Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 6: Mojie

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Chen Jiu, what are you doing? You, Captain, you can't do it to me privately!" The three-shot demon trembled, or rushed to argue for himself.

"Three shots, since you recognize me as the captain, then you must obey my decision. If you do not want to recognize me, then you can leave on your own, I will not stop you!" Chen Jiuling also warned in a loud voice. .

"Okay, everyone is deflated. The three shots are anxious. We are all in the Demon Gate. We must work together to help each other!" The Western magician came out and started a round field, and this was only eased.

"Let's go!" Chen Jiu didn't want to care about it any more, and beckoned to offer Wanhua Jinlian.

"Brother Chen, this is a good baby!" Gan Jiang and Wen Xie were all envious, or they leapt up.

‘咻咻…’ Wanhua Jinlian rotates and grows large. It forms a boat shape, which is divided into a Changhong and flies away.

"Wow, what's that, such a majestic style, that he dared to fly across the Devils Gate ..." This Changhong naturally attracted the attention of many Devils disciples.

"I know, I know, that's the elite in my door, the magic weapon to form a team to go to the treasure hunt in Beast Mountain!" Don't really say, this is really well informed.

"What? Are you a slave to Western Hills, did your master go too?" Someone recognized the speaker and couldn't help but believe it.

"Of course, we western adults are ranked fourth. With such good things, we can't turn others!" The talking slave was very proud.

"Shh, it's the fourth one. All fat oil has been pumped out, so don't blow it!" A round of ridicule came from around.

"You guys ..." The minion was so embarrassed that he seemed very unwilling to shout: "You rarely come to the dog's eyes to see people low, and tell you that it is true that our western magical masters' treasure hunt is true but more important The mission is to pursue the flying fairy maiden. You must know that once the flying fairy maiden has become our woman, the reward of the Lord is enough to make Western adults surpass the elders! "

"Have the maiden of Feixian Palace gone to Beast Mountain?" Many disciples were surprised.

"Otherwise, do you think we Western adults will go out casually?" The slave arrogant again.

"That's the case. I don't know who has passed this trip. Is there Wang Jiufeng master Chen Jiu?" Everyone continued to ask, because Chen Jiu was the most famous in Tian Mo Men.

"This ... should have it!" The slave began to lose confidence.

"It's great, Lord Wang Wangfeng has gone. I'm afraid it's not something you Western demon will do, haha ​​..." Everyone taunted again, still very confident about Chen Jiu.

"I won't tell you ..." Mincai also deeply jealous of Chen Jiu's severeness, and left slumped.

The event was fermented, which was almost a fuse, and it exploded in the sky demon door. In particular, someone finally verified the elders and confirmed the mission of Chen Jiu's trip!

"The Lord Wangfeng vowed to pursue the Flying Fairy, and everyone will wait and see!" Mo Maomao annoyed Chen Jiu did not promise his daughter's marriage on the spot, and deliberately made him a shame, so he arranged it Issues.

Although these things are not Chen Jiu's true intentions, at least he did show great confidence and fighting spirit, so the elders defaulted these words to circulate in the door!

There was nothing at all, this was just a good opportunity for Tian Mo Men to expand its prestige. Everyone naturally expected that Chen Jiu could create a miracle, soak into the real flying fairy maiden, and write a myth that was different from Tian Mo Men.

In the demon palace, the news of the maiden's devil was one step behind. After listening to the little girl's report, she was involuntarily annoyed at the scene and said, "Well, this big color. Wolf, the family has not finished eating, so I ran out so soon Stealing, **** it! "

"Master, what do you mean by that?" The little girls expressed confusion.

"Oh, nothing, don't worry!" Mo Jie's face flushed, and she smiled, "Maybe I should go and see my little sister!"

"Master, don't you always hate her?" The little girls didn't understand.

"No, I like her very much now!" Mo Jie smiled happily, and looked forward to going out.

Wang Wangfeng, Mojie entered smoothly, and saw Wang Yuwen's sleepy eyes!

"Hey, Mojie, you're late. I tell you, Chen Jiu has already left. I'm afraid you can't find grass!" Although Wang Yuwen's tone had eased a lot, there was still a lot of hostility in it.

"Xiao Shimei, I see that you are really a fool, and I will not be like you!" Mo Jie accused shamefully.

"You think, but you can't find such a powerful man!" Wang Yuwen yawned proudly.

"Okay, don't know the grass all day long, you're almost abandoned and don't know, it's really sad!" Mo Jie preached with some glee.

"Who is going to be abandoned, don't you talk nonsense, okay? I don't know how good my relationship with Chen Jiu is!" Wang Yuwen naturally reluctantly refuted.

"Ouch, the relationship is so good? How did Chen Jiu leave you?" Mo Jie Yinyang strangely said.

"He went to the Beast Mountain to find treasure, and went on a mission to carry out a mission. This man still had a career as his priority!" Wang Yuwen said with understanding.

"Wang Yuwen, do you really believe the words of men these years?" Mo Jie then pretended to be good-hearted and said, "For your sake, I'll tell you, Chen Jiu went to Beast Mountain. The treasure hunt is fake, pick up That's true! "

"Just a joke, what kind of girl can be in Beast Mountain?" Wang Yuwen didn't take it for granted at first.

"You must have heard of Mrs. Feixian, she is in Beast Mountain, and at this time it has spread through the door. Can things be fake? "Mo Jie shuddered out in a breath, looking forward to watching Wang Yuwen's wonderful response.

"Mother Feixian, this is impossible!" Wang Yuwen's face turned black, "Chen Jiu, he couldn't hide from me out of the wind. Be happy!"

"If you do n’t believe it, you can go out and inquire about it. Now everyone knows this. I mean, I came here to tell you, hey, I said that such a man ca n’t take it. You just do n’t believe it. But if you are greedy and love that guy ’s big thing, and want to continue to stay as his plaything, be willing to be a puppet. Child bitch, it has nothing to do with me! "Mo Jieyu ridiculed, proud Chang. Quickly left, little witch, I don't believe you are still so anxious, at this moment, can you see that the duck you are flying can't fly?

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