Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3680: Surprised Queen

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Tianshan City, the cast iron walls of the city, looks like an iron barrel from afar, as solid as gold soup.

The gold soldiers and iron armors, the soldiers standing densely on the city walls, reached tens of thousands of people, and this is not even the soldiers stationed in the city.

Three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle, in the city's mansion that will be guarded by layers of soldiers, there is a lovely and soft woman washing.

Bai. Clear and fragile, the woman has a pathological beauty, she looks fragile, and at first glance it is really distressing!

"Are you ready for breakfast?" After washing the woman, she asked weakly to the guard next to her.

"City Lord, I don't know what flavor you plan to eat today?" The guard trembled, seemingly afraid of the woman's inquiry.

"It's better to be lighter in the morning, just the taste of bamboo!" The woman said casually, with an irresistible force.

"Yes, Lord City Lord, wait a moment, and I'll give the order!" The guard stepped back immediately as he commanded.

Along the way, there are many sentries, but these people are different from other cities, that is, these soldiers are all men, and the main city of Nuoda City ca n’t see a female ring, which seems a bit abnormal. It's up!

Of course, if the identity of this woman is mentioned, then everything will be reasonable. She looks weak, but it is the queen Jin Qiaoer who is surprised when the country talks.

Maybe I was worried that other women would eat and eat with themselves, so all the men and women in the city ’s main government house were men and women without a girl!

Following the pace of the guard, I came to a small road with a row of yards. In front of these yards, there were impressively written signs of various tastes, and these yards were Jin Qiaoer's kitchen!

"It's bamboo! It's here!" The guard guarded one of the yards and immediately pushed the door into it.

"Sir, hasn't the city owner planned to change the taste? We are all diarrhea with this bamboo!" As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw hundreds of men frowning, very resentful.

"Yes, the city owner ordered another bamboo-flavored breakfast, and you should hurry up and prepare for it!" Although the guard had sympathy, he was more just carrying out the order.

"Hey ..." Hundreds of men sighed, and then a helpless person pointed at a bamboo tube and started to move.

‘Zizi…’ With less accumulation, more rain drips into the river. Thanks to the efforts of everyone, a large bamboo tube filled with hot soup is ready soon!

"Tough work!" The guard took the bamboo tube with satisfaction, and dared not go back to the main hall of the city slackly, and handed it to Jin Qiaoer, who couldn't help it.

‘Oh! ‘It ’s amazing, Jin Qiao'er looks like a fragile little girl, but she ’s three, five, and two, and after a few sips, she ’s finished with a big bamboo tube soup.

"Well, go with me!" After drinking the soup, Jin Qiaoer immediately got up and went to the Yanwu Stadium in the backyard.

Tens of thousands of soldiers will gather here, neat and orderly. When they saw Jin Qiaoer's arrival, they all straightened their chests and showed respect.

"The soldiers have worked hard. Today, we will practice and practice the combo skills!" Jin Qiao'er. Fu Zhongjiang, personally training soldiers, this hardworking look, when she drank fresh soup, it was just two people.

It ’s more rumored that Jin Qiaoer is scarce and silverless. Shame, surprised by the rumor of the queen, few people know that she is actually a military strategist and will come to exercise soldiers whenever she has time. Can be ranked first in the drama country!

"The newspaper, the city master, the big event is not good!" Just as Jin Qiaoer focused on training, a soldier ran over in a panic.

"What's going on?" Jin Qiaoer was surprised when he asked such a question. "Hundred and a half million troops, how can there be so many troops?"

"It's unclear for the time being, but it's certain that it's our army of playing the country!" The soldier told the truth.

"The army of the drama country? Isn't it ..." Jin Qiaoer hesitated, or decided to go and see for himself "Follow me!"

"Yes!" Several soldiers followed, and Jin Qiaoer came to the city wall, waiting for the army below to approach, she called out and asked, "Which army is my country in here?"

"Jin Qiao'er, don't come here. Do you still remember my Admiralty?" General Admiral stood up indifferently.

"Jinzhong, it's you, haven't you betrayed? Why have you returned to my country of drama?" Jin Jiaoer's brows were lightly frowned, very puzzled.

"It's very simple, we are fed up with the oppression of your group of women, and now I have organized the male **** army, to overthrow the drama state regime, and change generations!" Jin Zhong said in a passionate voice.

"What? General Admiral he reversed ..." All the men and soldiers on the city could not help but showed some respect.

"Quiet!" Jin Qiao'er reprimanded and sighed, then he was startled: "Jinzhong, as far as I know, you haven't rebelled against this courage? Besides, if you are rebellious, don't go to occupy the capital, come Hit me Tian Shan Cheng to do so, when I am bullying? "

"Jin Qiao'er, let's not tell you, Jin Meizhen and Jin Xiushan divided our soldiers into three paths, and have already begun the occupation of the theater nation. Within one month, the entire theater nation will be our possession. If you recognise it, you have to open the gate and surrender! "Admiralty didn't hide it, so proud.

"Jin Meizhen, these two cheap men, did they give in so easily? It really lost our woman's face!" Jin Qiaoer immediately scoffed.

"Jin Qiao'er, do you think about it? Did you open the gate of the city and surrender yourself, or did you let my army invade and kill you?" Jin Zhongcha yelled.

"General Admiralty, you can't help but look at yourself too much. When I am Tian Shan Cheng, do you want to come in and come in, if you have the ability, then come in and talk!" Jin Qiaoer was weak on the outside, but inside It is extremely proud and determined.

"What? You really don't recognize you, you wait for me!" Jin Zhong shouted. Of course, instead of ordering an offense, he came to Chen Jiu's carriage for advice.

"Is this woman the surprise Queen Jin Qiaoer you talked about?" Chen Jiu looked at the wall through the carriage and was quite surprised.

"Yes, Your Highness, is there anything wrong?" Jin Zhong was puzzled.

"I can't think of it, I was surprised that the queen was surprised, but she is still a virgin. Do you think this is wonderful?" Chen Jiu could not help but shook her head and smiled.

"What? Just such a wild silver woman, is still a virgin? How is this possible?" Jin Zhong was naturally shocked.

"It's true!" Chen Jiu nodded affirmatively, thinking silently.

"His Royal Highness, whether she is a virgin or not, but she doesn't recognize her now, do we storm Tianshan City immediately?" Jin Zhong then couldn't help asking.

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