Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3461: invincible position

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

With a rough face and a tall and sturdy body, he saw that the son had to target Chen Jiu, which made Mao Fei's legs extremely worried.

Is Hurricane Junko going to shoot? That ’s great. The smelly kid is driving you crazy. This is how you die, unlike Mao Feiji and others who are worried. Kirin flattered them to Chen Jiu. Actually, I wish he could die quickly!

"No, I can still clean up a little devil!" Unfortunately, Xiang ruler boy was extremely proud and rejected the goodwill of Hurricane Junko.

‘Boom Boom ...’ Chen Jiu was still overwhelmed by the rapid attacks, and he was frequently hit hard.

"Sure enough, I grew up eating shit. This power is not as good as a woman!" Although Chen Jiu was suppressed, she didn't mean to be subdued.

"Devil, since you are trying to kill yourself, then I can't save you!" Xiang ruler boy Qi Qi, immediately offered a very thin long needle.

The cold light is faint, and once this needle appears, everyone feels like a thorn in the heart, it seems that it may be penetrated by it at any time, terrible!

"No, don't fight again, boy Xiang Xiang, if Mu Yuchun robs Wen Xie of their doomsday stone fruit first, our captain won't take any lessons!" Mao Fei legs shouted anxiously.

"Huh!" Unfortunately, Xiang ruler boy did not show any sympathy, and stabbed Chen Jiu directly.

‘Porm! ’At this moment, the world seemed to turn into a balloon, and this needle pierced the balloon unceasingly, reaching Chen Jiu's body, making him unable to escape at all.

"Break!" Xiang ruler yelled, and with his yell, the whole world balloon burst, and a powerful force of heaven and earth ripped apart, and all life would collapse with it!

"Ah! Brother Jade Bone and Brother Three Corpses, for the sake of the same door, you quickly rescue the captain, he did nothing wrong!" Heartache was as tangled, and Fei Fei could not help but pleaded with the other two figures. .

The three bones of the jade bone are two of them, which are one of the best in the Demon Gate.

Cold and ruthless, the two men stood there, a cold stone-like person and a dead body like a dead body. They had no humanity at all except for their personal appearance. At this time, they were indifferent to Mao Qiut's petition. Glanced at him and said, "There is no need to survive!"

"A wonderful embroidery needle, I take back what I said just now, Xiang ruler boy, you are a woman!" Just when everyone thought Chen Jiu was bound to die, his wild words suddenly conveyed from the cracked space.

"What? Hit my shattered needle, can you still live?" Xiang ruler can't help but be shocked, because with his speed to cooperate with this shattered needle, almost no one can stop it His blow.

"That's Wanhua Jinlian, the demon of Elder Demon Gate. He actually got it?" Hurricane Junko's sharp eyes, the first glance was through Chen Jiu's body relic.

"The elder gave it to him?" The jade bone corpse trembled a little.

"It turned out that Wanhua Jinlian let you escape by chance, but don't you think that you can protect you by relying only on it?" As the ruler boy talked, a avenue emerged slightly under his feet. Foreign objects can be crushed.

"Tianmu is the first to eat the **** boy. There are three great things to do, destroy the magic needle, close to the avenue, Tianxin ruler, don't hide it, use it all!" Although Chen Jiu did not know the Xiang ruler boy, I also know it. What's the first, since he's already hostile, he doesn't mind playing against him.

"Since you know me, I really don't know how can you still have the courage to laugh?" Xiang ruler boy chuckled, his feet suddenly shocked slightly.

'boom! ‘The avenue is far away from the body, and its power is endless. It ’s incredibly fast. It ’s the condensation of heaven and earth ’s mighty power.

"Happy Avenue!" Chen Jiu was wrapped in a fiery red envelope. Although he was afraid of the speed of the Xiang ruler boy, but in the case of constant response, it was not easy for the other party to hurt him.

Sure enough, under a fiery red, although the Xiangchi Avenue was crushing hard, in a short time, it would not hurt Chen Jiu at all.

"A triumphant avenue, how can I fight my heart to eat my heart!" Xiang ruler boy looked annoyed, a magical beast turned out on the avenue.

It ’s not magical to say that it ’s magic, because it ’s too fast. If you move at will, it will bring the afterglow of time and space, so that people ca n’t see its true face at all, and can only see it roughly. It is particularly huge with 狰. 狰!

‘Oh! ‘A tweet, the joyful phoenix flew out of stress, and rushed towards the heart-eater, close to it, to have a new battle with it.

‘Bang bang…’ Unfortunately, the speed of Heart Eater is too fast. Happy Phoenix cannot attack it at all, and can only be passively beaten.

'bake! 'Huofeng naturally is not easy to mess with. After a few blows, the whole body ignites an inexplicable flame. As soon as this attack is attacked, it will stick to the body of the heart-eater, so that it will also end. It's a special fear.

In this way, although it seems to have the upper hand, but the heart-eating beast attacks are less and less, but the happy phoenix is ​​becoming more and more comfortable. Xiangchi boy wants to defeat Chen Jiu by it, it is no longer possible!

"It's a good demon warrior who can persist until such a time ..." Seeing that Chen Jiu was invincible, he was always invincible, which made Wang Geji look stunning.

"Brother Chen Jiu's ability is far more than that. You have to know that he even killed Jiumu Sanjiao snake. It is difficult for the first boy of Tianmu to defeat him!" Blood axe, they got a lot of benefits from Chen Jiu. Naturally, he had to say something nice to him.

"What? He was able to kill Jiumu Sanjiao the fierce snake. It seems that I underestimated him ..." At the same time, the lonely Spring and Autumn on the other side was also shocked.

"Xiangzhi boy, don't you eat **** today, or should I borrow some of your unicorn **** to eat and eat?" At the time of the battle, Chen Jiu still did not forget to make a tease, it really made Xiangxiang boy angry. . Red, Qiqiao smoke.

"You ..." The boy Xiang Xiang really wanted to kill Chen Jiu immediately. He had planned to obliterate him without talking nonsense to him, but the strength of the other party exceeded his estimation, so he had to act cautiously. !!

Tianxin ruler, that's the biggest killer of Xiang ruler boy. Nowadays, the top players in all forces are here. He doesn't want to show up. He reveals too many cards, so this is tolerated.

"What a arrogant demons, Xiang ruler boy, I won't stop you now, right?" Hurricane Junko suddenly couldn't help it, and didn't wait for Xiang ruler to agree, it was just shot!

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