Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3909: Assassination

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Chen Jiu, stayed and continued to practice. Although this stone was not enough, it was enough for him to use it for some time. He didn't have to worry too much.

Emperor Moxian and Chunqiu Meng returned to the camp with shock. They were very calm. "Genius, Chen Jiu is really a genius. He may be the one we are waiting for!"

"Imperial, do you really want to go deep into the cancerous man's nest for him again?" Chunqiu Meng was worried.

"I have this plan, but I have to observe him for a while to see if he is bragging!" The Emperor Xian said very cautiously: "At least he must wait for him to become the first squadron!"

"Emperor, if there is one day, I hope you can take care of the son-in-law's family, after all, their patriarch ..." Spring and Autumn Dream seems to have something to hide.

"I understand that the son-in-law family can be spared this time during the assassination action!" The magic fairy emperor preached with gratitude.

"Thank you, Emperor!" Chunqiu Meng was grateful.

"Brother Meng need not be polite. When will you talk about Chen Jiu who can surpass the first squadron leader Tian Tianlei?" The magic fairy emperor is obviously more interested in Chen Jiu.

"This ... It's hard to say, although Chen Jiu's Taoism is strong, the punishment of Tian Tianlei's Tian Lei is focused on attacking. This has a rudiment of Taoism. I want to surpass it!" Chunqiu Meng shook her head, short Time is not bullish on Chen Jiu.

"Really? Do you think Chen Jiu will bring us another surprise?" The magic fairy emperor smiled expectantly, and felt the surprise after only three days.

"Kill ..." Chen Jiuxi won the Happy Avenue. The speed at which he slaughtered the cancerous people was almost the same. Even when he encountered the cancerous people's brigade, he pushed it forward with a hundred people and a thousand people.

The combat value is actually the combination of the number and speed of killing enemies. This is the standard for measuring each squadron. The Sword Squadron took three days to surpass the first place of the Sky Thunder Squadron and replaced it.

"Huh, but it's just luck. In terms of qualifications and magic skills, Chen Jiu is far inferior to our Captain Tianlei!" The members of Tianlei Squadron were surpassed, and naturally 10,000 were not convinced.

"Fart, what is your Captain Tianlei, dare to compare with Captain Chen Jiu, and do not pee!" The members of Lijian Squadron can bear the gossip.

"What's wrong? Do you want to have a fight?" The two sides became more and more fierce, and in the end they all planned to start.

"Stop!" At this moment, Chen Jiu and Xing Tianlei came to drink almost at the same time to stop his team members.

"Chen Jiu ... Xing Tianlei!" Chen Jiu and Xing Tianlei followed each other's eyes, and the warfare in them was never more obvious!

"There is no room for two tigers, let's divide each other!" The captains of the other squadrons also came to make fun.

"Good!" Chen Jiu agreed with Xing Tianlei, and two powerful thoughts began to flow.

‘Boom ...’ Tian Lei is rolling, and the avenue of Xing Tian Lei is so powerful that once it appears, it will be heartbreaking and scared.

"Zi ..." Colorful, Chen Jiu's avenue is like a ribbon, full of endless joy!

"Leading to the left, Tian Lei is rolling!" Xing Tian Lei looked down on Chen Jiu. Numerous thunder and lightning rain poured from the entire avenue, all scattered to the Happy Avenue.

"Too weak!" Chen Jiuyi smiled, and didn't care about it at all. He let Tian Lei get on, and the moral was unchanged, and the counterattack was more free and easy.

"What? No fear of Tian Lei attacking!" Xing Tian Lei was startled, and then yelled, "Lei Guang dies!"

‘咻…’ The thunder and lightning are gone, and a kind of death light has appeared. Wherever it is illuminated, all tangible matter no longer exists.

"It's still too weak!" Chen Jiuheng ran across Happy Avenue, easily blocking the light of death, still without any damage.

"This ..." Xing Tianlei was a little dumbfounded, but he was still unwilling to drink: "Dao Xinlei fire!"

‘咚咚…’ An unformed Tao heart barely spurts out a fire dragon. Do n’t look at it small, but it has the ability to swallow the sky and eat the earth.

"Finally, I can see it, the water of joy!" Chen Jiu took a rare serious look, and then the way of joy spewed a magical water.

Although the "portrait" fire dragon is strong, this magic water is too magical. It simply extinguished it and made it completely disappear. It no longer exists.

"No ... how could it be so strong? A happy avenue, how can this evil gate win over my orthodox Tianlei way!" Xing Tianlei was defeated, but it was difficult to accept.

"No, Chen Jiu's Happy Avenue is not evil and crooked. It contains all kinds of righteousness and all kinds of life, but it is an authentic avenue of extraordinary world. It is an ordinary trail!" At this moment, the Emperor Demon appeared and persuaded.

"I am wrong, Emperor!" Even though Xing Tianlei did not agree with Chen Jiu, he was convinced by the 10,000 Emperor.

"Well, everyone is gone, Chen Jiu, come with us!" The demon Emperor dismissed everyone, and then called Chen Jiu.

"Emperor, Dean, don't you blame me for fighting?" Chen Jiumeng couldn't take the meaning of the two giants at once.

"Chen Jiu, your score really surprised us, but you shouldn't be overly arrogant. Prepare yourself and follow us in seven days and go deep into the nest of cancerous people!" The demon Emperor finally decided.

"Deep into the cancerous man's nest? That's great. Was there any way I could use Daoshi?" Chen Jiu was pleasantly surprised that he now had no Daoshi available.

"You can say that!" The magic fairy emperor gave a meaningful look, in fact, their assassination was Chen Jiu's!

Seven days passed, and when Chen Jiuzhi was ready to set off, he accidentally found seven middle-aged and elderly people here.

"Huh!" The seven elders were not friendly towards Chen Jiu and seemed to disdain to talk to him.

"This ... some of them seemed familiar, but have we met somewhere?" Chen Jiu looked with a look of surprise.

"Chen Jiu, they are the patriarchs of the seven major families. Maybe you had some conflicts before, but there is no selfish grievance in front of the country. This time for the imperial empire, I hope you will work together regardless of the former suspects!" The identity of the seven elders was revealed.

"Imperial, it is extremely dangerous for us to go to the cancerous man's nest. Any omission may lead to the calamity. Is it not a mistake to bring such a kid?" The chief of the Seventh Group did not know that Chen Jiu would follow. Shi also strongly opposed it.

"This ... this boy is on behalf of the mother-in-law family. After all, his fighting power is now the top of the mother-in-law family!" The Emperor Emperor couldn't tell his selfishness, so he had to find a sound reason.

"That is, unless you want the emperor to exempt the son and mother from military service, there is no reason to refuse him to go with him!" Chunqiu Mengfu drank, and Duan also left the chiefs of the Seventh Party to have nothing to say.

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