Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3300: Ju Xianguang Jue

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Zi ...’ With Chen Jiu's confession of the Lord, he was wrapped up by the power of general mysterious time, and while in this time, he seemed to feel that his consciousness had remained static.

After such a long time, the corner of his mouth turned up, obviously showing a pleasant smile!

Each piece of Wuxianling comes with a peerless method, which can be described as impossible. Of course, this does not mean that anyone who can get it can use it. Without the corresponding genetic blood power, it is also difficult to open the mystery of Wuxianling .

Like Qingyue, although she received the Lingxian Ling and the internal treasures, she could not cultivate the magical skills of this Lingxian Ling!

Chen Jiu is different. He already has a relationship with the Queen of Xianxian. Not to mention that he has some of the same gene power of King of Xianxian, which is his own strong gene, and it is enough to get the recognition and recognition of this fairy.

With the opening of Wuxianling, a magical exercise was once again manifested in Chen Jiu's mind, which made him extremely shocked and excited.

"It will be it. I never thought I would be able to practice it!" Chen Jiu couldn't help whispering. He was no stranger to this exercise, and had already encountered it in robbery.

Light, what is light? A kind of light is visible light, but in a deeper sense, it is time. This world, thousands of species, is controlled by the power of time, and gradually grows old.

Time is, to be precise, a powerful heaven and earth doctrine. Countless masters from ancient times to the present have all wanted to truly control its power!

Time is deep and unpredictable. In the past, people practiced, and they could only try to find out by-passes from other Taos. But if they can control a little, then it is also an amazing existence.

Like Juxian Guangjue, this avenue method that can directly cultivate the power of time, once it is born, it will definitely cause countless scrambles!

Fortunately, Chen Jiu is really fortunate now that he has killed Qingyue himself and obtained such avenue exercises. If it falls into the hands of the scum, then I am afraid it is a real disaster. conAd1 ();

Suppressing the mood of infinite surprises, Chen Jiu put his focus on this Xianxian Guangjue, and realized it in detail after studying!

The supremacy, it is accurate to say that it has three realms, only if all of them have been successfully cultivated, then the whole exercise can be considered a success.

Time is accelerating, time is reversing, time is still, the three realms are harder than one layer. If you want to cultivate successfully, you need to have complete control over the Avenue of Time!

Avenue of Time, this can actually be regarded as a avenue, but it is not exactly just a avenue. It is as if every main **** can control some of the power of time, but there is no way to control it completely!

King Xian, although he created this method, he did not fully control the Avenue of Time, just as if Chen Jiu could not really control the Avenue of Heavenly Punishment. Some things, that is the supreme power of heaven and earth. I am afraid that the human power is simply not in complete control.

No matter what, with the Xianxian Guangjue, this can definitely go further in time together, let alone reverse the whole world, local changes are not a problem!

"Time is everywhere, the origin of Time Avenue, come out!" Chen Jiu soon fell into cultivation, and saw that he reached out and touched a switch in the void, and suddenly a void broke completely.

"Zizi ..." The fragments of time are flying, like thousands of fireflies, mysterious and beautiful, and they are constantly spinning around Chen Jiu.

"Where is the origin of time?" Chen Jiu was in this mysterious realm, as if looking for something.

The origin of time is ubiquitous. It is not a avenue individual, so it is not easy to control it. It cannot be as simple and clear as practicing other avenues!

Finding the origin of the avenue, and then directly devouring refinery, this is Chen Jiu's plan, and the biggest shortcut he can think of, because he doesn't have much time to waste.

‘Guzizi…’ Suddenly, in the flying of time, a huge luminous mass attracted Chen Jiu ’s attention, because around it, those fragments of time were still and could not fly and move. conAd2 ();

"This is the origin of time!" Chen Jiulue observed, that was overjoyed, because if you want to cultivate Jixian Guangjue, you must first find a source of time, and then slowly realize the refinement, ranging from a hundred years to as many as thousands of years Yes, but he obviously couldn't wait. It was like seeing a peerless beautiful girl.

"I eat ..." Chen Jiu's motion slowed down, but his powerful power didn't stop him completely. He still bit his mouth to the source of time, and just ate it.

The origin of time is ordinary, how can it be digested so well, but just one bite, Chen Jiu was just spasm. The cramp was pumped there, and it took a long time for the foam to spit out.

"Well, it's really alive, but I like it!" Chen Jiu died without repentance. He pursed his lips after he recovered, and actually ate again.

At this moment, it's better to describe him with super big food, because he fell down and smoked for a bite after eating, and continued to eat after getting up.

The origin of time is even more unlucky. When he encountered such a big food, it took him a few days to eat his belly!

"Well, it tastes good, it's time to find a new source to eat!" Chen Jiu finally touched his stomach, but he was still a little bit interested.

‘咻…’ There was no stop. Chen Jiu broke the void like this and changed a place. He was no longer in Jiulong Jiu, but went directly to the Jiuwu Peak.

"Seeing Your Majesty!" The Dragon Blood Elite saw Chen Jiu quickly salute, but he did not respond, but just gently moved towards the void, and thousands of fragments flew in, directly containing it.

After a long time, Chen Jiu shook his head in disappointment because he did not find the source of the time he needed.

"What is this, such a beautiful place!" The Dragon Blood Elite tried to observe, but could not reach that place anyway, because when they were close, their physical consciousness seemed to be suspended. , The fear of a cold sweat. conAd3 ();

Chen Jiu, even if it is the power of the first time, it will be enough to affect these dragon blood elites!

"Your Majesty is practicing what gods, how can it be so powerful!" Soon after the appearance of Chen Jiu, the dragon blood elites spread.

While the dragon blood elites admired infinitely, these things naturally passed on to the ears of the concubines, which made them helpless. Finally, they felt that Chen Jiu could be saved by the medicine. Super silver women continue to come here, but let them just forgive him, obviously not so simple!

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