Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3424: Chen Jiu Pass

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Language, are you okay?" Chen Jiu asked Wang Yuwen with concern, but did not get her an effective response. "It looks like she's really fainted, let her rest!"

"Don't leave, don't leave me, husband!" Wang Yuwen, although in an unconsciousness, shouted like a nightmare when Chen Jiu left.

"Language, don't worry, I won't leave you, I will always be with you!" Chen Jiu comforted her, and couldn't help but embrace her in her arms.

"Huh!" Wang Yuwen leaned comfortably against Chen Jiu, and she fell asleep again.

"What? Witch you son-in-law, you are all faint and haven't let go of this man? Aren't you taking that pit and not shit?" Mo Jie couldn't help but wait for two days by herself ?

"Forget it, look at how you were alive. I won't care about you first, I'll wait!" After Mojie cursed, she continued to wait.

In this way, it has been a long time since the two sides were relatively stable. Chen Jiu still has no wish to make a wish. This can't help but make Mo Jie anxious. Will this guy really hang himself on a witch's tree?

"Husband, how long have I been sleeping?" Youyu, Wang Yuwen gradually woke up, which made the desperate Mojie a little desperate. If she came again for two days, she would have to be strangled to death!

"It won't be long, or I'll send you out for a few days to rest. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it here!" Chen Jiu held this fragrant jade body, and it never disappeared below.

"No, husband, I want to stay with you all the time, can't you help me cultivate? Can you go out with me, will I accompany you to practice?" Wang Yuwen hugged Chen Jiu tightly. Already.

"That's it? Yeah!" Chen Jiu thought for a while, but nodded, because when he practiced by himself, it was better to work with Wang Yuwen together to get up to speed quickly.

"Husband, people will know that you are the best!" Wang Yuwen happily rewarded with a sweet kiss, and then coquettishly said, "Good husband, help people put on some clothes. They are so weak that you have no energy!"

"Okay, I'll wear it for you!" Chen Jiu acted without thinking.

"This guy seems to be really distressed by the witch, but he was too cruel just now, isn't it?" 〖〖〖〖『〖, This witch is too stingy!" Mojie looked silently at this warm scene, also Unconsciously immersed in it, with great envy, "Now men are thinking about how to take off our women's clothes, but they are willing to dress us, how many can there be?"

"If you meet one, then you're married!" Mojie was unconscious, and her face was red again. "Why can such a good man not be met by himself?"

"Small man, why haven't you left yet!" When Mojie was about to think, she scolded her and awakened her.

"Ah ..." Mo Jie screamed back to God, but found that Chen Jiu and Wang Yuwen in front of them had already packed up and looked at them, so how can they think of how silvery they were just now!

"Hello, what do you say, what are you talking about at first?" Wang Yuwen was supported by Chen Jiuyi. If not, he seems to have started.

"I ... I ..." Mojie was indifferent, and it wasn't clear for a while.

"Maggie, did you come to admit that I was wrong?" Chen Jiu was not sure, or took the question and asked.

"Admit it?" Mo Jie was a little angry. "Why am I wrong? Why should I admit it!"

"Since you are still so obsessed with it, the Kirin Demon has also retreated. What are you doing here? Could you think that you can really be my opponent by yourself?" Chen Jiu suddenly wondered.

"I ..." Mojie concluded, and she felt that she was despised, especially when Chen Jiu's current eyes made her uncomfortable, and she immediately preached, "Chen Jiu, I came here for you A chance! "

"Give me a chance?" Chen Jiuyi laughed.

"That is, Mojie, in addition to giving my husband a chance to grass you, I really can't think of any chance you can give him?" Wang Yuwen also stunned.

"You ..." Mo Jie really wanted ‘yes’ at the moment, but the dignity in her heart made her arrogant: “Chen Jiu, although you won me several times, it does n’t mean you can always win!”

"In this case, you are still not ready to take a good break? Then you can ask the three bones of the jade bone, what else do you want to do with me?" Chen Jiu said unhappyly.

"I ... I'm here. I came here to give you a chance. If I really invited the three bones of jade bones, then I'm afraid you won't have a chance!" Mojie said angrily: "You're going to follow I admit it, and I might even consider forgiving you! "

"Joke, it has always been you who make troubles unreasonably. Why is my husband wrong? Why should he admit it to you?" Wang Yuwen really couldn't stand it any longer.

"Wang Yuwen, in your opinion, let me invite the three corpses of jade bones? I'm afraid it will not be so simple to admit wrong, your baby man, I'm afraid I don't know if I will live!" Staring at Wang Yuwen, he was threatened with jealousy.

"You ..." Wang Yuwen was annoyed and wanted to curse, but he looked really worried at Chen Jiu.

"Magic, I am Chen Jiutan open and honest, don't have any jade bones and three corpses. It is the Lord of the Demon. I am not wrong and can not recognize it!" Chen Jiu firmly expressed his thoughts.

"Chen Jiu, in this case, you don't want to cherish this opportunity?" Mo Jie stared angrily at Chen Jiu, would a man bow his head and die? Do we have to freeze our relationship?

"Thank you for your kindness and don't give it away!" Chen Jiu directly ordered the guest.

"Okay, then you wait for me!" Mo Jie couldn't keep her face, and after leaving a harsh word, she decided to leave.

"Husband, is there really nothing wrong?" Wang Yuwen was worried again.

"It's okay, the three corpses of jade bones shouldn't be so good to invite. Reappear when you practice with me. I won't know who wins or loses. I'm not afraid of them!" Chen Jiu shook his head and comforted.

"Well, let's get out of that husband!" Wang Yuwen nodded, but made a vague decision!

For a short period of time, Chen Jiu has been in retreat, but it has also set off a huge wave in the entire Sky Demon Gate. The long-known Sky Demon general has been defeated by his men, his invincible name. , Has already spread through the door.

It is a big thing for Wangfeng to go out of the customs. After learning the news, many demon warlords have once again gathered Wangwang, among them those who were defeated by Wang Yuwen!

Head-to-head, these people are naturally knotting and flattering. When Chen Jiu was entertained, he also asked: "Do you know the situation of the three jade bones?"

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