Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3594: Last side

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"I ... can I still go back? Teacher, I'm afraid it's really impossible this time, but you can rest assured that the disciples will never humiliate you or let the Feixian Palace be ashamed!" 囡囡, Alone, and not as good as imagined.

There is a faint glow of red in the skin of tick, transparent, white, and red. These dark fires are scattered all over the body, and it seems that she has become a paper man with a paper envelope. Generally, it may be consumed by a fire at any time and turned into smoke.

‘Gulu…’ 囡囡 I unknowingly took a sip of macaque wine. Although this wine temporarily calmed down the fire, it also made them more intense.

After all, the fire was almost overwhelming. I used to think that I could go back and hand over He Shoushi to my teacher, but now it seems that she no longer has this power.

"Chen Jiu, I'm sorry for you in this life. Although I have a good opinion of you, but I am the maiden of Fei Xian Gong, and now I am deeply poisoned by silver. I cannot harm you ..." He said to himself, lost Suddenly, she smiled comfortably: "Maybe die in front of you, that will be my best place to live!"

"It ’s not that thin to treat me in heaven, so that I can be sober for a few days, I should be content!" Before I was dying, I was very rare to be pregnant. "Adjust your breath, it's time to see them for the last time!"

Under the palace, next to the pond, Chen Jiu looked serious, and the four heavenly girls were extremely nervous.

"Chen Jiu, aren't you talking nonsense? The sage is so good, why are you dying?" The four heavenly girls surrounded Chen Ji anxiously, and wanted to ask one of them.

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly. This poisonous, evil and silvery beast is actually not unknown, but it is particularly famous. It has done evil before, so that the head of a jade girl has become a helper. Cheng Yinwa was annoying ... "Chen Jiu didn't hide it, and started talking from the beginning.

"Chen Jiu, do you mean that the maiden is going to become a silver baby? But we don't look like it?" Despite the regrets, the four celestial girls are still skeptical.

"I'm afraid the situation of the maiden is more serious than that of the head of the jade girl, because I saw with my own eyes that she was fed a monster by the monster!" Chen Jiubu said with no worries.

"What? According to what you said, wouldn't the maiden be saved? If she would mess up the whole Xiantian in the future, she would be the laughingstock of Feixian Palace. At that time, we might be the first to make a shot. Clear the portal! "The four heavenly girls were desperate.

"Yes, the situation will continue to be like this, but now I am not worried about this, but I am afraid that she will not think about it for a while, and find it short-sighted and suffer!" Chen Jiu anxiously preached.

"If the situation is really that serious, the maiden's choice to die is the best result!" Although she could not bear it, the four celestial girls had no other choice.

"No, in fact, I can still die!" Chen Jiu suddenly denied: "I can solve the poison of the saint!"

"What? Why didn't you say it early, Chen Jiu, you still have to wait for so many days, do you want our maiden to die?" The four celestial girls couldn't help but blame it again.

"Ah, don't worry, listen to me slowly, this prerequisite for detoxification requires the consent of your maiden, understand?" Chen Jiu said with a little embarrassment.

"What do you mean? Just detoxify, how could our maiden disagree?" None of the four heavenly girls understood.

"This ... you should understand that the poison in your virgin is silver poison, and this silver poison also needs silver to detoxify, so if you want to detoxify, you must let me really break her body. This is the real embarrassment. Chen Jiu explained somewhat helplessly.

"What? You wolf, you really don't have a good idea for our maiden!" The four heavenly girls scolded one after another.

"Hey, I don't want to, but this is the only way to save her!" Chen Jiu shook his head, his face innocent.

"Don't believe it, we don't believe it, I think you want to kiss Fang. Zecai before the death of the maiden, right?" He shook his head coldly, unbelievably.

"That is, since the maiden is destined to mess up the entire Xianxian Heaven, it means that the men in the whole world are not her opponents. You alone, how can you do it?" Mei Mei also expressed serious suspicion.

"You heaven ladies, don't you still believe in my ability? I am the only one in this world who can save her!" Chen Jiu unconsciously stood up and stood up, full of self-confidence.

"You're pretty strong there, but can you really save the maiden like this? You don't want fake public aid?" Chen Jiuting looked a little embarrassed. Red, but the four celestial girls still held a skeptical attitude.

"I can guarantee that this will save her, because only if she can help her exhaust the silver poison soon, then she can be safe and sound!" Chen Jiu solemnly swears, in fact, this is also the result of his consultation with the dragon, because he really does not want to Watching Xiangxiang Xiaoyu.

"Well, if all you say is true, then we will surely help you persuade the maiden to follow you. After all, although fame is important, life is more expensive!" The four heavenly girls followed Chen Jiu's will.

"Thank you, thank you!" Chen Jiu said gratefully, "Do you have any way to contact me? I want to see her!"

"Uh, don't need to contact us, the maiden suddenly called us over!" The four celestial girls followed one of the joyful grievances: "Chen Jiu, are you lying, you can know right away!"

"Come on, I promise I won't lie to you!" Chen Jiu could not wait to fly up.

In the neon palace, Chen Jiu finally got to see her again, but when they wanted to see her, they found that she had put herself in the veil, and did not let everyone see her truth. face!

"Sir, are you okay?" Out of concern and verification, she asked coldly as soon as possible.

"Well, I'm okay, don't worry about you!" I nodded in the gauze account, but turned a few cold eyes to Chen Jiu.

"Well, is this the Heshou Stone in front of your account?" But Chen Jiu found something unusual.

"Daughter, isn't this Heshou Stone ready for you to take back to save lives? Why just put it outside?" The four celestial girls were a little puzzled for a while.

"Chen Jiu, cold, you listen to me, I am very toxic, I am afraid that time is running out, so I need to ask you something, and I hope you will promise me!" Road.

"What? Sister, are you going to die? This is impossible, it must not be true, right?" At the beginning of evil, they were all unacceptable.

"Feifei, cold, charming, and clever, accept the reality, after my death, bring my body with these heshou stones to the teacher, okay?" Wu Ken asked, it seemed true Not saved?

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