Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3408: Self-reliance

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Princess, how can I afford to talk nonsense?" Muer pledged his promise and listened with great anticipation.

"Hey, listen and listen. What drool are you drooling?" After speaking for a while, Wang Yuwen expressed serious dissatisfaction.

"Princess, you've eaten all that delicious, don't you even drool me?" Muer's little girl was also aggrieved.

"Well, I won't tell you any more, this princess still has something to do, and I have no time to take care of you!" Wang Yuwen was so ashamed that he turned away and left.

"Hey, the master is unreliable these years. She ca n’t bear to eat soup even if she eats meat. This hungry still has to be self-reliant!" Muer was resentful, and it was just a little bitch. "Wang Jiaqing is a boy OK, let me be wronged first. Living people ca n’t starve to death! ”

Lin Bu stepped forward, and Muer came to Wang Jiaqing's room. This boy became Wang Yuwen's little follower. He was very diligent and waited for him.

"Mister Mu, why are you here?" Wang Jiaqing kindly called, how dare to offend the red man in front of the master.

"Wang Jiaqing, how do you like me?" Mu'er asked slightly.

"Sister Mu is slender, not to mention closing the moon and shame, at least it must be regarded as a sinking fish and a wild goose!" Of course, Wang Jiaqing would not praise her praise. The woman asked her appearance, which one did not want to get exaggerated?

"It's kind of your vision!" Muer smiled happily after listening.

"Mister Mu, you laugh even more beautifully!" Wang Jiaqing's eyes immediately became a little obsessed, because Muer, as a princess's body and a small girl ring, is naturally comparable to ordinary women.

"Then do you like Sister Mu?" Muer suddenly asked boldly.

"I don't dare ..." Wang Jiaqing still couldn't figure out the other party's intentions. He didn't want to offend her.

"It's okay, you can tell the truth. I don't blame you today!" Mu'er Kaien asked, and Wang Jiaqing quickly admitted his likes.

"Would you like to get me?" Muer continued, and Wang Jiaqing was flattered even more. The pair of servants, just like this, went on and on.

"Mister Mu, can we really do that?" Wang Jiaqing felt like a dreamer, Muer actually proposed to do the kind thing with him.

"Of course, come and let me see you ..." Muer was a little impatient, he just pulled Wang Jiaqing away, but he was disappointed. "Why so small?"

"I ..." As a man, Wang Jiaqing almost didn't succumb to death at the moment, but he still talked about his dignity: "It hasn't grown big!"

"Oh, shall I make it bigger?" Muer smiled mischievously and devoured the past.

"Well, Sister Mu ..." Although Wang Jiaqing wasn't enjoying women for the first time, he was obviously the first time for a woman of this height, a little bit agitated.

"Gee, hey, it's really bad, and it's still so small and the time is so short. How can you let me be full?" Muer complained instantly.

"Sister Mu, I'm sorry, I ..." Wang Jiaqing lost all her self-esteem at the moment, and she didn't enjoy the slightest pleasure of beauty.

"I don't blame you, you blame me!" Muer shook his head, and blamed his face, "I once had a big guy in front of me, but I couldn't cherish it until I lost it There is no way to regret it. The most painful thing in life is this. If God can give me another one, then I hope it will last for 10,000 years! "

"Mister Mu, do you mean your ex boyfriend?" Wang Jiaqing was even more ashamed.

"Of course not. I mean Lord Wang Feng. He is now a princess's man, so I just remember it!" Muer didn't hide anything.

"This ..." Wang Jiaqing was speechless. He didn't even feel jealous now, because the gap was too big!

"Hey, Wang Jiaqing, although you are a little younger, but better than nothing, you have to perform well. If you are satisfied with me, I will use you next time!" Muer is indeed a problem girl, who is this? Looking for a boyfriend, it is clear that I just found a tool.

"Yes, Sister Mu, I must do my best!" Wang Jiaqing, as a man, was willing to be a tool at this time!

"Then you don't hurry up yet!" Mu'er drank, Wang Jiaqing stubbornly fell under Muer's body, willing to be her minister under the skirt.

Love, love, entanglement, entanglement, no matter how muer and **** jiaqing they come, with a big red face, **** yuwen came to Chen Jiu's hall again.

The so-called business must be done, but Wang Yuwen's thoughts and his own purpose are actually very embarrassed!

"If he finds out this time, wouldn't he be so mad?" Wang Yuwen was guilty of being a thief. In fact, she was still worried. She didn't want to lose her body and shame.

"No, he is his boyfriend. It is his obligation to ask himself. Why is he soaring?" Wang Yuwen quickly figured it out, and that was to speed up his steps and walk towards Chen Jiu.

"Chen Jiu, you are mine. The little fox wants to get rid of the grass, but there is no way!" In fact, Wang Yuwen was more suffocating, but she didn't want to lose to the saint.

Chen Jiu is still in the cultivation, and the rolling Xiantiantian is constantly nourishing the avenue. He couldn't think of it. The Wang Yuwen who had eaten once has been upgraded to become a formal girlfriend, and he came to eat him !!

I have played a lot recently, but I haven't been able to formally enjoy a woman, especially the last time, it was almost impossible. Chen Jiu said that it is impossible to regret it.

Regarding Wang Yuwen, Chen Jiu had never even thought about it. In his impression, this is still a rebellious girl and still immature. What he wants most now is the tenderness of Asian men!

"How on earth can we be humanely united?" Chen Jiu was caught in the bottleneck of cultivation, and he still couldn't get out.

"This guy is no wonder that he is so cultivating. He came to him in front of him. He didn't find himself?" Wang Yuwen, who came to Chen Jiu in silence, did not cause any slight fluctuation.

In the world, Wang Yuwen is beautiful and beautiful. Physically, it has a breath with the origin of the whole Xianxiantian. It is no wonder that Chen Jiu won't be awakened because she is actually a kind of original spirit derived from Xianxiantian.

Yes, everything is clear here, Wang Yuwen's body is the original soul, and he is born to be a pure idiot. He is fascinated. This is also the main reason for her and Chen Jiujian inexplicably entangled. And she But the breath also makes the Jiuxiantian Yuanyuan package. Chen Jiu wrapped under it cannot be noticed. All this seems very incredible, but it is also a very reasonable fact!

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