Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 34388: Ducks fly

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Wang Wangfeng and Wang Yuwen silently watched Mo Jie leave, she suddenly grabbed her hair frantically and sulky. 狞 "No, impossible, Chen Jiu could not just use himself as a plaything, he must be I love myself! "

"However, he told himself to go for treasure hunting, but he was going to pursue the maiden style. Merry, those four criteria, he had all of them, what reason for himself to forgive him?" Wang Yuwen was very persevering, but she No reason could be found for her to stay.

"No, you must not be a mean, jealous, and son. You are by no means greedy. You fall in love with his big things. Don't be a woman without shame!" Wang Yuwen, a princess, herself It is also extremely proud of personality.

"Ah, if Chen Jiu dare to treat him like this, then she would never forgive him!" Wang Yuwen was sulking, she suddenly shouted, "Mur, you come in for me!"

"Oh, princess, please call me!" Muer came in with a little timidity, and seemed afraid to face Wang Yuwen.

"Muer, let me ask you, it is said that Chen Jiu went out for a treasure hunt, it is true that picking up girls is true, have you heard?" Wang Yuwen asked with his head and face covered.

"This ... naturally, I heard, Princess, why do you ask this carefully?" Mu'er looked suddenly confused.

"What? Chen Jiu is my man. How can he get out of the wind. The stream is happy, and you still ask me? Are you rusty?" Wang Yuwen complained very dissatisfied.

"The princess is angry, I thought you knew this, so I didn't inform you immediately!" Muer quickly explained in a good voice.

"How could I know this, and if I knew, how could I let him go!" Wang Yuwen's stomach was angry.

"Princess, don't be angry. In fact, Chen Jiu is so powerful that you can't bear him alone. You might as well let him go out. Be happy, and you will come back at that time. What are you worried about?" Disapprove.

"You ... you shut up, what **** logic you have, I really don't have a common language with you!" Wang Yuwen almost jumped up.

"Well, the princess won't let me talk, I won't say it!" Muer was quite funny.

"Hey, let me ask you, is Chen Jiu's thing really true?" Wang Yuwen asked actively.

"It should be true. The elders came out to confirm it, and said that Chen Jiu-nai vowed. At that time, he would marry another one. You don't have to work so hard for the princess!" Muer seemed to feel quite good.

"What? He even vowed to marry another woman, and he didn't see in front of me how he vowed to be good to me!" Wang Yuwen was even more angry.

"Princess, anyway, Chen Jiu has so many wives, and there isn't too many maidens. He doesn't say that maybe he's just afraid of you being angry, so don't care about him, it won't matter when he comes back, let him be more grassy. Let it go! ”Although Muer is a little girl, her 'heart' is quite wide.

"I don't care about the previous things, but in the future, he can't ignore my existence. I'm not his plaything, let alone a puppet. I thought that just scratching me a few times can give me peace of mind. Such a cheap thing? "Wang Yuwen was unwilling and angry.

"Princess, this is already the case, what else do you want to do?" Muer was helpless, not knowing what to say.

"Since Chen Jiu doesn't care about me, then I don't want to care about him anymore. I want to break up with him. I want to make him regret it forever!" Wang Yuwen said more and more.

"Princess, are you really willing?" Muer looked at it enviously, as if he was looking for a ready-made one.

"Muer, I'm going back!" Evil glanced, Wang Yuwen's surprising sermon for the time being.

"Go back? Princess, are you going back to the empire? In fact, there is no comfort in the empire outside!" Muer was surprised, still quite happy.

"I'm leaving alone. You leave here with a message to Chen Jiu, saying that I'm going to get married. If he still cares about me, then let him go to pay for my sins. If he really doesn't care about me, then don't Go disturb me! "Wang Yuwen thought for a moment, and preached cautiously.

"Princess, you still can't bear it, let me just say, there is no woman who can be so willing to be such a big guy like Chen Jiu!" Although Mu'er was a little disappointed and couldn't go back, he couldn't help talking about the rumors.

"You little girl, you talk nonsense and I rip your mouth!" Wang Yuwen yelled, but she wasn't joking at the moment. If you lose love, what's the big thing?

"Princess, leave a message. We can write a letter. You don't need to leave me alone, do you?" Muer was pitiful, and then he begged.

"Observe the order. If you can't wait for Chen Jiu, don't go back!" Wang Yuwen stood up abruptly without leaving his head and left.

"Hey, princess ..." Mu'er looked at Wang Yuwen a little bit reluctantly, but his small face gradually showed a proud smile. "Hey, the tiger is not at home, the fox is called the king, and now they are all gone, so Wang Wangfeng Hasn't it become its own territory? "

"Well, I don't believe that there is a Chen Jiu in the world. I can definitely find my own big thing!" Although Muer people are not big, the ideal is not to be 'small'.

In the Temple of the Holy Virgin, the first foot of Wang Yuwen stepped out of the gate of Heaven, and the news has been received here!

"Haha, that's great. As soon as this little witch left, then Chen Jiu became his own?"

"Master, you and Master Wang Feng ..." The little girls obviously heard something wrong.

"Ahem, I can't stand against him, you go down!" Mojie pretended to be serious, but she couldn't hold back the timid joy in her heart, and she applied a little trick to let the little witch release the duck in her hand. Just one Chen Jiu will have to fall into the palm of his hand sooner or later!

Mo Jie was very happy, but she didn't know that Wang Yuwen also left Muer as the second hand. The two women did not have a fuel-saving lamp.

Doom Stone Forest did not know that his pursuit of the expedition of the maiden had caused such a fierce storm. Chen Jiu is now looking for Doom Stone Fruit with all his heart.

‘Bang bang…’ Unfortunately, Doom Stone Fruit is not easy to find. Too much force will not work, too little force will not work. It took a while, and he did n’t see half a fruit!

"Fuck, if you go on like this, you may return home empty-handed!" Chen Jiu's face is also very difficult to look at. If this is not found, shame is light, and the trip to Beast Mountain will be extremely difficult.

"Can't be so blind, what tricks are there?" Chen Jiu closed his eyes and meditated, and suddenly opened "Yes!"

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