Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3481: Dove

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Coincidentally, you can speak directly if you have something!" Feifei, Meimei, and Lengfei naturally all paid attention to Qiaoqiao, and wanted to hear what she was going to say?

"Sisters, we have no experience with men. Although it is harder to get colder, no one knows what is wrong with this man. It is difficult to guarantee that he will not break through her defense!" Sermon without worry.

"Coincidentally, you look down on me too much. This Jiu Jiu can't wait to pick up his skin. How could he give him a chance to break through my line of defense!" Cold cooling was sneered and could not agree.

"Although that's true, isn't there a word circulating in the world? There is as much love as hate? It's difficult to distinguish between hate and love, especially those of us seniors, most of them follow the opposite Together, can't this explain something? "Qiaoqiao solemnly analyzed.

"Uh, that makes sense, too!" Feifei nodded in approval.

"That coincidence, in your opinion, shall we stay away from him?" Mei Mei asked uncertainly.

"No ... we ca n’t stay away from him. We still have to look at him. Since ancient times, our seniors had relationships with men. Most of them were when they were alone. So we must guard this man and we must unite against him. Only! "Qiao Qiao then explained his plan.

"What? Qiaoqiao, you mean, you plan to watch him with me, but aren't you responsible for another position?" Leng Leng was a little surprised, because the four heavenly women are in different positions on the lake, waiting. Waiting for the sending of the maiden.

"Now there are so many geniuses outside, we don't need to take care of us all the time!" Qiaoqiao explained a good reason.

"It's the same. We might as well stay here. Anyway, we are not far apart. We can quickly learn about any situation!" Mei Mei first agreed with such a proposal.

"It's okay to stay, cold, won't you not welcome us?" Feifei looked coldly.

"Ah, I welcome, how can I not welcome you, in fact, you can stay, I am very happy!" Leng Leng was relieved to preach: "Several sisters, please come in, I am here Some are places to live! "

The small building is not big, but although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, there are still a lot of bedrooms in the interior. Coldly arranged a room for several sisters next to their bedroom.

"Where did Chen Jiu go?" After the arrangements were made, this was Qiaoqiao's most concerned issue, because to prevent this man, he had to look at him.

"I don't know, did you run upstairs?" The indifferent upstairs took a turn, but it was even stranger. "No, he just came in, why can't he be seen in all rooms!"

"Noah, isn't there a room over there!" Feifei suddenly pointed at the large room in the middle of it strangely.

"Ah, that's my bedroom. He won't really run inside, **** it!" In the cold scream, he quickly opened the door of the room.

"Wow, it really is here, and it seems to sleep soundly!" As they happened, they could not help but exclaim.

Chen Jiu, lying back and forth in this fragrant bedroom, was already asleep, can he be so sleepy?

"Asshole, hell, how could he sleep in my bed without my consent and cover my quilt? This is really disgusting, get me up ..." Coldly anxious eyes came to Chen Jiu and pointed Holding his nose, he scolded.

It's strange, no matter how coldly scolded at this time, Chen Jiu always slept deeply and didn't wake up at all, which is a bit unreasonable!

"Hey, don't pretend to sleep, get me up quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being polite to you!" Coldly issued the final disc, but unfortunately Chen Jiu still did not respond.

"Rogue. You got me up ..." Leng Leng couldn't take it anymore, and turned to Chen Jiu's quilt on the spot. However, she lifted it immediately, and her face rose. Red, very ashamed .

"Cold, you dissipate. Chen Jiu's situation is a little strange right now. We shouldn't bother him!" Feifei found the opportunity and kindly approached to persuade him.

"Feifei, you're talking for him again, I see a liar like this. Hooligan, you should just throw him out. Why did you suddenly stop suddenly?" Mei Mei stepped forward and asked in full support. Cold decision.

"I ... I ... he ..." I was embarrassed to be cold and supportive.

"What's wrong, cold, or should our sister help you?" Qiaoqiao took the initiative to take another step and was ready to lift Chen Jiu's quilt.

"Don't ... he's not wearing clothes!" Leng Leng quickly stopped, telling the truth.

"What? He ... how can he be so shameless, and slept in another bed, he didn't even wear clothes, this ..." Qiao Qiao annoyed. Shame, but he couldn't start anymore.

"What to do? Could we just let him bully so coldly, we don't care?" Mei Mei was very unwilling.

"Then we should lift it up and study the structure of the man?" Feifei gave a suggestion and preached with a smile.

"Oh, Feifei, what are you talking about, how can we do that, we haven't had time to hide them ..."

"A man is sleeping here, and you chatter here, but also lift people's quilts. I don't see the slightest meaning of hiding!" Feifei looked skeptical.

"Let's ... let's go out first, so many rooms. Coldly you can change one first. We won't be too late to find him after he wakes up!" Feifei's recommendations.

"Okay, that's the only thing!" Jade her lips and gritted her teeth, coldly, despite the 10,000 unwillingness, she really didn't want to face a man without clothes.

In this way, Leng Leng found another bedroom to stay next to her. So far, the four heavenly women separated on the two sides of Chen Jiu were really a fragrant and beautiful cohabitation life!

Chen Jiu didn't take off the light. He was just afraid of being disturbed by the girls, and he took a little care to wear less clothes. He was immersed in his thoughts and seemed to be sleeping deeply. In fact, all his mind was already Came to Jiulong Jiuzhong.

The dragon, which has always been the biggest hole card, Chen Jiu has not used it for a long time. He used to think that he might not need to summon it again, but after seeing the power of the mountain beast, his confidence was hit hard again!

The biggest role of combining beast stones is to help the fairy beasts evolve. Chen Jiu has a hunch. This thing may have an incredible effect on the dragon. If it can be revived, then it will be another one. Killer, in this unpredictable beast mountain, there is more hope for life!

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