Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3497: Fighting ruler again

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Damn, this Chen Jiu won't be killed by me last time, why haven't you seen anyone for a few days?" Sir Neon, Hurricane Junko is still in remorse, why he hates himself for not holding on for a while!

"Looking like he vomited blood last time, he should be very hurt!" Xiangchi also sneered, "I won so many beast stones, I'm afraid he's useless!"

"If Chen Jiu has been so scared, how can we retaliate?" The three corpses of Yugu lost miserably, and they were also very unwilling to get back. + Vertex Novel,

"Relax, even if he doesn't come out, once the fairy Fairy returns, will he still be able to hide?" Xiang ruler comforted everyone, very proud: "If he dares to come out and accept my challenge, I will let He died terribly! "

"That is, we are absolutely convinced by your heavenly rule!" The three corpses of Yugu nodded immediately: "I was afraid he would not dare to fight!"

"Zi ..." Just in the calculation room of a few people, Neon Pavilion rang softly, and saw four heavenly girls like Gongyue, finally showing up again with Chen Jiu.

"Captain, we are here ..." Seeing Chen Jiu, the Western demon shouted a few of their heads, because it was so many days of hope, and they couldn't live in Neon Pavilion as they wished. This is really too aggrieved. Already.

"Captain, should he be all right?" Mao Fei looked at them worriedly, finally relieved.

"Chen Jiu, you dare to come out!" Staring at each other, the hurricane was provocative on the spot.

"Unfortunately, why didn't I dare to come out?" Chen Jiu's complacent, first came to Hurricane Junko.

"You ... you come to pretend to be garlic with me. If you were merciless last time, you would have been killed by me!" Hurricane Junko gritted his teeth and hated.

"Really? Then I thank you for losing everyone's Hejushi to me, is this the head office?" Chen Jiu mocked.

"Chen Jiu, you are less ridiculous here, everyone is clear about what you are!" Xiang ruler boy sneered over and said, "I thought you were going to shrink in a lifetime to heal in it. Did you dare to come out and die?"

"There are four celestial ladies in it, so naturally I need to live longer!" Chen Jiu said with a scornful glance in his face and said, "Do you think everyone is like you, do you like looking for shit?"

"What? You're bold ..." Xiang ruler was furious, pointing at Chen Jiu could not help but his face rose.

"How? You don't like to eat shit? Then how do you make yourself like a poop, disgusting!" Chen Jiu scolded again politely.

"Shut up, Chen Jiu, you're so insulting me, dare you accept my challenge?" Xiang ruler can't stand roaring again.

"Oh?" Chen Jiu was surprised, but did not expect the other party to speak first.

"Why? Scared? You're so brave, but it will make Tiannv look down on you!" Xiang ruler boy was afraid that Chen Jiu didn't agree, and once again provoked.

"Afraid? I'm really afraid you can't afford to lose. If you can take out four beast stones, I can promise to fight you!" Chen Jiuleng smiled, and naturally could not fight in vain.

"I can bet on my own share!" Hurricane Junko took out his own beast stone without hesitation.

"Is it just one? That doesn't seem to be worth my shot!" Chen Jiu sneered and smiled, very sorry.

"Chen Jiu, dare to say that you are not afraid. You obviously know that our beast stone was almost lost to you last time. You also made such a request. You clearly did not dare to accept my challenge, right?" Xiang Ruler The boy rebuked with some anxiety.

"If you lose, you can think of a way, isn't there anyone else?" Chen Jiu reminded kindly.

"This ... Chen Jiu, do you really want to fight again?" Lonely Chunqiu and Wang Geji did not dare to make a bet because they did not want to kill Chen Jiu.

"What's the problem in a battle? If your beast stone is useless, you still have the opportunity to sell it for a good price!" Chen Jiu didn't have the slightest fear.

"Big prince, brother Chunqiu, how about we make a deal?" The three corpses of jade bones did not disappoint Chen Jiu, and quickly got together.

After a silent discussion, I saw that both sides laughed with satisfaction. In the end, the three bones of the jade bones threw out five copies of the beast stone and said, "If you want to play, you can play big. There are six bets on you! "

"Six copies are six, and we are out!" Chen Jiu motioned a few glances at the heavenly women, and they did not hesitate to take out six copies of the beast stone.

"Chen Jiu, are you really sure? Don't mess it up!" Wang Geji they really don't have much confidence in Chen Jiu. If they didn't get his advice, they would not knowingly sell the beast stone to pit him.

"Lose? I was defeated by Hurricane Junko. Where can the Xiangchi boy go?" Chen Jiu came out confidently.

"Very good, just because of your stupidity, I will give you nine points, one more point is afraid of you being proud!" Xiang ruler boy sneered, came to the air and confronted Chen Jiu with tits.

"Let's talk nonsense, Xiang ruler, see how I made you a **** today!" Chen Jiuxian started off as a strong one, and first called out the happy phoenix.

A tweet 一, the happy fire phoenix is ​​more solid and smarter than the last time, it flew into the Xiang ruler, was blocked by a heart-eater, and the two beasts fought fiercely together!

The battle between speed and flame makes it difficult to tell the difference, so after fighting for a long time, the ruler finally made his own big move "Heart ruler!"

‘咻…’ Before Xiang ruler ’s eyebrows, a translucent ruler suddenly condensed out. This ruler slightly moved, and Chen Jiu was suddenly struck by lightning.

'puff! ‘Quick, it ’s too fast, it ’s too fast for people to react, and the golden light on Chen Jiu ’s body is scattered, and a translucent small hole appears at a glance.

"Did you pierce my body of all kinds of gold?" Chen Jiu looked at the small hole in the abdomen, although it was very small, but he took a breath of air, because his body of never money has never been trained. No one was beaten through!

"What? It's not dead!" Chen Jiu was surprised, and Xiang ruler was equally shocked, because even if he was hit by his Tianxin ruler at the same level, the **** body would at least break apart, leaving only such a small wound. He has never encountered it before!

The needle point is against Mai Mang, both of them are Tianjiao masters. The special attack of the ruler is fast and condensed. This is stronger than the hurricane group attack. I do n’t know how many times. Chen Jiu can withstand and maintain the deity. It is indeed worthy of pride. !!

"It's so strong, I don't dare to resist directly on my heart ruler this day, and Chen Jiu even took it!" Wang Geji and Lonely Spring and Autumn were very shocked.

"Grass, it caused only a little damage, no wonder my doomsday rain couldn't kill him!" Hurricane Junko scolded him, and finally understood something.

"If you don't die, then come a few more times and you don't believe he can hold it up!" The three corpses of the jade bone stared, ruthless and meaningless!

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