Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3450: Save two girls

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The tenth mountain customs pass, restored calm again. ◎ Vertex Novel,

"Bing Jing, are you okay?" As soon as Chen Jiu left, Yan Shui Junzi naturally had to look at Bing Jing Junzi's face and act, of course, he had to take care of him appropriately.

"Mum. If your face is scratched, you say that everything is okay!" Bingjing Junzi held a tummy of fire. She was angry.

"Bing Jing, we didn't scold others for being ugly and weird!" Yan Shui Junzi they were all very wronged.

"Grass, are you saying that I am on my own?" Bingjing Junzi's face was cloudy and visibly irritated, but resentment, he now dare not call the woman ugly.

"Ouch, it hurts!" Bingjing Junzi touched his face, and the pain in his heart made him not only dare not yell at him now, but also made up his mind to resolutely stop calling women ugly, even if she didn't grow up .Khan, he will not speak again!

In the Tenth Mountain Customs House, a Changhong is advancing rapidly, and there are constant meteor-like attacks landing around it, but it is always impossible to let this Changhong pass, and let it easily pass through it.

"It's so cool, it's so cool, it's so good to pass this level all the time!" Sitting in the lotus boat comfortably, the lonely grass is really smooth. Very fast.

"Lonely brother, if you don't want to abandon, you can stay here forever!" Chen Jiu said in a friendly manner.

"I think, unfortunately, there is still a task at hand, we still have to give the doomsday stone fruit to the spring and autumn boss!" Lonely Cao said with regret.

"If you say so, don't you go to that Shuilian cave to find me a Taoist Stone with me?" Chen Jiu's expression of regret also appeared.

"This ... it's actually possible to go, but our doomsday stone fruit cannot be used!" Lonely Cao thought for a moment and preached.

"Lonely grass, the spring and autumn boss is still waiting for us!" Lonely Tree raised their opinions.

"Let him wait. He wanted Shiguo, but he didn't want to give it to the fairy maiden as a gift. It's so blind for him to use such a good thing!" Lonely Grass complained a little bit. stand up.

"This ... used by pick-ups?" Chen Jiu was surprised. Although she knew that the search for Shiguo was started because of the fairy maiden, she didn't know the specific reason.

"Yeah, Chen Jiu, not only our spring and autumn bosses, but even your three bones of jade bones, and the first Hurricane of Watergate that day, and their great princes, how can these people say that they are one of the best in each palace? But it was a **** who was next to the flying fairy, just to please her. This is not a request from the flying fairy, and a doomstone fruit is needed to be allowed to follow. They made a crazy offer. We are looking for! "Lonely Cao cursed and told the real cause of the incident, but obviously had a lot of opinions.

"A small flying fairy maid is so charming?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be a little surprised, because he didn't have much interest in the flying fairy maiden. He wanted to be close to her just for the flying fairy. Now it seems that this woman is really not simple.

"Chen Jiu, the beauty of the flying fairy is simply indescribable. If you want, we can take you there to experience it!" Blood Axe preached them friendly.

"Of course I do, you don't know. The biggest purpose of our captain's trip is to get to this flying fairy maiden!" The three-gun demon will shout out impatiently.

"This ... Brother Chen Jiu was also ..." Lonely Grass and others were speechless, but after thinking about Chen Jiutian's identity as a general, he was relieved.

"I'm going to Shuilian Cave. This will not affect your schedule, right?" Chen Jiu had no good explanation for this.

"No, no, we ride on Shenzhou. The schedule is very relaxed!" The blood axe shook their heads, but they looked a little weird when they looked at Chen Jiu.

"Well, there seems to be a fight in front. What is going on?" Chen Jiu continued in surprise, leading Shenzhou to the scene of the fight.

‘Roar Roar…’ These are seven **** wolves. They are as tall as prehistoric dragons. They have seven eyes and eight ears on their heads.

Avenues are intertwined, like pillars of the world, but these seven **** wolves can bite off these pillars, which is really extraordinary.

"Brother, what should we do? We can't stand it!" Hua Rong was overwhelmed, and saw that in the middle of the fierce wolf, there were two women and one man, and their avenue was broken, all of them were exhausted.

"Sister, you cover me, let me break through the siege first, attack them from behind, break the cage, and we escape together!" The man yelled and rushed forward fiercely.

"The flowers are blooming ... Liu Feng meets ..." The two women also fight at the same time. They sacrificed their debut tools to cover the man from the left and right, but made him break through successfully and escaped the encirclement of the fierce wolf.

"Sister and sister, take care. I'll ask my brother to come and save you ..." The man had just escaped, but he didn't look back, and disappeared as soon as he disappeared.

"What? Brother Starwood, you ..." The two women were stunned, facing some desperation surrounded by seven **** wolves.

"Liu Yu, I really didn't expect Brother to be such a selfish person. It seems that following him is the biggest mistake in this life!" The two girls regretted remorse, but unfortunately there is no regret medicine in the world to eat, even if they are Understood, there is no way to change the situation today.

'Roar ...' Hell wolves have no humanity, nor do they care about the minds of the two women, nor do they care about their looks. All they want is to eat the tender, beautiful, fragrant, squirting flesh and blood. Body!

"Sin barrier, be restless!" Seeing the beauty is about to destroy the jade, with a loud roar, the lonely grass fell from the sky with blood and blood, just like the help of a god, and he stepped on a **** ferocious wolf.

"Ah, Brother Lonely Grass, aren't we dreaming?" The two women escaped grateful to escape.

"Duo Lan, Liu Yu, are you all right?" Lonely grass looked at it with concern.

"Yeah, be careful!" The woman wanted to say, but suddenly she screamed again, and the two fierce wolves pounced on the lonely grass like bloodthirsty.

'Boom boom ...' The fierce wolves are fierce, but unfortunately, some people are fiercer than them. I saw that with the appearance of a Shenzhou, it hit the fierce wolf and then came down a few figures. This group of fierce wolves was solved.

"Chen Jiu, the blood axe, it's you ..." After seeing the figures, the two women couldn't help showing some shame.

"Duo Lan, Liu Yu, I already know what you are. If you don't want to abandon, you can go with us!" Chen Jiu sent out an invitation, and did not take responsibility for some scum in the sky wooden door. Two women.

"Well, thank you, Chen Jiu!" Duo Lan and Liu Yu naturally nodded heavily and boarded Chen Jiu's warship without hesitation.

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