Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3546: One finger

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

At the bottom of the Abyss of Thousands of Snakes, the beast-stones all over the ground radiate peerless brilliance and wipe out all avenues. This is the burial place of the monks. If Chen Jiu's body was abnormal, he would have died under the fierce snake mother.

At the moment, although Chen Jiu has the upper hand temporarily, as long as the light of the combined beast stone is not extinguished, he cannot be considered a victory, because his current strength will not cause him a fatal blow at all!

"What to do? The power of the avenue cannot be used. In theory, I am probably the most powerful person in the world to destroy it. I am afraid that it will not kill it. Do you want to use it to kill it?" Chen Jiu turned his mind and thought about the countermeasures. However, less than a last resort, he didn't want to expose the existence of his esteem.

"Shielding the avenue, the Supreme Master may be suppressed, but his body is not affected, and his strong genetic ability is still there. If he can realize the mystery of the body with one stroke, would it be easy to overcome it?" Chen Jiu analyzed and found the key.

"Yes, you can succeed in developing your body's potential!" Chen Jiu decided to give up her advantage and jumped off the snake's head again.

"Ah, is Chen Jiu crazy? After all, how could he ride up, why did he come down again?" The four heavenly ladies on the Fei Xian battleship screamed again.

"This ... Could he have found a way to crack it? But under the rudiment of the funeral field, even me, I have to break through the force, and he obviously did not want to use the force, what is he going to do?" Time also can't read the meaning of Chen Jiu.

"Long bug, you have the ability to attack your grandfather. Your grandfather is here waiting for you ..." Chen Jiu was so arrogant that he provoked in front of the fierce snake mother.

‘Roar…’ The fierce snake mother is naturally furious, biting and scratching at him!

‘Boom! ’Everyone is a snake, and the sky is rolling. The fierce battle between you and me is together.

"Split the sky ... Step forward ... Step into the sky ... Stop the heavens ... Exclusive martial arts ... Funxian tactics ..." Chen Jiu was not fighting blindly, he practiced the trick he had practiced over and over again!

Many tricks and mysteries gradually became integrated at this moment, and they faintly resonated with Chen Jiu's body.

"That's right, this is my own way. I still need to take a step forward ..." Chen Jiu gradually fell into the epiphany, he didn't find out that the venerable snake mother emperor was already in front of him. Defeat.

"Oh my God, Chen Jiu is so good. Is this his true strength? Even the fierce snake mother Emperor is no longer invincible!" The four goddesses naturally showed worship at this time.

"It's too early to be happy. Although he defeated the Snake Emperor, but he wants to kill it, it's still worse!" He shook his head and stared at Chen Jiu tightly, hoping that he would create another one for himself. surprise.

‘Bang bang…’ The Snake Emperor was continually shuddered by Chen Jiu and backed away, but he was not happy at all, and his frown was even tighter!

'boom! ‘Suddenly, Chen Jiu ’s hair exploded like a sky, her forehead was blue, and her muscles jumped wildly. She looked particularly scary!

"No, he's so obsessed with it that he's going to get into the devil!" He exclaimed, and exclaimed with a worried expression, and sighed: "Actually, he's done well enough, and this fierce snake mother Emperor will be with me again A master of level, he can beat him beyond the ranks, it is worth pride! "

"Sir, please go and save him!" The four celestial girls did not care about these, they only worried about the safety of Chen Jiu.

"If you want to succeed, go crazy first. Don't worry. Chen Jiu deliberately pushed himself into desperation and wanted to make a breakthrough!" He explained, and postponed his shot.

"Can he break through? But don't be crazy!" The four heavenly women were only able to pray secretly in their hearts.

"Xunxian ... Wang Wang ... Feng Tian ... Where is my way?" Chen Jiu's face rose, his blood was moving very fast, the heart beat was clearly visible, and it was very dangerous for him as a whole.

"Zi ..." Suddenly, Chen Jiu's mind emerged from the image of a woman, and the appearance of this woman made him even more frantic.

Asian male, this is a nihilistic woman created according to Chen Jiu ’s psychology. Every bit of her body is the way Chen Jiu expects. It is his true dream lover. It is also enough to make him upset and desperate woman!

"Asian man, Happy Avenue, this is the way to go!" Chen Jiu was instantly clear and enlightened, and the whole moment of his life was connected as a whole, all leading to the meaning of joy.

‘Roar…’ At this moment, the mother of the snake snake opened her fangs and bite Chen Jiu fiercely.

"Ah, be careful ..." the four celestial girls screamed, and even the uncle clenched his fists, ready to come to rescue Chen Jiu at any time.

"That's it!" Chen Jiu's breath suddenly calmed down, only to see his eyes seemed to be infinitely loving, and he slightly pointed forward.

‘咻 ——’ means not slow or unpleasant. It manipulates time and space, as if all beings are to follow it. It ’s strange!

The speed of the venomous snake was very fast, but under this finger, it gradually slowed down, and it should be so, it didn't even notice it at all.

In particular, the face of the fierce serpent mother Emperor Xi. She turned out to be particularly docile and kind in her breath. What happened?

"Yeah, look at the snake, there seems to be a woman, this woman is so beautiful!" With Feifei's exclamation, they are undoubtedly shocked.

The shadow of a woman can't be seen as too clear, but her beauty is beyond doubt, so that all the stars are overshadowed!

"This ..." Soon, they blushed again, because they found that the woman was aiming at Chen Jiu with her legs wide open.

"Uh ..." a groan, a groan, called, making people unconsciously swell!

'boom! ’The woman collapsed inexplicably, and then the venerable mother of the serpent fell down, motionless, with no breath.

"What? The Serpent Mother Emperor was killed, so quickly, how did he do it?" Suddenly she saw the body of the Serpent Mother Emperor, and they no doubt screamed again.

"Smelly, rogue, what's the trick!" I scolded, as if very dissatisfied.

"Sir, Chen Jiu has succeeded, why aren't you happy for him at all?" Naturally the four heavenly girls couldn't understand it.

"Happy for him? Think about it, where did this guy just point the finger?" Shyly said, but still reminded.

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