Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3800: Death of Baimei

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Fuck, why is it so evil? Our big array doesn't seem to work for them!" Frown frowning, but also a sudden cold sweat, but he did not agree to withdraw.

"Ah ..." Just then, with a scream, the Huangtu Sanren was taken away for a third time.

"Don't, don't kill me ..." The lesson learned from the first two casual people, which directly frightened the Huangtu people!

"Huangtu scattered people, aren't you taking revenge for your son?" Chen Jiu asked the other side.

"No more revenge, no more revenge!" Huang Tusanren's face was sweating, terrified, knowing that Chen Jiu's methods were no longer understood by him.

"Oh, then, do you think your son deceives others, loves him, and is beheaded by me?" Chen Jiuwan asked again.

"Yes, he **** it, it's **** it!" Huang Tusan nodded frantically, how dare he say ‘no’.

"I can't think of you being so profoundly righteous in Huangtu Sanren. If so, would it be more sinful for you to design a frame with Baimei and take the position of master of the yin and yang gate?" Chen Jiulima rebuked again.

"This ... this is all Baimei's idea, I'm just helping the gangsters!" Huang Tusanren cried.

"Yellow earth, are you a bit boned?" No doubt the performance of the yellow earth made Bai Mei extremely dissatisfied.

"An accomplice? Who said that the accomplice shouldn't be dying?" Chen Jiuyi laughed, and threw Huangtu scattered people into the battle, mercilessly, and allowed him to be ground into blood mist.

"Damn, this boy is too arrogant, we must quickly kill him!" Qingshui Sanren was angrily and reprimanded.

"Kill me? Qingshui Sanren, I give you this opportunity!" Chen Jiu once again ingested, and Qingshui Sanren was immediately lifted out by him.

"Master, save me, forgive me, this is not my intention, I was forced!" Qingshui scattered people can change their face really fast, called the fierce moment before, the next moment is directly to Baguio pleading stand up.

"Shuishui, sorry, I can't be the master here today!" Baguio shook his head and was extremely disappointed with these scattered people.

"Chen Jiu, Chen Shaoxia, your grown-ups don't count on villains. I just did that just now. Don't go in your heart ..." Qingshui Sanren had no choice but to be charming to Chen Jiu.

"Qingshui Sanren, I look disgusting like you!" Chen Jiu said more lazily, and he threw Qingshui Sanren into the yinyang mountain array.

"Ah ..." Yin Yang Shan Zhen was originally started to obliterate Chen Jiu and they are now the burial ground for many scattered people.

"This ... What kind of ability did Chen Jiu have obtained?" Among the many casual people, there are two-faced faction headed by Yuyang San people. Although they temporarily obey the dispatch of Bai Mei, they are merciful to Chen Jiu and everywhere. , Yang Feng yin violates, after all, they also need to mix in the yin and yang gate.

"Master, I said earlier that you should help Chen Jiu, and now you regret it!" Peng Sihai was also very happy for Chen Jiu in shock.

"Help him? If I help him, I'm afraid I can't live now, Sihai, please tell everyone that you are half-powered and don't use it anymore!" Yuyang sighed and resolutely made a new decision.

"Asshole, blood sacrifice, I don't believe he can kill us all at once!" Bai Mei is crazy, he can do whatever it takes to get the fragment of the gate of good fortune.

‘Boom…’ In the array of yin and yang mountains, there was a flurry of blood, and there were two big and practical grinding discs between the heavens and the earth, and they wiped out the past to Chen Jiu.

'boom! ‘Unfortunately, at this time, as if there was a strong force holding up the heavens and the earth, so that this large grinding disc could never reach Chen Jiu ’s body.

"What is this? Ah ... the gate of good fortune!" Fakong Sanren didn't understand at first, but with the squeeze of the big grinding disc, this powerful man finally appeared, and watching it appeared, he almost scared the urine. .

"The gate of good fortune has turned out to be reorganized. No wonder the heavens and the earth are different. It turned out to be real again!" But Baimei was even more crazy and greedy.

"Bai Mei, are you still obsessed with this time? If that's the case, then it's over!" Chen Jiu gave a pitying glance, then opened the door of good fortune behind him.

‘Roar…’ The door of fortune opens, like a bottomless abyss, a giant beast of fierce beasts. It even swallowed the heaven and earth mill disks, and this is not finished, one by one, the figures are pulled down from the air.

"Ahh ..." There are men and women in these figures, and they are all disciples of the yin and yang gates. Chen Jiu didn't give them a chance, but they didn't take it well!

Nuoda's Yinyang Gate, who obeyed the instructions of Baimei and urged the large array, was all inhaled by the gate of good fortune, and died by fate.

The disciples were more than ninety percent dead and wounded. In the end, only Fakong and Baimei were embarrassed to stay in front of Chen Jiu, and their faces were as ugly as eating shit.

"Dead, all dead, I didn't expect my yin and yang gate to end in our own hands, Baguio, you are so hard-hearted!" Fakong casually looked at Baguio, it was incredible.

"Hmm, it is the yin and yang gates that have you maggots, which has made my gate so distressed. You are the culprits, and you are not sorry for it!" Baguio was angry, and Dangkong Yijian split the Fakong scattered people.

"Bai Mei, what else can you say to this day?" Chen Jiu looked at Bai Mei in a playful manner.

"Become the king and defeat the enemy. Since you can reorganize the door of good fortune, I have no resentment and no regrets!" Bai Mei lost all his fighting spirit and asked: "There is only one thing I can't figure out, are you Chen Jiu?" I was ... "

"Did you kill me explicitly? Your old dog took away Jie'er without telling me, but it was actually a secret to me. If it weren't for the fragments of the gate of good fortune, I wouldn't have slept for ten years!" Chen Jiu Reprimanding is tantamount to indirectly acknowledging your identity.

"That's the case, I hate it, I hate myself for not killing you directly?" Bai Mei regretted it, extremely miserable.

"Baimei, if you really kill him, that is the sinner in the spirit realm, you **** it!" Baguio couldn't help it, and slashed at him again with a sword.

"Ah!" With a scream, with the death of Bai Mei, this struggle finally ended.

"Welcome the return of the doorkeeper ..." Yuyang Sanren was grateful for his last choice. Immediately, he led the remaining scattered individuals and disciples to worship.

"Be flat, but I'm afraid I can't be your host anymore!" Baguio glanced at Chen Jiuyi, and now he has no more thoughts about the position of this host.

"This ... lord, I waited to know what was wrong, but you can't ignore us!" Yuyang scattered people quickly confessed their wrongs and pleaded, could he expect that he would be appreciated, but would his wish come true?

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