Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3651: Show country

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"His Royal Highness, Eighteen is wrong. Eighteen should not doubt the general!" Yan Shiji's mind was seen through, and he was completely convinced.

"It's good to know that it's wrong, but don't hurry to apologize to General Shenyong?" Chen Jiu then reprimanded.

"Yes, General Brave, I was all impatient, I didn't mean to aim at you, and you must forgive me!" Yan Shiji then apologized sincerely.

"It's okay, you are also good for entertaining the country!" Brave and generous, it is not so careless.

"His Royal Highness!" Praised Baiguan, patting Chen Jiu's fart one by one.

"Nine children, is this the case? Is it true that the gossip army divisions are so dead?" After watching this for a while, the entertainment emperor couldn't help it.

The Baiguan court proposal originally had to convict God bravely, but Chen Jiu completely overthrew it without saying it, and also made the national teacher slap his face, and Baiguan served it, which is a bit unbelievable!

"Father, of course, this cannot be done like this. According to the views of the children, the gossip military division must have shown an evil lurking in my Kyoto. The evil forces want to clear it, but they ca n’t want to be killed by it. This is really It ’s a sacrifice for the country! "Chen Jiu's words made everyone startled.

"Evil and evil forces? I haven't had wars in the entertainment country for many years. Why did Guotai and Min'an suddenly appear evil and evil forces, and even the National Teachers are not their opponents?" Of course, the entertainment emperor did not believe it.

"Your Majesty, peace is in danger. We do not want to count others, but it is difficult to guarantee that others will not count us, so it is better to look up this matter. After all, the National Teacher has died for the country. This is also a wake-up call for us!" Chen Jiu suggested, in fact, just say casually, after the investigation and found nothing, this matter will naturally be left to rest.

"His Royal Highness said that my country of entertainment seemed calm, but it was hard to guarantee that there was no lurking lurking ..." Baiguan continued to drink and made the entertainment emperor have to believe.

"Passing on the holy spirit, the family of the Eight Diagrams Military Division is a brave martyr, and their families enjoy the national pension!" The entertainment emperor thought for a while, and immediately issued an order: "Yan Shiba, you will take a thorough investigation of the Kyoto Undercurrent, and you must find the murder country Teacher! "

"Your Majesty the Holy Ming!"

"Brother, let's go out and play!" Seeing things over, Shenjie didn't want to stay anymore.

"Well, your dad is going back, aren't you going home?" Chen Jiu reminded kindly.

"I won't go back, I'm going to sleep with my brother today!" Shenjie made it clear that he wanted to continue to stick to Chen Jiu.

"Ah, gone, gone!" Chen Jiu was embarrassed to stay.

"Cough, Your Majesty, I'm going back!" Shen Yong naturally blushed, feeling very ashamed.

"Fortunately, His Royal Highness didn't target me!" Finally, the rich and noble teacher was relieved, and sighed fortunately.

The death of the gossip division was over, but Chen Jiu did not expect that what he said casually became a reality!

The undercurrent in Kyoto really wasn't calm. With such a detailed investigation, it really found out that Yan Shiba had the problem.

Seven days later, the atmosphere of the palace hall was tense, and everyone looked at the two young men kneeling down, as if they were close to the enemy!

"Yan Shiba, do you say that they are the prince of the drama country," the actor ", and the prince of the country," the prince "?" The entertainment emperor glared at the two, very unbelievable.

"Your Majesty, that's exactly what they are. Now their identities are sure, and the plan to fly to Kyoto is also conclusive evidence!" Yan Shiba solemnly accused.

"The drama country and the country are close to our country of entertainment, and we have been in peace for a long time. Why do they have to deal with this poisonous hand?" The entertainment emperor couldn't help feeling chills and horror.

"Your Majesty, you have to ask them!" Yan Shiji turned his eyes on the two young men.

"Haha, do you still need to ask? We want to unite and annex you, and build a career, it's as simple as that!" The two young men laughed, completely fearless.

"Well, for your merit, for your merit, have you ignored the lives of our people?" God reprimanded and could not accept it.

"People? If we die, we can migrate again, and in just a few years, we will be as prosperous as we are now!" The two princes completely regarded life as grass.

"Animal. Live!" God courageously proclaimed immediately: "Your Majesty, their intention to subvert the entertainment country is really a sin, and I ask you to order it to be delayed immediately to save the world!"

"Entertainment emperor, dare to kill us, then wait for revenge from our country. At that time, you will not be entertaining the people, and your emperor's position will be over!" The two princes clamored and threatened.

"It's ... it's better to hold them in order to restrain the two countries!" The entertainment emperor was really afraid.

"Your Majesty, they are too arrogant ..." Although Shen Yong still had opinions, he was still suppressed by the entertainment emperor and he did not want to kill them both.

"Yan Shiba, this time you cracked the enemy ’s plan to fly to Kyoto, and captured the Prince of both countries. It is a great feat. Despite your request, I will do my best. I am full of entertainment!" Changed the topic.

"Your Majesty, the minister did not dare to be a minister. The minister only executed His Royal Highness' order, never dare to be greedy!" Yan Shiba responded modestly, and was extremely grateful to Chen Jiu.

"Eighteen, although this is my son's proposal, but your credit is also great. So, I'll banish you as Yan Luojun, take charge of the light and dark forces of Kyoto, and keep my big entertainment stable for generations. Are you optimistic?" Followed by the road.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, you will bow down for the entertainment, and die!" Yan Shimao said with thanks to Xie Jian, "Here, Your Majesty, we have captured the Prince of both countries. Your Majesty, please do prevention early! "

"I have an idea in this matter. I will compile the State Book and condemn the two countries. Their prince is in my hands, and they are not afraid to act lightly!" The entertainment emperor preached confidently.

"Your Majesty the Holy Ming!"

"If the little prince is there, what will be the decision?" God shook his head bravely. He couldn't help but think of Chen Jiu, the three-year-old child who had not yet been weaned, which made him feel ridiculous.

Chen Jiu is just not here because God is back and sticks to him every day. If this is all right, he will not be used to go to the early morning!

Seven days later, there was a tense atmosphere in the palace hall again, among which the entertainment emperor was so angry that "the robbers were simply robbers, apparently they had made mistakes in the first place, and they actually blame me for grabbing their prince and holding the soldiers to the side , Forcing me to let go, they are just a bunch of unreasonable assholes! "

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