Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3610: Spoiler

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Another day, without leaving, Chen Jiu accompanied Xi to play at the side of Nichi for a day, but the night was dark, but he didn't mean to go back, which made him anxious.

"Chen Jiu, it's getting late, we should go back!" I had no choice but to remind Chen Jiu.

"It's okay, it's not too late. You can see how beautiful the moonlight is on the moon, and how beautiful it is. You can accompany me here for a while and enjoy it!"

"Okay!" I nodded, but couldn't help whispering while watching the scene. When did this guy learn to appreciate the scenery?

"Beautiful scenery, beautiful lady, what can I do without good wine?" Chen Jiuzhang took out some fine wine again, and arbitrarily settled there to drink with her.

After three glasses of wine, the beauty Yuyan Hong. Run, Bei. Lip lightly opened again and said: "Chen Jiu, I'm a bit drunk, let's go back!"

"Well, why don't we go back tonight? How good is it to enjoy the beauty of the night?" Chen Jiu seemed to be discussing, but in fact his tone was very positive.

"What? If you don't go back, then ..." There seemed to be something inscrutable.

"Well, do you have any questions?" Chen Jiuyi asked again, puzzled.

"I ... I'm not poisoned. You don't go back and detoxify me, what if I am poisoned?" I was embarrassed, or whispered my own embarrassment.

"Oh, why did I forget this!" When Chen Jiuyi patted his head, thinking that he was going back, he preached boldly: "The night scene is beautiful, the sky is full of moonlight, and the lake gathers Lingquan as Bed, why don't we have a real heaven and earth meet here, yin and yang meet? "

"Chen Jiu, what are you talking about, you shameless, I want it!" Qiu Jiao blamed shamefully.

"Well, why don't I lose face? Is it wrong for me to detoxify you?" Chen Jiu was very grieved and commented.

"No, it's not just the two of us here. Feifei are resting there. How can we mess around here?" He shook his head, explaining very worriedly.

"Three in the middle of the night, why are they running out? Are they coming to peek at us? Besides, they don't know that we are here, what do they have to see?" Chen Jiu was disapproved.

"Well ... though saying so, I'm not afraid of 10,000, I'm afraid of just in case!" I still feel a little overwhelmed.

"Well, well, don't worry. With my cultivation, if they come here, I'm sure they will be the first time. Don't worry, just go up and dance for me!" Chen Jiu comforted again It was smirking at me.

"You ... don't jump!" Tong angrily exasperated.

"Well, you danced the most beautifully. Now you will be even more beautiful under this moonlight wave!" Chen Jiu immediately praised.

"More beautiful? People are so bruised this time, how beautiful?" I couldn't help but worry.

"Well, don't you know that women under the moonlight are the most beautiful? Under these moonlight waves, your scars won't be too obvious!" Chen Jiu dispelled his doubts.

"Is this really the case? Let's try it!" Sure enough, Xu was still moved, leaving Chen Jiu and stepping on the lake to the middle of the lake.

The moonlight wafts, the lake is dangling, and the waves and the moonlight are diffused. This is a terrible cricket, no doubt it has become a pearl between heaven and earth, and it is full of glorious glory!

'Da ...' Suddenly, throbbing, her light kick, the lotus arm swinging arc, the action seems ordinary, but it gives a feeling of elegance, grace, and out of reach, she is just a fairy Falling into the world, just a gentle dance, is enough to become the focus of this world.

Holy, unstained, such a fairy is destined to be worshipped by people and worshipped as a god!

‘咻…’ But at this moment, something unexpectedly happened. When the fairy danced, her clothes flew out piece by piece.

The beauty of jade arms, snow legs, beautiful mountains, and clear springs are accompanied by fairy fairies. A slight smile of Mei is simply a mystery that sinks all males and sexual creatures in the world. Medicine!

"So beautiful ..." As the only male audience, Chen Jiu was naturally incapable of restraining himself.

"Giggle ..." Fairy was pregnant, she seemed particularly happy at this time, and deliberately surrounded Chen Jiu, using the demon. Mei dance posture to move his mind.

The waves of light flickered, and they covered the scars on her body to the greatest extent, even she could not see it, which also made her feel very good, and could not help but seduce Chen Jiu directly.

Wave light, it helped 囡囡 regain confidence, but she could not think of it anyway. Now under this wave of light, there are four pairs of eyes staring in shock!

"God, is this still our maiden? Why would she still do this shameless dance, she's too embarrassed ..." The cold cursed they couldn't help it.

"Pump me!" Suddenly, Chen's request for Chen Jiu even made them almost not scream. Was she really willing?

"Pump me, Chen Jiu, you whip me with a whip ..." Chen Jiu didn't move, and even shouted anxiously.

"Oh!" Chen Jiu said aloud, and he took out the flying fairy whip without hesitation, aimed at the fairy in front of him, and drew it fiercely.

'Snapped! ‘This is not just a hot hand destroying flowers, it ’s simply a hot hand destroying immortals. If the world can see it, it will definitely attack Chen Jiuqun.

"Ah, so comfortable, come again ..." However, the performance of the fairy will undoubtedly shock the world, because she was beaten and scars appeared, she was not only not afraid, but also very enjoyable!

"Abominable liar, the liar, she lied to us, but she didn't expect that she was such a bitch!" Coldly, they finally saw the truth, and immediately couldn't help but scolded a dog with blood. She almost hated her.

"Oh, the maiden is poisoned. She may be compelled to do so. Don't get me wrong!" Feifei mediation, still maintains a trace of reason.

"Definitely? That poison can teach her to dance, can poison make her want to be beaten?" Leng Leng was obviously unconvinced.

"That is, this poison can only make her want to go to the sun!" Mei Mei attached to the drinking room, and looked up without expectation.

"Well, you don't have it now. Chen Jiu just drew a few whip. It seems that we have sprayed under our maiden!" What happened carefully and carefully.

"What? It's ... too cheap. It's just like this. If Chen Jiulai is true, wouldn't she really have become a silver baby?" Looked upward because they hadn't seen Yinwa in this life!

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