Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3464: Flying fairy

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Ah, Captain, are you okay, it's so good, God bless!" As soon as Feifei Tiannv left, Kirin came to Chen Jiu and cared, Yang Fengyin violated.

Why are you still dead? Isn't that Fei Feitian blind? I don't want to see you as a fool?

"It's okay, it doesn't matter, just because they want to kill me, how is that possible? But my son even killed Jiumu Sanjiao snake, what are they?" Chen Jiuli immediately became arrogant.

"Huh, little devil, this time you count your life. We don't care about you for the sake of Heavenly Daughter, but you'd better hold the Heavenly Daughter's big legs at all times, otherwise you should be careful not to lose your life!" Threatened with the gritted teeth that can't see the eye.

"That's natural. Don't hide the two from saying that this time I came here to cling to the big legs of the flying fairy maiden!" Chen Jiu yearned with longing, and he was not ashamed.

"You ... you, the silver demon, have us in your dreams to get involved with the flying fairy maiden!" The hurricane and the hurricane immediately stopped.

"I can't get my fingers dirty, that's not what you have to say. That's because the Flying Fairy Lady has said it!" Chen Jiu said in disapproval.

"Don't be proud of the little devil. If you want to follow the saint, you must have a stone fruit. Do you have it?" I don't like the expression of Chen Jiu, and they immediately attacked again.

"Yes, of course there is, how much is this son-in-law here!" Chen Jiu patted his breast, but it looked like he was talking loudly.

"Joke, what is Shiguo, you can have as many as you want, just blow it here alone, too lazy to care about you!" And hurricane, scorned.

"Ignore me, this boy is still unwilling to ignore you, two wastes!" Chen Jiu politely scolded them again.

"Shut up, Chen Jiu, the elder can give Wanhua Golden Lotus to you, that's important to you, don't you know that the sky is thick and self-determined!" The three bones of the jade bone suddenly learned to Chen Jiu.

"Let me shut up? What kind of onion are you? When I was pressed by them, why didn't I see you farting?" Chen Jiu raised an eyebrow and pointed at the three bones of the jade. You can't help your teacher and brother in your early days. Now you have to help outsiders to suppress me. The face of our demons is really lost by you! "

"What? You don't know what to do!" The jade bones of three corpses leaped sharply, and their faces were very displeased.

"I don't know if it's okay or you're too irritated. I think it's up to you. It's hard to shock me. If it doesn't work, you should make way for me as soon as possible!" Chen Jiuda said directly and provoked Jade Three corpse.

"Chen Jiu, don't think that you have killed a Jiumu Sanjiao snake by chance, then you can see everything. If you go on like this, it will be a very dangerous behavior!" The jade bone three corpses educated again.

"I'm not in danger. You don't seem to be helping me, so why bother with good intentions here?" Chen Jiu didn't appreciate it at all.

"Unreasonable!" Three bones and three corpses shook their heads unbearably, and went straight on.

"Counseling, fortunately, my son is here. Otherwise, wouldn't I have to be suppressed by others?" Chen Jiu pointed at the back of the two people, and was very dissatisfied.

"Captain ..." Mao Fei's legs and others were speechless. This guy is too arrogant. You know that he lost a lot just now!

"Flying legs, you say they are garbage or waste. Can they be compared with this boy?" Chen Jiuzhang was so mad that he couldn't find the North.

"Captain, let's talk about becoming a follower of Fei Xiannv first!" Mao Feiji reminded them that they were unwilling to attack Chen Jiu.

"You can rest assured that tomorrow, when the flying fairy maiden appears, I will definitely become her first follower!" Chen Jiu said with confidence.

"Brother Chen Jiu, you haven't thought of us like this at all?" Lonely spring and autumn half came jokingly.

"How come? By then I'm the first, you're the second ..." Chen Jiu smiled at Wang Geji with a smile: "He's the third, isn't this just right?"

"Chen Jiu, although you saved them with the blood axe, but you put me in third place, this is not possible!" Wang Geji immediately shook his head.

"Big prince, it's good for you to be the third. Otherwise, there is a handsome and handsome first son like me. Where does the fairy maiden need your followers?" Chen Jiu began to be intoxicated again.

"Ah ..." Regarding Chen Jiu's narcissism, Wang Geji reluctantly shook his head and stopped talking.

"Brother, let's go too!" Xingmu Tongzi whispered, Mu Wantong still looked at Dolan Lan with questions in his face.

"Don't you believe them, you rotten wood?" Chen Jiu couldn't see the past.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" The boy Mu Jun looked at Chen Jiu's face and asked.

"Duo Lan, explain it to you, believe or not!" Chen Jiu ordered, and Duo Lan began to explain.

"Brother, this is the case. Xingmu, for his own sake, completely disregards our safety. Please forgive us that we can no longer follow him!" Duo Lan finally looked sad and hopeless.

"Xingmu, is that so?" Mu Shien stared at Xingmu sternly after listening.

"I ... I'm all here to send Shi Guo to my brother, I really don't do it for myself!" Xingmu knew that he could not argue, and had to find another reason to excuse himself.

"None. Shame!" Mu Wan was furious, and Xiamu boy flew out in one palm. "Go away, don't let me see you again!"

"Brother, you ..." Duo Lan and Liu Yu were also very surprised.

"Sorry, Taolan Liuyu, Xingmu is a scum, almost harming you. As a brother, I have an irresistible responsibility, and I apologize to you here!" The two girls bowed, "I don't expect you to forgive your brother, but I ask you not to leave the door easily, because this is their personal fault, not the responsibility of the martial arts!"

"This ... Brother Chen, we ..." Touched by Doulan and Liu Yu, some were unsure.

"Although this rotten wooden cricket is a bit silly, anyway, it's reasonable, you can continue to follow him, but don't trust other people easily!" Chen Jiu gave a suggestion.

"Thank you!" Under the gratitude of Mu Wan, the two girls also came behind him silently. After all, they are a friendship, and it is more suitable to stay together.

After finishing all the things, Chen Jiu settled in His Excellency Neon, a day passed by. One day in the morning, the petals fluttered in the sky, and the nine-day fairies fluttered. Will the flying fairy finally appear?

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