Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3620: Demon world

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Chen Jiu's orders, Lord of the Lord!" The demon hand held up a black will, solemn and majestic.

"Chen Jiu took over!" In the hands of Chen Jiugong, the demons fell to their knees, and even several elders were no exception.

"Chen Jiu, don't get down on your knees yet!"

"Yes!" Chen Jiu was able to stretch and bend, and had to kneel on the ground with one knee, listening to the demon.

"The king of kings Wang Jiu, a heavenly wizard, this trip to the Beast Mountain was to take down the maiden of Fei Xian Gong, and I wished that I would win countless glories for the Heavenly Demon Gate. The hand of the magic hand spoke, and then the fascinating sermons said: "The present is to give the king Wang Jiufeng master Chen Jiutian the role of the magic messenger, and he will take office after passing the test of the magic world!"

"What? The angel of the demon, but also has to pass the test of the demon world, isn't this ... let him die?" The demon blasted the pot suddenly, even several elders frowned, some Unbelievable, is such a genius really going to be buried?

"Why? Does anyone have any objection to Lord Lord's order? Or Chen Jiu, do you want to resist Lord Lord's order?" The magic hand looked proudly and insidiously at Chen Jiu. Attacked by a group.

"Elder, have you made it clear to Lord Demon? Is he really going to send Chen Jiu into the world of the demon?" Many elders questioned.

"Master Demon's insight into Qiuhao, what does he not know? As for the demon world, this is the master's will and Chen Jiuxin's encounter, why do you stop it?" The demon hand said frankly.

"This, Chen Jiu you ..." Modao said they were helpless.

"Thank you for your elders' concern. Since this is the will of the Lord Lord, then I must go in, but only if the world of the devil is in or out. I hope to give me a few days to talk about the funeral before entering!" Chen Jiu Gratefully said his request, and did not mean to disobey.

"No, the demon means to let you in immediately, without delay!" The devil hand immediately scolded and drank.

"Elder, I bring infinite glory to the Sky Demon Gate, hasn't Master Demon Lord given me these days?" Chen Jiu slightly dissatisfied.

"Chen Jiu, Lord Demon Lord will give you messengers and test you. This is worthy of you. If you don't recognize you, Demon Lord can destroy you in the palm of your hand. Choose it yourself!" The demon hand severely rebuked.

"That being the case, then please ask the elder to lead the way!" Chen Jiu weighed the pros and cons. At this time, it was not the time to turn his face with Tian Mo Men, so he only had a gamble.

Although the magical world has been in and out for many years, since it is set as the ultimate test place, it still shows that it has a vitality!

Others may not be able to get in, but now they are lucky, and treasures are everywhere, can't they pass a small test?

With a touch of pride, Chen Jiu came to the end of the Sky Demon Gate with the magic hand, and here stood a huge stone monument, writing the word `` Magic World ''.

The hazy fog is floating, this boundary monument is the only entrance to the demon world. For many years, countless ambitious demons Tianjiao walked into it, but no one has ever come out!

"Monument of the demon spirit, is Chen Jiu really going in?" The crowd squeezed, and countless Momons followed him eagerly, watching Chen Jiu regretfully.

"Chen Jiu, just walk into the boundary monument and walk in!" The magic hand hurriedly anxiously.

"Okay!" Chen Jiu glanced back, took a firm step, bumped into the monument, disappeared completely.

"No ..." At this moment, a Yuying pierced through the crowd and rushed to the front. Everyone looked at it, wasn't it our maiden of magic?

Recently, I heard that the maiden of jealousy is entangled with the host of Wang Wangfeng. The relationship is ambiguous, and the relationship is ambiguous. It is so unpredictable that she looks so sad right now, it seems that something is right!

Yan. Blessing is boundless, there is a flying fairy maiden over there, and a goddess sorrow weeping over it. The disciples in the heavens admire Chen Jiu to the point where the five bodies are thrown into the ground.

"Jieer, what are you doing?" An elder cried abruptly, and once again caught everyone's attention.

The second generation of the Lord of the Holy Demon Palace has no majesty and thinness in this kindness, but he is no stranger to the elder, and everyone's eyes are actually on Mojie!

"I ... I'm going in!" Mojie nibbled, but still spoke amazingly.

"Fool, that the demon world has entered or not, even I dare not enter, aren't you going to kill him?" The second generation of Mo was seriously reprimanded and very dissatisfied.

"Palace, the demon world is the highest test place for my demon gate, everyone can enter, right?" Mo Jie asked, full of sadness.

"You ..." Devil II looked anxious, but could not refute.

"Gongzhu, thank you for your care over the years, I went!" Mo Jie did not say more, she left everyone with a smile, flattering, pure, contemptuous, indifferent ...

Just when the smile of Shen Shen Mi was not fully understood, she was so recklessly thrown into the boundary stone.

"Ah ..." Everyone seemed too late to shout, a generation of jade people is likely to be so fragrant!

"Stupid!" When everyone was full of sorrow, the devil hand was inappropriately scorned, and it really caused everyone's resentment.

"Idiot!" The second generation of the magic sighed first, then looked at the magic hand and reprimanded: "Magic hand, I will go to see the Lord, it is best that this matter has nothing to do with you, otherwise you can ask for blessing. ! "

"What? Don't worry about the second generation, I still have something to tell you!" The magic hand immediately became nervous.

"Huh!" Unfortunately, the second generation of the monster ignored him and left.

"Wait, I'll go with you!" The magic hand chased immediately, disappeared.

"Is this really a secret matter?" Many elders were curious and couldn't help but follow.

"Chen Jiu, where is Chen Jiu, where is he?" When the crowd was almost dissipated, a pretty shadow was long overdue. Who is this little girl Muer?

"No, you have entered the demon world. It is estimated that you will not be able to come out in this life. Hey, unfortunately, the maiden also followed in ..." The kind young man next to him reminded him.

"What? The demon world, this is definitely not coming out, and it's over, then am I not going to be able to go back for a lifetime?" Muer apparently heard the legend of the demon world these days, and couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"No, no, if Chen Jiu is dead, is n’t he insecure? This magical **** is indeed cheap, and it is inappropriate to put a good virgin on her, and she will take the initiative to die. If I am, I am afraid I have no such courage. Muer's face was sullen, and Duan was thinking wildly. "How can this be? Chen Jiu's founding merit, shouldn't he be reused by the magic gate?"

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