Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3455: Finally know

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Brother Jiumu, Brother Snake, you have to calm down, don't you call other bodies, okay?" Chen Jiu laughed, and immediately changed his attitude. "Actually, I didn't mean to hit you ..."

‘Hiss…’ No matter how Chen Jiu pleased him, the nine-eyed and three-crossed snakes were inaudible, and the two images in the void became more and more solid.

At the same time, a huge air machine was born on Jiu Mu San Jiao Snake, which was enough to make Chen Jiu tremble and dread!

"No, this guy doesn't understand people at all, can't wait any longer, it's only up to you, Doom Stone Fruit!" Chen Jiu still took out a stone fruit after all, although this thing is not Less, but if he can not use it, he still doesn't want to use it, and it looks like something will happen.

‘Zi! ‘Sure enough, after seeing the doomsday stone fruit, the nine snake eyes of the nine-eyed and three-crossed snakes flew straight, all full of greed, greed, and thirst.

"Nine eyes, there is only one stone fruit. Stop calling immediately, otherwise you won't be able to eat it if you don't know!" Chen Jiu reminded, but just threw the stone fruit into the air gently.

'hiss! ‘Jiumu Sanjiao snake broke through the **** of Jiuxue Ice Crystal successfully by a powerful air machine. It opened its mouth and suddenly swallowed the bright red stone fruit into its belly.

‘Mum! ’Although Shiguo is very small, the sound from Jiumu Sanjiao Snake is very loud, so we can see how it ’s solved.

"Fortunately, this guy is selfish enough. It is still important for him to steal the apostle!" While Jiumu Sanjiao snake gave up the call and enjoyed the delicious food, Chen Jiu took the opportunity to pounce on the abounding apostle.

There is a stone pond deep in Shifu. In the center of the stone pond, there are many cylindrical, stalagmite-like stones, and the magnificent avenue **** light is exactly what they release.

There is no doubt that these stalagmite-like stones must be the legendary supreme Baohe Tao stones. Chen Jiu saw the hunting heart and went directly to the largest one!

'Snapped! ’Things didn't go as smoothly as expected, just as Chen Jiu was about to succeed, a snake tail swept over, beating him away.

"You ... your ungrateful thing, did you forget that I gave you a stone fruit?" Chen Jiu scolded and naturally dissatisfied with Jiu Mu San Jiao Snake.

‘Hiss…’ The nine-eyed, three-crossed snake was hostile to Chen Jiu, without any compromise.

"Did you find me? Did you forget how I had you?" Chen Jiu threatened, but it was useless.

'hiss! ’Not only that, the Jiumu Sanjiao snake attacked him without fear, and it looked like he was going to die with him.

"Asshole, long bugs are trying to die!" Chen Jiu was angry, with serious consequences. Under his might, it was a good mammoth to catch the Jiumu Sanjiao snake.

It's a pity that I was very enjoyable, but I stopped by cuddling him. It wasn't that he was distressed by the Sanjiao snake, but he couldn't stop, because two ghosts appeared on both sides of him again!

"Brother Jiumu, don't be angry, look at what this is?" There was no way, Chen Jiu had to take out a doomstone fruit again to dispel Jiumu Sanjiao snake.

Really don't say, this doomsday stone fruit really makes Jiumu and Sanjiao. It doesn't matter. At first glance, this thing has no temper, only care for gluttony!

"Good opportunity!" Waiting for the opportunity, just as Chen Jiu hugged the central abbey stone, and when it was about to be accomplished, a snake tail flew him away again.

"This ... I don't believe in evil anymore!" Chen Jiu was also excited, continued to feed the snake, and then fed, and finally took the opportunity to steal the apostle. The plan was perfect, but it never succeeded. !!

"Dammit, wouldn't it be enough to feed it and get no Tao Shi, wouldn't there be a chance?" If so, Chen Jiu couldn't help but lose his confidence.

"No, the Jiumu Sanjiao snake has three bodies, and the other two bodies should be in the past and future Dongfu. Once waiting for the other two teams to arrive there, then the three bodies will be attacked at the same time, and you must take care of yourself!" Chen Jiu soon turned to laugh again.

"Uh, if they can bear the doomsday stone fruit, then they can be foolproof, otherwise they will really anxious the nine heads and three crosses. Once they fit, then I am afraid that everyone will finish playing!" , But that's it, he can only wait for an opportunity.

In the dim past, Shifu, Lonely Grass came one step behind, but finally broke in, and they faced the nine-eyed and three-crossed snakes. They were also particularly afraid at first, but they only had to fight for the Tao Stone. !!

'Boom and rump ...' The nine crosses are too powerful. Although there are many lonely grasses, they are still not opponents. They will be beaten up in a short time. If it is not Chen Jiu who is here to restrain, let the snake body be short The reason for the pause has long been untenable.

On the other side, in the future Shifu, the situation of the blood axe is roughly the same. It is difficult to cope with the nine-eyed and three-crossed snakes.

"Ah, be careful ..." In the past and future in Shifu, when Lonely Grass was facing a life-and-death crisis again, Jiumu Sanjiao Snake suddenly stopped, Jiumu became apathetic, and his body became psychedelic.

"What's going on?" At the beginning, they didn't understand the underlying reason, but gradually they also guessed the real reason. "Mr. Chen Jiu is also fighting the Jiumu Sanjiao snake, causing it to merge." ? "

"No, if that's the case, then you have to stop this from happening, otherwise you don't need to say him, and we all have nowhere to bury!" Blood Axe They fully understand the horror of the nine heads and three crosses, and right away His face turned pale.

But one thing they still don't understand is that the Jiumu Sanjiao snake had this state several times just now, but then it returned to normal?

"If I used Doom Stone Fruit, would you blame me?" Doom Stone Fruit is not a personal matter. Lone Grass and Blood Axe they must ask the team members for their consent.

"Captain, if the situation is not used at the moment, then we are probably dead, but if it is used, how can we meet the boss?" Although the lonely tree and the mad fork belong to the two sides of the cave, their concerns at this time are all It's all the same.

"Stone fruit can be found again, and there is only one life. You must use it quickly. I begged Chen Jiu to give you one more!" Both Mao Feiji and Wen Xie were both worried about Chen Jiu.

"This ..." Still hesitant, but no matter what, the lonely grass and the blood axe are finally getting rid of it, not to mention Chen Jiu's busy work there, Shi Guo spent one after another, etc. Isn't this the chance?

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