, why not make use of her characteristics? The wishful thinking in Chen Jiu's heart is not too loud!

Little waterfall, Chen Jiu ’s promise to help her find the “physical” body has not been fulfilled yet, and it is a “fine” strange, and does not care so much about human morality, and she will occupy Qingyue ’s The flesh's body, that seems to be the best.

"Oh? You mean that this 'woman' naturally likes to seduce men and do some beautiful things with them?" After hearing Xiao Xiao, instead of being annoying, she glanced a little.

"That's it, Xiaopu, you think about it, I'll do it if I want to, and I won't force you if I don't!" Chen Jiu finally nodded and gave the decision right Little waterfall himself.

"Don't think about it, don't you just do those things? I've been curious for a long time, and even if I don't like it, it's okay to do it every day, because for me, there is no burden at all!" Xiao Waterfall didn't want to immediately, just agreed.

There is no human manners and shame. Little waterfall only cares about the improvement of strength. Listening to Chen Jiu said that Qingyue relies on this to enhance strength, in fact she has completely agreed.

"Well, Xiao Waterfall, now that you agree, you have to think about it. Once you become Qingyue, then you are afraid that you will be" mixed "with men all day long!" In fact, Chen Jiu still has some psychological burden. Yes, after all, he was so shameful that he taught others to be a fake.

"That's good, then, am I not able to improve my strength every day?" Xiao Waterfall could not help but glance at Chen Jiu with a smile and said, "Maybe they will have a chance to wait for the host at that time!" "

"Oh, little waterfall, don't be kidding, you have so many bitches, aren't you afraid of being eaten by them?" Chen Jiu could not help but blush a little.

"Master, please give me 'meat'!" Xiao Waterfall couldn't wait any longer.

"Well, this is a 'flower'. The bud will automatically manifest itself in a short time after all the flesh comes out, and you will be fused with it at that time!" Chen Jiu said the flower '.The bud offering came out, and' Jiao 'gave it to the small waterfall.

"Okay!" Little waterfall nodded, and then wrapped in his own body. Wrapped this' flower '. The buds began to melt, let alone their genus' nature was approaching and melting. It went well.

‘Zi ...’ Little waterfall ’s body is gradually injected into this ghost body, allowing it to solidify again, and it will soon become a whole body of flesh.

Bright and bright, for a time, like the rebirth of Qingyue, she quickly stood up, the pavilion 'Jade' standing, Guanghua's full display, it really makes people pity. Love desire.

"I ... I became a human? This body looks very good!" Qingyue reborn, but she was no longer her at this time.

"Well, the initial fusion has been very successful. When will you really control the 'flower'. Buds, then it is considered to be completed. You should wear a piece of clothing first. This is not good!" Chen Jiu looked at it with satisfaction. , Can not help but remind.

"Master, our relationship, I'm afraid you look at it, let alone a body, what can't be seen?" XiaoPiao didn't care.

"Xiao Waterfall, you have to know that you will be a 'woman' in the future. This 'woman' is still a little bit reserved, okay?" Chen Jiuxun reprimanded, and some could not stand her.

"Okay, okay, people can't even wear it!" Xiao Waterfall seemed a bit coquettish, but he also transfigured a sky-blue 'color' tight skirt on the body.

"You're a little 'showy'. Click it, this point can't be revealed ..." Chen Jiuman's face was embarrassed, and that was to teach Xiaopu how to be a 'woman', but he didn't find it, Xiaopu's eyes were deep. A sly smile.

Finally, under the tune of Chen Jiu's tune, Xiao Waterfall stood with her legs on one another and her face was gentle and well-behaved, and she looked like a ladylike lady.

"Master, is this all right?" Softly whispered, the crisp, sweet and round voice, even more so than Qingyue, heard itching in people's hearts.

Fuck, it ’s a natural instinct. The human demon's “fine” scolded in the heart of Chen Jiu, but no doubt he nodded with satisfaction. “Little waterfall, you have initially recognized the behavioral qualities of a 'female' person. Next, What you have to do is to take control of that 'flower' bud as soon as possible, because there is something I really need! "

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