Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3458: Gift making friends

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"Bronze hammer, blood axe, if I didn't guess wrong, you should feed the last-day stone fruit to Jiumu Sanji, just now?" Chen Jiu didn't rush to refute, but asked first. △ ¢ Vertex Novel,

"This ..." Blood Axe could not help but show their embarrassed expression, but did not deny it.

"Blood axe, in fact, if you did n’t feed the doomstone fruit, making the nine-eyed, three-crossed snakes greedy. I gave up the fit eagerly and selfishly, then I would never have the chance to kill them, so this credit also has you For the sake of you, these holy stones are also the reward you deserve! "Chen Jiu went on to persuade carefully.

"That's the case, brother Blood Axe, let's stop being polite with Brother Jiu!" Wen Xie persuaded them after listening.

"Although Hedao Stone is a good thing, these fears are not enough to make a difference to the great prince!" Copper Hammer Although they are looking forward to the Hedao Stone in front of them, their performance is still not optimistic.

In the future Shifu, there are also some Taoist stones in the central stone pond, but the number and size are also not comparable to those collected by Chen Jiu. At this time, he smiled and said, "Isn't that the end of the day, I will give you one. Just one, man, don't frown! "

"What? You give us doomstone fruit ..." Crazy Fork once again shocked them: "If you can really give us a doomstone fruit, we will not take any of these apostles!"

"That won't work!" But Chen Jiu shook his head and became dissatisfied.

"Brother Chen, what else do you have, although it's just open!" Although they thought that Chen Jiu had some looting in the fire, they agreed with a blood axe.

"I want you to divide these meditation stones equally, otherwise I won't give away the stone fruit!" Chen Jiu preached harshly.

"This ..." Blood Axe they were all ashamed and grateful, because they had clearly misunderstood Chen Jiu's meaning just now.

"Shi Guo first gives you, and quickly divides the Daodao Stone, and we go out together!" Chen Jiu then urged and reminded: "If other people also come to share, then it will not be your turn!"

"Ah, okay, okay ..." Blood ax took the stone fruit, which is equivalent to eating a reassurance pill, never hesitating again, and together with Wenxie they divided the apostolic stone in the house.

There were 16 shining stones, five were divided into three small pieces by each of them, leaving the largest one, which was handed over to Chen Jiu.

However, Chen Jiu took it down, but when he just put it in his pocket, the three guns, the West, the unicorn, and the lone grass all came together.

"How is it? Everyone is okay? I can't imagine this time encountering the legendary Jiumu Sanjiao snake. It's a miracle that everyone can live!" The unicorn demon looked at everyone with concern, but his eyes were Somewhat surprised.

"Brother Chen, these combined stones ..." Lonely Grass handed out a jade bottle for the first time, and Chen Jiu intended to give each other, but could they not be grateful?

"Well, these things are what you deserve. If you didn't give up the doomstone fruit, how could I kill Jiumu Sanjiao snake!" Chen Jiu had to persuade again.

"Brother Chen, we are also for our own ..." Lonely Grass was ashamed.

"Lonely grass, otherwise, I'll take the largest one of the Daodao Stones, and you accept the others, and I will give you a doomstone stone fruit. Is this all a joy?" Chen Jiu is also a mother-in-law, directly Gave an opinion.

"Brother Chen, would you like to give us the doomsday stone fruit?" Lonely grass and others stared. This was something that they could not refuse, because they were worried that Shiguo would go back and make a business.

"So, what did I say a long time ago, I will ask the captain to send you one, you still don't believe it!" Mao Fei proudly set off the gun, if Chen Jiu took the initiative to say it, she really wouldn't Sorry to open this mouth.

"Of course, this is the doomsday stone fruit, you take it first!" Chen Jiu said that he could take out a stone fruit and hand it out on the spot.

"Brother Chen, thank you, not only did you save us, but you also gave such a great gift, I am afraid that I will not be able to repay your kindness in this life!" Lonely grass is also a temperament man, and it is really grateful to cry at this moment Orbit.

"It is also necessary for friends to help each other. Today you have also helped me a lot. I naturally cannot treat you!" Chen Jiu shoved Shi Guo into the hands of Lonely Grass, and then took a look at the jade bottle. This It contained 90% of the Dao Stones from Shifu in the past.

Hey, with a sigh in his heart, Chen Jiuhuan decided to make a friend of Lonely Grass. He poured out the Daodao Stone, and then took away the largest one of them to preach: "The rest of you will be divided. ! "

"Brother Chen, you really give us a share ..." Lonely Cloud, Dolan, and a few women smiled like flowers. They didn't want to divide these apostles, but they couldn't be so greedy and greedy.

"The captain said it's for you, it's for you, don't be so flamboyant. Eyes!" Mao Fei preached with anger.

"How can I ..." The women all blushed, but they still couldn't help secretly glancing at Chen Jiu, and there was an inexplicable taste in their hearts.

"Haha, the captain is indeed the one who made my sage and the witch love at the same time. It took me a lot of effort to get fascinated. There are a few beautiful Tianjiao girls, and the captain's style is really no one before, no one after!" The devil will compliment with envy.

"That's natural. You should know that our captain killed the Jiumu Sanjiao snake, shouldn't they be admired by the beautiful women?" Wen Xie, they rarely sang the three shots against them.

"Yes, Captain Shenwei is unparalleled. This time, I will be able to win the fairy maiden and promote my prestige of the Heavenly Demon Gate!" The Qilin Demon will be attached to the drinking room, but there is something in the heart. The feat is really good fortune. I don't believe you will always be so lucky. At least the maiden of the fairy is not what you can pursue. You just have to wait for a gray nose.

"With this amalgam stone, I really want to hurry up and practice, but the timing is really wrong, let's go back to life quickly!" Lonely grass they finished the baby, they were all satisfied.

"Well, I don't know where your master and the flying sage are?" Chen Jiu also showed an urgent thought.

"They are waiting for us at the 30th level. The next journey will be even more dangerous. Brother Chen, I suggest that you still don't take the Shenzhou. This is too laborious and not worth the money!" Lonely Grass explained the strong suggestion.

"What are you afraid of? Our captain is incomparable in magic power, and she can easily find the flying fairy maiden in Shenzhou. At that time, she must make her stand out!" Western demon will put forward different opinions, and then look at how Chen Jiu chooses Is it?

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