Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3298: Repeated misunderstandings

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Unforgivable, the most intolerable thing still happened. At this moment, the hearts of the concubines were extremely painful, because under their noses, their men didn't manage to get out of the way!

Eyes are intertwined, and the concubines decide in an instant, they must go in, catch, treacherous, and have to tear open the true face of Chen Jiu in public, why not.

Huh, what kind of cheap man is it? People are even crying less than us. Like the soul, the princesses are angry, they still have a lot of unwillingness!

'boom! 'Suddenly, Chen Jiuke was really embarrassed. He just came out from behind the screen and couldn't bear the look of the waterfall's long skirt. It was kindly covered for her. I didn't know this scene was just caught by the concubines Right.

"Why? I ’m so anxious to clean up after using it up?" Before Chen Jiu responded, the voices of the concubines questioned.

"Uh, pack up ..." Chen Jiu suddenly couldn't help but feel shocked. This was a rhetorical question, and she gave affirmation directly.

"Chen Jiu, you admit that you are so happy. Do you still have us in your heart?" The princesses became even more sad for a while.

"Ah, no, I didn't admit it. There is really nothing between me and her. You are misunderstanding, concubines!" Chen Jiu hurriedly explained, but seemed to be a bit powerless.

"Chen Jiu, do you think you can hide us with such a desire? You don't think of us as fools?" The concubines did not believe it at all.

"No, I am not, concubines, you must listen to my explanation, I have a very clear and white relationship with her!" Chen Jiu shook his head to deny, and screamed in a very unjust expression.

"Chen Jiu, as a man, you have done some things. If you admit it, you are still like a man, but you are so disrespectful now that you are not even worthy of a man!" The concubines all scorned.

"No, I didn't do it. Why should I admit it?" Chen Jiu still looked firm, but all the concubines were dead pigs and they were not afraid of boiling water.

"Chen Jiu, we are so devoted to you, and ask us which points are not full. It is enough for you, so many of our women, can't you still keep your heart?" The concubines asked in pain.

"My concubines, I said, don't you make such an unreasonable trouble, okay? I'm really innocent with her. If you don't believe it, you can ask her and you will know!" Chen Jiuzhi felt a little bit confused.

"The imperial concubine is angry, my sister-in-law and I have a very clear relationship, and I haven't done that muscle and skin!" Little waterfall did not dismantle Chen Jiu's platform, but defended him vigorously.

"Huh, you little man. Where did you come from, why are you so shameless ..." The concubines yelled and finally got a chance to look at the little waterfall positively. "Ah, you are the super silver woman of Qingyue!"

"What? Qingyue, that super invincible woman in the world, Chen Jiu, you even want her, you are disgusting to us ..." The concubines then became very sick, and seriously declared that they would follow Chen Jiu cleared the boundaries.

"Ah, this is another misunderstanding!" Chen Jiu's head is very large. This is really a wave that has not started, and another wave has started, making him feel a bit burned.

"Emperor, I'm Xiaopu, I just borrowed the inheritance of Qingyue!" Xiaopu also explained for himself at this time.

"What? Are you a small waterfall? What evidence do you have? It must be Chen Jiu who wants to be happy with you. Okay, so use a small waterfall as a shield!" The concubines seriously doubted.

"Hey, concubines, if I want to be good with Qingyue, then there will be a chance. Why would you wait till now? Please calm down and listen to me to explain clearly, OK?" Chen Jiu sighed, it was extremely true suffering.

"Well, then we'll give you a chance!" The concubines thought about it, too, or decided to let Chen Jiuxian make it clear.

"That's it, I have killed the real Qingyue, but she left a flower. Bud ..." Chen Jiu couldn't help it. She had planned to say it when the time was ripe, but now she can only tell Zhu Fei in advance. We have his plans.

"What? You want to use Qingyue's flowers and buds to cultivate a first publicist and work for you, but you want to be beautiful, don't you have a little selfishness?" After listening to them, the concubines were surprised. Continued suspicion to Chen Jiu.

"Of course not!" Chen Jiu said with certainty.

"Come on, Chen Jiu, you must be thinking about that Qingyue, but you can't accept her so terribly, so now using the small waterfall, you have fun. Isn't it?" Zhu Fei are not so

"I don't. If you don't believe her, she will still be a son!" Chen Jiu said solemnly.

"How do you know she's a virgin? You dare say you didn't play with her." The concubines questioned again.

"I ..." Chen Jiuyu concluded, facing the powerful imagination of the concubines, he was really helpless.

"Chen Jiu, I have nothing to say. Let us tell you that you have done that ugly thing. We just heard it all out just now, so you don't need to argue, because what you say is useless now!" Zhu Fei They look like Chen Jiu's crime.

"I didn't do anything, what did you hear?" Chen Jiu called Qu Liantian.

"Ah, Your Majesty, you can come out, and others can't!" Mu Lan suddenly learned the tone just now, and screamed, "Chen Jiu, are you familiar with this?"

"Oh, then I'll come out!" Gan Xiangyi cooperated and continued to repeat Chen Jiu's response.

"This ... you still misunderstood me, I was hiding behind that screen just now, where did I come from ..." Chen Jiu sweated, and pointed to the screen to explain to himself.

"Okay, Chen Jiu, the so-called explanation is to cover up. We should have heard it. Yes, you are so disappointed. From today on, we will sever all relations. As for how to develop in the future, let's talk! The concubines were filled with indignation, and they did not believe that there was nothing between them. Otherwise, how could the call be made?

"My concubines, you must listen to my explanation. Regarding that voice, I'm all for the immortal order ..." The concubines begging Chen Jiu shouted, but they could never get their understanding.

"Well, sisters, let's go. Now that he has chosen such a silver woman, let them go!" The concubines left in a high-profile manner, angrily.

"Ah, Your Majesty, I sensed Ji Xianling!" Just when Chen Jiu was going to chase out, Xiao Waterfall knew that the matter was big, and screamed.

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