Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3574: Wooden decay

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Flying legs, has anyone been in trouble recently?" Chen Jiu, in the public eye, went directly to Mao Feiji's body and asked. Mao Fei's legs, a thin bamboo-like figure, although she does n’t have the breasts, hips and softness that a woman should have, but she is sincere to Chen Jiu. He naturally needs to take care !! "No ... no one is asking us trouble!" Mao Fei's legs were shaking. He shook his head shakingly. If she had had extravagant hopes for Chen Jiu before, now she totally regards it as Idols come to worship. "That's good, if someone bullies you in the future, you tell me, I can help you to point him to death!" Chen Jiu stared at the distant Bingjing Junzi while talking, but Scared them almost diapers, and quickly shied away. "Captain, your finger is too good, right?" Gan Jiang could not help but envy. "That is, I will go back and cover you in the future!" Chen Jiu slapped his chest, preaching loudly. "Captain, when will you let us live in the Neon Pavilion?" The western unicorn's three guns and three magical pleadings are really immortal. "Hum, do you really think I am a fool of the past?" Chen Jiuleng stared at him for a warning. "This ..." The trio was shocked, but still unwilling to preach: "Captain, you used to borrow our stone fruit ..." "I have Borrow it? "Chen Jiu asked back, playing with his fingers to make it clear that he wanted to play rogue. "Ah, no, no, we misremembered, I'm sorry, Captain!" The three of them in the West were shocked, because like Chen Jiu, they were really scared to be pointed by him, you know They are not the first days of the three factions, let alone being hit, and even if they are scratched, they must die. "Three shots, you can have a bit of memory in the future, don't say I didn't remind you, if you do anything wrong, don't blame me for cleaning up the portal!" Chen Jiu reprimanded politely. "Yes, thanks to the captain for teaching, I will definitely change my mind and wait to be a man again in the future!" The three obeyed and stood side by side. It was half a fart and did not dare to let it go. "Brother Chen Jiu, Shibei for three days, I dare not look straight at you!" At this moment, the lonely grass and the blood axe all came along. These people, who had experienced the same affliction with Chen Jiu, can be regarded as true-tempered people, but because of the relationship between the master and the son, they did not get too close to him! Now, their masters have become their younger brothers, and they can no longer be considered. "Haha, how can friends be big or small, so why bother?" Chen Jiu laughed, but talked to a few people. "Chen Jiu, you talked lively, why didn't you introduce us?" The four celestial girls were not far behind Chen Jiu. At this time, a group of nine of them were in harmony. Looks like naturally unwilling. "This ..." The words of the four heavenly ladies couldn't help but make the heavens imaginatively imaginative. So noble, the heavenly daughter of Feixian Palace is so noble, and once dismissive of everyone, why would you want it today? Make friends? Gradually, everyone's eyes naturally turned to Chen Jiu. There is no other reason for this than him, because he made the four heavenly girls change! "Okay, okay, let me introduce it to you!" Chen Jiuman promised, and then began to introduce to both parties. "Sister Feifei, you are so pretty ..." Just met, Duoliu Liuyu and their little girls expressed their admiration. "You guys are also pretty good!" Coldly they still smiled confidently, but they have a calmer superiority than before! They must not have been entered by men. Have they been? Leng Leng used to be very simple, but since they enjoyed being enrolled, the glorious sense of the world has filled them with great interest in the entire world. This kind of interest is so rotten that a woman who sees other people will think about whether she has been so enjoyed by men to such an outrageous degree. Of course, over time, such four things will gradually return to normal! "Brother, can you come over for a while?" Just as Chen Jiu talked hot to everyone. When the fire was going on, Mu Wan took the opportunity to come to Chen Jiu's side, mysterious. Road. "What's the matter?" Chen Jiu frowned, although he was puzzled, but still told everyone, as Mu Shi came to the side and whispered. "Brother, do you remember encouraging me?" Mu Wan said with an embarrassed look. "Every encouragement? Which one do you mean?" Chen Jiu seemed a bit forgetful, and his face was unknown. "Ah, they, Duo Lan and Liu Yu, you say they like me, have you forgotten?" Mu Qiao blushed, but still spoke anxiously. These days, unlike Chen Jiu, who loves and enjoys the four celestial beings there, Mu Kui is acacia but hard to bear. It is like a year! "Oh, you mean this thing? Why? You haven't confessed to them yet?" Chen Jiu said in regret. "I don't dare, I'm afraid they will reject me. How embarrassed would I be?" Mu Wan bowed her head in shame. "Ah, you big man, why do n’t you have the courage to do that, but they are still your followers, if you are other women, you will be even worse?" Chen Jiu sighed Dissatisfied. "Brother, if they are one person, I dare, but the two are together. I really can't explain it?" Mu Wan found a reason to explain. "I see. You want to hold your right and hold your right now, and you want to be a gentleman!" Chen Jiu nodded in understanding. "Brother, help me!" Mu Wan begged. "Do you still need my help with this little thing? Wouldn't you show them one at a time and show them to them?" Chen Jiu casually gave a ghost idea. "No, it's not fair to them!" But Mu Yi shook his head and begged: "Brother, think of another way, help me tell them!" "So, when that time is free, I will let your sister-in-law explore their tone!" Chen Jiu did not refuse to answer. "My sister-in-law?" On the contrary, Mu Kui wondered, did the sister-in-law also come? "Oh, I was wrong, it's the four heavenly girls!" Chen Jiu immediately changed her mouth, but immediately made Mu Wan's eyes widened and worshipped extremely. The elder brother is indeed the elder brother, even the four celestial daughters may be able to handle it. I wonder if the maiden will fall into his hands in the end? If he goes out, the flower will not run! At the time of admiration, there was no word from Mu Kui. The reason why he asked Chen Jiu for help was that he suspected that Duo Lan Liu Yu was interesting to him. If he asked a woman ’s favorite man to match It must be especially easy, right? This book comes from / book / html

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