Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3645: Lion beat rabbit

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"Gossip, the last thing was a misunderstanding. Do you still avenge me?" The rich and noble teacher had a bald head and big ears, and there was something charming in his eyes.

"Rich, don't think that Your Majesty didn't convict you last time, you are innocent. Who else can that thing besides you?" The Eight Diagrams division did not give a good look.

"Okay, gossip. Since that's the case, I also opened the skylight to speak brightly. Who do you or I don't have a glimpse of the emperor's position. Look? Is it wrong for this person to go high?" Concealed his wolf ambition.

"Rich, I don't understand the meaning of what you said, you tell me this, wouldn't you want me to help you rebel?" The Eight Diagrams division also stared in surprise.

"Rebellion? I don't dare to think about it now. As long as I can keep it safe, I will be content!" Suddenly, the rich and noble teacher sighed.

"You're a joke, a rich and noble division. As a division of a country, a rich and noble lord, who has power and wealth, who can move you?" The gossip military division was unbelieving.

"Things are wrong, gossip. Actually, I wasn't the one I was back then!" The rich and wealthy teacher sighed helplessly, "I used to have ten million believers, and my wealth surpassed the national treasury, but now there are less than 100,000 believers and financial power. It was completely lost. What capital rebellion do you say I have? "

"How is that possible?" The gossip division was extremely skeptical.

"Ah, you remember three years ago, when the little prince proposed to let the courageous daughter take the position of saint. At this time, I felt completely harmless, but these years, my believers have become more and more believe in her, but not how much Believe me! "The rich and wealthy sighed sadly.

"A three-year-old baby can be so powerful?" The gossip officer couldn't help but asked again: "What about the financial power, it's your man who gets rich fast!"

"Don't mention him, that old thing has mantra. Now it only tells the truth and only does practical things. If you don't get oil and salt, there is no way I can take him!" The teacher of the rich and wealthy country preached.

"Oh? So, the little prince made a clever decision?" The gossip division couldn't help but admire it.

"Yeah, what I am most worried about right now is the little prince, because the person who had hurt him in the past was dead and injured. Do you think it will be our turn next?" And that's why he came to gossip.

"Rich, what are you talking about? I don't treat the little prince!" Although the gossip officer denied it, he couldn't help but bulge in his heart.

"Gossip, we do n’t speak secretly, who of us did n’t want to get rid of the little prince and then quickly, those concubines used rockery to create accidents, and the queen even used poison to kill, among which Baicao was the biggest accomplice. Now almost all of these people Dead, do you think that you and my calculations can hide the clever little prince? "Asked the sorrowful rich teacher.

"This ..." The gossip turned a little distorted at first: "What do you mean by telling me this?"

"Gossip, I think you might as well go against it, I'll follow you!" The rich and noble teacher then boldly suggested.

"Reverse? What's your joke? Right now, the entertainment emperor is crying. Isn't I trying to die?" The gossip military officer shook his head and refused.

"Gossip, at this time, do not oppose it. When the Prince of Japan calculates you, you will lose this last chance and become as worried day and night as I am!" The rich and wealthy teacher preached tragically.

"Rich, no matter what you are, you are also the leader of the religion. As long as this is yours, I don't believe your Majesty will move you!" The gossip division advised.

"Gossip, are you really reluctant to oppose it?" The rich and noble teacher was obviously not interested in this.

"Rich, please go back. I don't think anything happened today, otherwise you would be deadly!" The gossip military division gave a cold face.

"Gossip, you think about it, think more about Baicao, think about the end of their emperor. If you don't want to come to Japan, we should make a break early!" The rich and noble teacher left a sentence, but also left disappointedly. Already.

"Prince, it seems that we really despise you!" The gossip military officer immediately changed his face, and the face was full of hatred, 狰. 狞 terrible "I wanted to wait until you were weaned before you started, but your kid just ate Three years and I have n’t broken yet, it ’s no wonder that I am cruel! ”

Although the rich and noble division was rejected on the surface, it was just that the gossip army division was unwilling to seek a skin with the tiger. He was indeed talked in his heart. He felt that this was the biggest threat, and he planned to do something to the little prince in advance!

"Dagua, come here with your seven brothers!" With the gossip of the gossip military division, I saw seven young men of all sizes walking in one by one.

"I've seen my father!" The seven youths saluted respectfully, and they were truly the sons of the gossip army division.

"The little prince is so smart that we will not be in a position to wait for a few years, so I intend to do something to him in advance. Do you have any different opinions?" He asked after explaining the gossip.

"Father, a three-year-old baby is a little clever, it's not a concern at all, but if you are worried, just give it a go, the masters in our palace will solve it directly, and God will not know it!" The young arrogant preaching.

"No, Gossip, this cannot be done in the palace, we cannot give His Majesty any excuse to weaken us!" The gossip military officer shook his head and denied.

"The little prince hasn't weaned yet, won't he leave the palace?" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"No, I heard that the rich lady is coming back. Every time this lady comes back, the little prince will go out to play with her. This is also the best time to do it!" Said a half-old child. .

"Gossip, are you sure?" The Eight Diagrams military division suddenly became interested.

"Yes, father, I'm sure!" The half-old child affirmed.

"Okay, then choose this time, we shot together to form a gossip, we must make a successful hit!" The gossip division immediately decided.

"Father, killing a three-year-old child. It takes us to make a shot together to form the strongest gossip. Do you know that this team is going to be the first master to be loreless in the future!" Many young people think that this is obviously a big deal. Already.

"No, you don't understand. The little prince was born amazing. To deal with him, we must fight against the rabbit and leave no room for him!" Zhuang Yan, the gossip master, must not make any mistakes.

"Yes, father, we all listen to you!" Many youths dare not have any more meaning, and all obey.

Murderous, ruthlessly shrouded the royal family, and our little prince was still sucking milk without heart or lungs at this time!

I ate it, but this girl still looked distressed, which made people wonder. Such a high level of treatment can't be sought by others. What is unhappy about him?

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