Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3403: Amitabha

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"No, you still don't come, don't come ..." The maiden immediately denied her thoughts. She didn't want to be rescued at this moment of extreme crisis.

It is certain that the face will not come up and down, but the maiden can't help but expect something. "What will he do to himself?"

Yes, after all, it is a matter of life. Even though the maiden is not willing, she still has a look and expectation that a woman should have.

Women, it is said that they are born with an idea of ​​being forced into force. This does not seem to be entirely wrong!

The strange man's breath is getting closer and closer, which makes the virgin extremely nervous, but also has an irresistible physical reaction.

"Anan, you are so pretty here, come, don't be shy, let me see ..." Chen Jiu, he is not a complete woman in front of him, but this is enough to make him crazy. Drunk.

Fragrant buttocks and belly, this is a woman's sacred place, but also the ultimate destination of a man's life.

"Don't, don't do this ..." The maiden reluctantly, but she was extremely ashamed to find that she could not resist his guidance.

How could this be? Is he afraid of being discovered by him? The maiden couldn't understand herself, but instead of scolding herself, she honestly found a reason for herself!

"Wow, Asian man, you are really beautiful again, I really love you so much, I will treat you well today!" Chen Jiu, constantly praised, expressing his love without hesitation.

Although I know that the woman he loves is not herself, but the maiden is the protagonist at this time, I can't help but feel that there is some sweetness in my heart!

"Yannan, I want to die for you!" The next move of Chen Jiu made the maiden dumbfounded, and the whole person was stunned.

"What, you kissed me ..." Although the maiden could not see it, she could feel it, thinking that she was a woman who had been tasted like this by a man, and the situation at this time was no less than in her mind. A bomb was dropped enough to make her six gods out of control.

"How stinky this man is, how much do I love that woman, actually doing this kind of thing for her?" Gradually, the first thing the maiden was sober was jealous.

"This ... This is too beautiful, so% style_txt; I have to collapse. I must ..." The maiden could not think anymore soon, and her consciousness returned, it was even more difficult to resist this grace.

"Ah ..." Soon, the screaming of the maiden was utterly impossible.

It seems to be a long time, but it seems that there are not many children. When the consciousness of the maiden returns again, she feels empty in her heart, hoping to truly have a man!

‘啧啧…’ Then, it hurts. The sound of 臊 sounded again, and the maiden felt herself drunk again. Why did this guy come back?

In this way, after repeated tossing and tossing down, Chen Jiu had not yet stopped, but the maiden felt that she could not stand anymore.

‘Come, come to account. Have me! ‘A voice that ca n’t be suppressed in the heart makes the maiden even more ashamed, ca n’t she still be herself?

How could I hope to be occupied by a man if I was pure and clean? Have something to enjoy?

"Yannan, your taste is really different from before, but it's the same delicious!" Chen Jiukuai interceded, and finally said what made the maiden look forward to. "Okay, I can't wait anymore, I want coming!"

‘The smelly man is finally coming, but the whole person will be taken by you again! ’The Virgin ca n’t help but be excited.

At this moment, I forgot shame, shame, and forgot all the bad feelings. The maiden just wanted to get a man, she even smelled the deliciousness of the man, and she was able to eat it in her mouth immediately, but unfortunately, a Buddhist horn Suddenly interrupted it all!

"Amitabha, I would like to invite the donor Chen to come and see!" The Buddha's name was high, and his voice was shaking with great penetrating power. Listening to this voice is the future of Western demons.

"What? Why are you here this time, **** it, what are you doing here, you bastard, please hurry ..." The maiden cursed, and she forgot that she had brought the western demon.

"Sneak thing, I just want to sneak attack. It really ruined my good work. It's really forgiving you!" Chen Jiu was also very angry, because fortunately he was not practicing, otherwise such a strong voice would hurt him. mind.

"Master Chen, I know you're in there, come out and see!" Western demons will continue to shout. This seemingly friendly exchange is really insidious.

"Anan, it seems that I can't enjoy you today, you go back first, and wait for me to solve this bastard, let's continue!" Chen Jiu had to wave his hand and said goodbye to Anan temporarily.

‘咻咻…’ The beautiful sacred place, far away, the maiden was extremely lost and disappointed, and she did n’t even notice how she returned to the Western magician!

"Sir, are you okay, why didn't you talk along the way? I think that Chen Jiuding was afraid of us and didn't dare to appear for a long time!" Outside the mist group, the Western demon would be proud and confident.

"Okay, you don't talk and no one treats you dumb!" The maiden returned to the gods, staring at the western magician with a hate and hate, really hated him.

"Sir, why are you ... I did it all for you, didn't I?" The Western magician was very wronged at once.

"I ..." The maiden was dumb, for some reason she was unable to speak, so she had to persuade: "I hope you can defeat Chen Jiu with a fair, rather than using any small means to win!"

"Is this the bright and righteous one?" The western demon will be calm.

"Well, wait a minute, Chen Jiu should come out soon!" The maiden's lips collapsed, looking at the red mist, and her mood couldn't be more complicated.

‘Boom rumbling…’ Sure enough, soon, Red Mist is harvesting, and Chen Jiu ’s figure appears domineering and profitable!

"Chen Jiu!" Whispered the maiden, she could not imagine that she had almost become his woman just now.

"Magic, it's you again ..." It's a pity, but she doesn't have a good face for the maiden. Chen Jiu now hates the sky. "You bitch. A woman is endless?"

"I ..." Scolded in person, the maiden bowed her head in shame, a little powerless to refute.

"Master Chen, what's the skill of bullying a woman? I called you just now, what's your skill at me!" The Western demon would stand up quite like a man.

"Where did your big-bellied donkey come out?" Chen Jiu glanced at him politely.

"Big-bellied donkey? Chen Jiu, I tell you, I'm a Western magician, ranked fourth in the door, it's not that you can be ashamed. Shame!" Western magician was also anxious on the spot.

"Big-bellied donkey, shame. You are still insulting. Today you dare to come and provoke me. If you don't die, I will pick up a layer of your skin!"

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