Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3693: Toyama Todai

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Toyama Castle is named after a volcano outside the city. It wasn't famous in the past, but the recent appearance of a daidai made it famous all over the world.

Life and death are yours, wealth is in the sky, and eight characters are hung high on both sides of the huge stone platform outside the city.

"Xiantian ... Xiantian ..." Around the platform, many people crowded around, shouting slogans, emotionally excited.

"Fuck up and shut up, Xiangtian, get out of me, I want to challenge you, save the general!" Suddenly a person jumped under the ring, yelling and cursing. He was a sublime subordinate.

"Joke, you just commit suicide!" The crowd laughed politely.

"Come up to me if you have the ability ..." The man was very fierce and very angry, but no matter how he reprimanded, the people below didn't listen at all.

"Everyone be quiet!" After so noisy, I saw a young man in a gray robe flying off the wall, and let everyone hold their breath for a moment.

Xiangtian, looks are ordinary, belong to the kind of walking in the crowd, it will not let people see his presence at all, but such an ordinary person, but a peerless master!

"Xiantian, if I beat you, would you let the generals out?" The man didn't mean to retreat nervously.

"If you have a way in heaven, you won't go, and you will break in when there is no way in hell. Since you are trying to die, then I will send you on the road!" Xiang Tianyi smiled and patted the man with a smile.

"You ... ah ..." The man was courageous, but his strength was too weak, and it was a tragedy. I saw that the palm of his hand struck him in the air, and the flesh and blood was annihilated there. Blood fingerprints!

'boom! ’The ending was tragic. The man fell down in the palm of his hand and never got up again.

"Yu Guo, I hope not to come back to these little clutters again, so that I have no mood to kill!" After Xiang Tian's ego complaining, Fei Shen returned to the tower again.

"Prince, you've worked hard!" Just returned to the tower, I saw a woman who was very windy. Na came forward and charming, and she turned out to be Miyata tight.

"It's okay, killing him might as well do your hard work!" Xiangtian suddenly smiled evilly, and it caused Miyata's tightness and convulsion.

"Haha, I didn't expect that my country and a woman like you are so tight, can you be cheaper for outsiders in the future!" Xiangtian proudly hugged Miyata tightly and looked provocatively at the courage.

With courage, incense, and purity, the family of three was even tied to the pillars on the tower at this time. Looking at the mottled appearance, they were definitely not tortured!

"General, you have seen it, this is your rare Miyata tight, haven't you betrayed you in the end?" Xiangyu's teeth gritted.

"I ... tightly, Miyata, have you forgotten my mountain alliance oath before?" Shen Yong has been close to Miyata these days, and she has long regarded her as her own woman, and now she is watching her intimate with others. I can imagine the taste.

"Courage, don't you be funny? I'm committed to you just as an expedient measure. Do you think you can make me treason because of your ability?" Miyata was sharp and bitter, and remained unemotional.

"You ... you bitch, I'm really blind ..." God regretted it painfully.

"Prince, I think they are almost eating and drinking, are they hanging them out of the city ..." Miyata remained indifferent and intensified.

"Miyata is tight, no matter how you say you've been through for a while, don't you feel a little distressed?" Xiangtian teased teasingly.

"Prince, Shen Yong had never hesitated to take me as a bet. Since then, I have lost all of his goodwill, and now I just want him to survive or die!" Miyata tightly hated Preaching.

"Well, one cannot survive, I can't die, I will listen to you and hang them out!" Xiangtian was satisfied and ordered to hang the three brave families on the wall again with a rope.

"Ah, you see, that is General Shenyong, the first master of the entertainment country, and now he was hung out by the prince like a dead dog. It really deserves ..." Seeing their miserable appearance, many people in the country began to scold them. I fall.

"Asshole, you are all bad guys, you wait, my brother will come to save us. By then, you will all have no place to die ..." Shenjie screamed, dissatisfied, her only expectation now is Chen Jiu. .

"Little girl, please wait. As long as he dares to come, I will beat him to pieces. When you follow me, you can be considered dead-hearted!" Xiangtian said, and he looked after God.

Also, although the godliness is small, she is inherently extraordinary. The image of the red lotus maiden has made her holy and pure in recent years, and it is by no means comparable to a windy person like Miyata!

"Well, when my brother comes, you must be farting!" Shenjie held her breath, not afraid of the threat of the sky.

"General ..." Watching the tragic situation of the Shenyong family, mixed with many of the old ministry below, it immediately meant something secret.

"I am not brave enough to die. Never give up my life because that would only make me a sinner ..." Sighing bravely, he intended to stop these impulsive subordinates.

Unfortunately, the loyal subordinates of the Sacred Legion, even if they knew they would die, still could not help but get up to the ring, threatening to challenge Xiangtian.

"Hey, there are so many deaths. Are there any, I'll spare you to come up together ..." Xiangtian Xiu came to the ring again and looked around the crowd.

"I ... I'm coming ..." The crowd said less than a dozen people and all of them were all brave men under the courage!

"Xiaohu, you ... why are you so stupid, if you die, wouldn't my Godly Army Corps be about to collapse?" Shenyong looked at all this in the air, and it was a sudden death.

"General, without your Valiant Legion, it wouldn't be a Valiant Legion, but even if we die, we are willing to die with the Valiant Legion!" Xiao Hu, their Vice Admiral, was fiercely **** and could not defend himself.

"Okay, some loyal generals, I'm worried that I can't find you. It's great that you took the initiative to die!" Xiangtian looked at the generals with satisfaction and raised his **** right hand.

"Stop ... hand!" Just as these brave men were about to bleed, they scolded them from a distance.

"Who is it?" Xiangtian couldn't help but feel nervous after hearing this turbulent voice.

‘Oh…’ It ’s slow, it ’s fast, the sound just dropped, and I saw a small child appearing on the ring.

"A child?" Xiangtian looked at this child, and was a little suspicious at the scene.

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