Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3541: Thousands snake barrier

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Inside the huge abyss, densely packed, multitude of fierce snakes squeezed in layers, they crawled on each other, like countless maggots squirming, but worse than that, especially scary, this is no wonder The four heavenly girls would scream and exclaim.

"It's a huge snake nest of ten thousand snakes, Chen Jiu, who dare to compare with us, who can kill the Snake Emperor first!" Just when Chen Jiu felt scalp tingling, and some discomfort, Xiang ruler boy Xiang Xiang He provoked.

"Oh? Do you have the confidence to pass through the 10,000 snake barrier?" Chen Jiu frowned, obviously a little bit jealous.

Thousands of snake barriers, constantly crawling. Moving, in fact, there are hundreds of millions of fierce snakes mating. They can't actually breed offspring, but using such mating and mating, they can continue. Shaping the body to the point of immortality is terrible!

"What? Are you afraid?" The hurricane sneered proudly.

"Afraid? How can I be afraid. Since you have to compare, I will compare with you, but if anyone killed the Snake Emperor, then all the beast stones here belong to him alone, how?" Chen Jiuya also? I took the opportunity to make my own request.

"Okay, we don't have any opinions!" The three bones of the jade bone they wished otherwise, otherwise they would always contribute more and gain less, and they would feel very disadvantaged.

"You guys, I don't have any opinion if you want to break into the nest of thousands of snakes, but once things don't work, it's important to retreat quickly!" Wu Yiyi reminded, focusing on Chen Jiu.

"Virgin, rest assured, I will never lose face with you!" Mo Quan rubbed his hands, and they were all very anxious to express themselves.

"Hurricane, let's go!" The flying ruler and the hurricane moved in unison, and the first shot went into the terrifying snake barrier.

‘Boom ...’ The invasion of different types makes the Snake Barrier speed up the speed of creeping. They are like countless steel knife ropes, which make people suffocate and pain.

"Water breeze, close at hand!" Hurricane Junko and Xiang ruler boys learned from each exhibition. One of them has unparalleled speed, and the other controls water wind.

‘咻咻…’ The two escaped the snake group, settled in quickly, and disappeared.

"It's fast, let's go in too!" Wang Geji and Lonely Spring and Autumn were not united, but they were very close to each other and broke into the snake barrier.

"Let's go!" The three dead bones of the jade bone also entered into it, and disappeared in an instant.

"This ..." Mu Wantong's skill is low, and now he is unattended again. Looking at the snake barrier, he was afraid to enter for a long time.

"Will you go with me?" Chen Jiu issued an invitation at this time.

"You ... Okay!" Mu Wan glanced at Chen Jiu in doubt, but nodded.

‘Bang! ‘Chen Jiu and Mu Ju, as soon as they approached the barriers of 10,000 snakes, they were passively involved in them. If they were unstable, they could be cut and divided by accident.

"Yeah, they all went in, they couldn't see it at all, wouldn't it be okay?" Coldly they couldn't help worrying.

"Rest assured, there will be no problem for the time being, but you can't say for a while!" He comforted, and also looked carefully at the barrier of the snake.

‘Wow…’ Soon, a dark green wave surged inexplicably in the 10,000 snake barrier.

‘Hiss…’ After breathing this breath, the fierce snake seemed to be more aggressive. The entire barrier at this time was like a meat grinder, more and more terrifying.

"This ... what is this?" Meimei was dumbfounded.

"There are three major killing tricks of the 10,000 snake barrier. This venomous mist of 10,000 snakes is just the simplest one. It can riot the entire snake group and increase its lethality more than ten times!" 囡囡 explained in detail.

"What? It's just the easiest to increase tenfold. What are the other two?" Qiaoqiao couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

"Not in a hurry, let's see how they deal with it!" He shook his head and ignited a flame of fire, and in the beating flame of fire, Chen Jiu and theirs in the barrier of thousands of snakes actually appeared.

Faced with the violent snakes after the riot and the threat of deadly poisonous mist, everyone is really struggling to cope with it!

"Breaking the Needle ... The Dragon God!" Xiang Xiang and the hurricane, they used their own instruments to continuously hit the venomous snake.

‘Boom…’, it ’s very powerful, but it did n’t kill the snakes in one shot. When they returned in a blink of an eye, they immediately revived, as if they were n’t injured, because they gave them a special headache.

"Damn, these things are really as difficult to kill as the legend!" Cursed and grinned, venting the resentment in his heart, the hurricane and Xiang ruler still had more than self-protection.

The situation of the three bones of the jade bone is roughly the same. They do not seek to kill the enemy, but to protect themselves!

"Ah ..." Mu Wantong is not as powerful as these people. After resisting several waves of attacks, he broke his skin and was invaded by poisonous mist.

"Would you like to take a break?" Chen Jiuduan sat in Wanhua Jinlian, like an ancient Buddha and an old monk.

"Okay!" Mu Kuan couldn't hold it anymore. He decisively set foot on Jin Lian and accepted Chen Jiu's asylum, but he was dejected. "Hey, I didn't expect that my first wave of attacks would not be able to support it. You must die, Chen Jiu, are you sure? "

"I don't know. Would you like to retreat? How about I send you out?" Chen Jiu shook his head and was not sure how strong the second wave of attacks was.

"No, I'm not a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Brother Chen Jiuyou treats me like this, what if I sacrifice my life with a gentleman?" Mu Wan added a sense of pride.

‘Roar—’ As soon as the voice fell, I saw a **** mouth opening up directly to Wanhua Jinlian, hiding everything, Chen Jiu and they were swallowed up instantly.

"Ah, they've all been eaten!" In the upper part of the abyss, the four celestial girls screamed again, because not only Chen Jiu, but also the Xiang ruler boys were swallowed up by fierce snakes.

"It came really fast, this is the second killing move of the million snake barrier. The million snakes are wrapped in their abdomen. Once the will is not strong and the power is not strong, they will definitely die under this move!" He was also a little shocked.

"Which snakes are wrapped around, just eaten?" Just before the four celestial beings fully understood, they suddenly looked dumb again. "This ... this is too cruel. Forbearance? Even for killing The enemy, can't be so desperate and desperate? "

"Otherwise, where do you think the name of the venom of the venomous nests of snakes came from?" He explained, frowning, and seemed a bit unbearable. What kind of horror did they see?

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