Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3471: Kill all

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Heart ruler, sorrowful heart!" Because of the tragic death of the heart-eater, the boy suddenly became mad with red eyes. Otherwise, would he use his biggest killing trick?

‘咻…’ Waiting for everyone, I saw the translucent ruler in front of Xiang's eyebrow, and suddenly it flashed, and then something terrible happened.

'puff! ‘It ’s not loud, but it ’s extremely shocking, because the black wind old demon standing in front of the ruler has turned into blood and mud with no sign, and it has been wiped out.

"Hmm ..." Then, I saw Xiang ruler screaming and drinking, and the black wind old demon was beaten into blood mud by him, and the invincible style was no doubt.

"My grass, such a metamorphosis, wouldn't he be able to destroy all of the black wind old demon alone?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but marvel at his speech, and his back became cold.

"A huge attack naturally requires an unimaginable price. If you look at the ruler carefully, you can't hold it a few times!" Lonely Spring and Autumn reminded him kindly.

As a matter of fact, Xiang ruler killed ten Heifeng Lao Yao in a row, and when they were deterred, Tianxin ruler of the eyebrows disappeared.

"Let's go!" Taking advantage of this gap, the boy of Xiangchi did not dare to fight in war, and decisively escaped. "Dear friends, it depends on you!"

"No problem, Xiang ruler, you have to rest for a while!" The hurricane took over the task as they refused. "We rushed in, and we can't let this group of black wind old monsters unite!"

"Okay, kill ..." Jade Bone had no choice, because at this time there was only hope when they rushed into the Heifeng Lao Yao group and broke them all.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ again, the chaos was more fierce and brutal than it was just now, but the effect was relatively significant. The black wind old demon with a head was constantly killed by the jade bone.

‘桀…’ Seeing that there are fewer and fewer companions, the Heifeng Lao Yao is even more frantic. They inhaled the blood of the companions, the black hairs stood up, and the combat effectiveness increased by as much as 50%!

"Ah ..." Mu Wan screamed, his avenue defense was broken, and a black wind old demon bit his leg fiercely.

"Broken!" The strong man broke his wrist. In order to prevent it from being swallowed, Mu Hung severed his thigh for the first time and took the opportunity to shoot out.

"Muteng, come back with Xiang ruler!" Fei Xian Sheng frowned, still caring about these followers.

"Thank you maiden!" In fact, the two had already lost their strength. At this time, they were reluctant to go back to rest. They were ordered to go back with a sigh of relief, except that Xiang Jiu saw Chen Jiu, who was too busy here. , That's not pleasing to the eye.

"Hey, haven't you seen a handsome guy?" Chen Jiu was looked at by a ruler, and he couldn't help but reply.

"Aren't you terrific, you have the ability to kill a few Heifeng Laoyao!" Xiang ruled dissatisfiedly.

"No, I'm going to protect the maiden personally. As for the rough work, you ordinary entourages will do it. You must know that I am the first entourage!" Chen Jiuqi said deadly.

"You ..." Stared, Xiang ruler flushed with anger and had nothing to say.

"Look at it, the hurricane has been forced!" With Wang Ge's words, everyone naturally looked at Hurricane Junko, and at this time dozens of black wind old monsters besieged him, and even the ferocious beasts were divided. It's extremely dangerous.

"Doom rain!" The hurricane shouted loudly, and the whole Guanghua shot directly into the sky, ‘Zizi ...’ This light is not the other light, these Guanghua have condensed and turned into small drops of water.

But don't look down on these small water droplets, they are sparsely dripping on the body of the surrounding black wind old demon, so that their ends are as badly hurt as they are.

‘桀桀…’ Dozens of black wind old monsters fell to the ground, constantly rolling, and no longer had the ability to attack.

"Kill!" The jade bone demon will appear suddenly, it is the old demon harvester, and easily kills these black wind old demon without attack power.

"Well done, hurricane, can we have another wave?" Jade asked cheerfully to the hurricane.

"No, it's up to you!" He shook his head pale, and it was obvious that the killings had a great impact on the hurricane.

"This ... there seems to be a little more left!" Jade bone frowned, and everyone had killed a lot, but there were too many black wind old demon, and there were still as many as sixty at this time.

Of course, this can't be said that these Tianjiao people are not great. You must know that whenever the black wind old demon appears, it is a huge disaster. Now they can kill forty heads, which is also a big event!

"It seems that you need to move some authenticity!" The three corpses frowned suddenly, "Three corpses killed, three corpses killed!"

‘Boom rumbling ...’ The avenue is divided, the human body is separated, and the three corpses finally use their biggest killing tricks to become three people with one person. The attack power has more than tripled?

"Kill ..." In the shocking eyes of the crowd, the Trinity, the three corpses aimed at one of the black wind old demon, struck together with the power of the three, and blasted it out suddenly.

'Boom boom ...' Next, there was another feast of harvesting life. One black wind old demon died tragically under the hands of the three corpses, and as many as twenty were reached in a short while, which made everyone unable to help him. More awe, the name of the three corpses really deserves its name.

"Bone Snake Romance!" The Jade Bone Demon will also be attacked at the same time. He is not as strong as the three corpses. One blow in one form, but in the Bone Snake Romance, a few blows can also kill a black wind old demon. Very powerful.

After a fierce battle, sixty black wind old monsters were killed and injured more than half, and only thirty were left. At this time, the jade bones of three corpses were panting and obviously very tired.

"They have done their best!" The sigh of the flying fairy sighed, the prince of the great prince Ge and lonely spring and autumn stood out at the same time. "Relax, rest assured, leave it to us!"

"Well, trouble you!" The flying fairy nodded to the two, but frowned and looked deeper into the cave, where the black wind demon king that existed was the one that she most feared.

"The immortal king means ... loneliness and old age!" Without hiding, Wang Geji and Lonely Spring and Autumn came up with their own powerful killing tricks. One was to express themselves, and the other was to not want to waste time.

'噗噗 ...' The immortal king refers to the Supreme Extreme, which is simply the judgment of the creation god, one finger to one, and the loneliness and the mystery of time, even if the black wind old demon is eroded by it, it is also rapid. Decline and die.

Dead after head, and head on, like this, the thirty black wind old demon must have been killed by the two, but at this time the Xiang ruler's eyes flashed, but there was some evil intention!

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