Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3428: Dedicated pick-ups

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Elder, what do you mean? We are just for the disciples to better experience so that they can survive the catastrophe. This is also a huge boost for the strength of our magic gate. Do you want to hinder us?" Many elders are righteous and generous. ~ Vertex Novel,

"Okay, my brother is not a reincarnation year anymore, what ideas do you have, don't I know?" The magic hand does not eat this set at all.

"Old elder, it seems that you have to hinder the development of our magic gate?" Many elders still refused to answer, and a large hat turned back.

"Well, come and pretend to me less. The reason why you want to go to Beast Mountain is that the treasure hunt is fake, maybe the pick-up girl is true?" The magic hand raised his finger and frowned coldly.

"The elder, the beast mountain is full of crises. We don't understand where you say the girl came from?" Many elders were confused, as if they were really innocent.

"Do you want me to make it clear? The maiden of Fei Xian Gong is now in the Beast Mountain, and our Lord has promised long ago that if anyone can reach the woman in Fei Xian Gong, it will be at least one The reward of the Taoist device, and if the maiden is soaked, the reward will be ten times more! "The magic hand was full of annoying sermons.

"Oh, elder, do you let the three corpses of jade bones pass by, shouldn't you just want to make this maiden?" Many elders suddenly realized that they were laughing.

"I don't have the embarrassing minds of you. Their main task there is to experience the experience, and by the way look for a few treasures in the deep!" The hand of the demon hand said with integrity.

"Elder, you are responsible for Beast Mountain, but that is not your personal back garden. We do n’t care about picking up girls or hunting for treasure. They are all for the power of the magic gate. Can't you stop us?" , But asked again.

"Of course, I won't stop you, but I just can't get used to you in front of me, don't you just want to pick up girls? Just say no, you really think those people can?" The devil hand dismissed dismissively. .

"Elder, the most elusive thing in the world is the heart of a woman. If you want to capture a woman, you have to look at her. The jealousy is useless sometimes!" The elders said proudly, No doubt acknowledged his purpose indirectly.

"Funny? I'll be jealous of you? When it comes to picking up girls, which one of you is my master Wang Fengfeng is great?"

"It's Chen Jiu again. I heard that he is entangled with our most beautiful sage and witch every day. It's really some feminine fate!" Speaking of this, the elders can hardly hide their envy.

"Chen Jiu, you have been here for a while, come in!" The demon hand shouted to the door, and saw Chen Jiu walked into the hall respectfully.

"Meet you elders!" Chen Jiu rushed over when called by the elders, and did not expect that all the elders were here, and deeply sweated, these people would not come to the post account?

"No courtesy, Chen Jiu, you really let us look at it!" Unlike the rebuke expected, these elders actually treated Chen Jiu and Yan Yue with color.

"Dare, dare, everything is thanks to the cultivation of the elders!" Chen Jiu modestly responded, looking at the elders with the trend, for some reason.

"Haha, your kid speaks and I love listening!" The magic hand smiled brightly, and the mood was quite good. "Okay, don't be nervous, no one here can touch you!"

"Elder, we didn't want to touch him!" The elders quickly explained.

"Chen Jiu, you must be curious about what I suddenly asked you to come over here?" The hand of the magic hand ignored the elders, but solemnly asked Chen Jiu.

"Please elder elder express!" Chen Jiugong asked.

"Chen Jiu, if I expected it well, you should be pursuing a humane union right now?" The magician preached intimately: "Humanistic unity is very difficult, there is nothing in it, but if there is unity With the help of Dao Shi, you can increase this chance to one percent. In terms of your talents, that is absolutely one hundred percent! "

"He Daoshi, dare to ask the elder, how can I get it?" Chen Jiu was shocked, naturally very urgent.

"Not in a hurry!" The elder shook his head unhurriedly and shook his head again, "Although Ho Dao Stone is precious, it is far less rare than He Shou Stone. If you can get this **** stone, then Shou Yuan will increase dramatically, More time to come together! "

"Elder, I'm still young. I don't need this Heshou Stone. You tell me where it is. I will find it for the elders and help the elders live another ten thousand reincarnation years. I will always be with the Lord!" Immediately became loyal.

"Haha, your kid is really loyal to me!" The magic hand really laughed.

"Elder, don't you dazzle your disciples?" The elders really couldn't stand it and interrupted the magic hand and said, "Chen Jiu, both this apostle stone and a heshou stone are in Beast Mountain. In addition to these two treasures, there is also a beast stone, which is the root of Beast Mountain, and it is also a rare treasure. If you get what you do n’t need, we can exchange it for value! "

"Beast Mountain? I will do my best to complete the task!" Chen Jiu suddenly took it upon himself.

"Chen Jiu, there is a treasure in Beast Mountain. If you can get it, these three kinds of strange stones are nothing at all!" The elder's hand continued to appetite.

"Oh? Are there any treasures more important than the three stones of Hedao Heshou Heshou?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but feel a little moved, unable to imagine what the treasure would be?

"Of course, the maiden of Feixian Palace is now in the beast mountain. If you can get her favor and soak her in your hands, then the reward of the demon is enough to make you endless!" The demon hand did not sell it again. of.

"What? You asked me to go to Beast Hill to pick up girls!" Chen Jiu's eyes widened instantly, some unbelievable.

"Chen Jiu, I also heard that your woman's fate is better, should you have a good set of women? I believe you can do it. Treasures are only second. You must know that the maiden of Feixian Palace is not easy to meet. "The magic hand said with anticipation, no doubt affirming Chen Jiu's thoughts.

"This ... Can I ask why there is a huge reward for being in the Feixian Palace?" Chen Jiu hesitated, and a huge wave was set in his heart. The woman who kept the Lord in mind would be Feixian The palace master? Does this have anything to do with Fei Xianer?

"Chen Jiu, in fact, these things are not what you should ask, but since you asked, then I can also disclose some to you, Lord Lord of the Demon has such a little meaning to the Lord of the Flying Fairy, unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity to approach. So I want our disciples to have a friendly intermarriage first, so that they can be justified, do you understand? "The magician was speaking honestly, but it was not embarrassing at all.

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