Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3934: Three Mad Lords

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Arrogant?" With a hint of doubt, Chen Jiu passed the tenth holy palace, and soon came to the door of the eleventh holy palace, but when he was about to call out, he was stopped by the demon fairy. Down.

"Chen Jiu, wait for a while!" Said the demon Emperor, blocking Chen Jiuhou, "This Lord is probably the most arrogant Lord in history. He has three madnesses every day, namely Zhang Kuang and Madness. , Madness, each madness represents a doubling of strength, that is Yao Shuo ancient and modern, there has never been an opponent! "

"Oh? Are you crazy every day? When you met me, I made him cry three times a day!" Chen Jiu understood and said more arrogantly.

"Well, I finally met someone who is even more mad than Sanmad, Chen Jiu, you must cure him, don't let us down!" Many Lords have not left, and even the ruthless Lords have joined in.

"Haha ..." While the crowd was talking, the gate of the 11th Holy Palace opened, and a big figure came out laughing with great laughter, and the bull's nose lifted up.

"Meet the Lord of Three Madness!" The Emperor Demon dared not neglect and hurriedly saluted.

"I heard that someone wants me to cry three times a day? I want to see who is crying first!" The head of Sankangzun stared directly at Chen Jiu.

"Three crazy, pick me up first!" Chen Jiu suddenly nodded his finger, time and space compressed, joy burst!

"Huh!" The three mad masters extended their palms with arrogance, leaving Chen nine o'clock in there, but then he hummed, and took a step back.

"Three crazy lords, but so!" Chen Jiu smiled scornfully, thinking that the other party was not an unbeatable opponent.

"Really? Don't you know that my strength is getting stronger and stronger?" The eyes of the three mad masters gradually turned red, and a crazy fierce beast emerged from behind him.

A raven **** beast, this is a black dog as big as a mountain, but its 狰. 狰 appearance is to make many **** beasts frightened!

"Master, it's over to me!" Anan appeared in time, staring at the **** dog and not giving it any chance.

'kill! ‘It ’s late, it ’s fast, the mad three mad lords, the evil tigers preyed on Chen Jiu to kill the past, and every catch and bite is simply ruin.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ Chen Jiu and Ya Nan fought fiercely with the Lord of Three Madness, during which the avenue collapsed thousands of miles, and the two sides were killed in darkness.

"Hey, why didn't Chen Jiu sacrifice the Dao soldiers? In this way, once the three mad masters became mad, then it would be difficult for him to win!" The maid lord sighed.

"Three mad Lords can be mad at any time, both of them are gaining momentum, hoping to crush the strongest state of each other!" The ruthless Lord explained a rare sentence.

'Roar! ‘In fact, this is the case. The Lord of Three Madness ca n’t bear it. It ’s still a mad step. After this madness, he has an extra fork in his hand.

Yasha, between the forks, is dark, blinded by the gods, the three mad Lords rely on this fork, it really does not know how many blind opponents have been killed!

"Why is it dark? It seems that my eyes are not clear ..." Even if they did not really join the battle, the son and mother jade still suffered a lot.

‘Zi ...’ At this time, a golden light lit up in the night, and I saw a stick that grew longer and bigger, straight into the sky, and illuminated the past and present!

"So happy, this light makes people feel warm and comfortable in the soul ..." Zimu Yu and all of them were intoxicated again.

‘Boom! ’The stick fell down, and it slammed onto Yasha, the lord of the Three Madness, which shocked him physically and mentally.

"Dammit, I don't believe you can beat me!" The three mad Lords were full of strength, and they competed with Feixian Shenchou, but the power of Feixian Shenchou was almost endless. How could he win?

'boom! ’Both, despite being reconciled, the Lord of Three Madness was eventually knocked down with a stick. It was a fork flying man, and he no longer had the power to resist.

"Damn, ah ..." The defeat has already been shown, but the stick is still ruthlessly smashed over, which makes the Three Mad Lords scream, it was smashed into meatloaf.

"I depend, you dare to come ..." The three mad Lords have a hot temper and an arrogant personality. How to withstand this abuse is a curse.

‘Bang bang ...’ Facing the scolding, Chen Jiu ’s response was very simple, a golden stick that smashed your father and mother, and the mother and mother did not love it, it was fuzzy and flesh!

"Don't, don't smash it, okay? I don't think it's okay to lose, and bullies aren't as bullied as you ..." Sankangzun Lord really cried.

"Three mad Lords, it turns out that you also have a normal state. I said that you are usually fine and coquettish, why?" Chen Jiu stopped in time.

"Hey, that's not the result of my practice!" Sankangzun Lord pleaded.

"Well, in this case, I will not care about you, let the palace door open, let me pass it!" Chen Jiu was much more lazy to say.

"It's okay for you to pass, but Chen Jiu, I advise you not to hurry to the Twelve Holy Palaces. Although you are very strong now, but you will still lose it very hard when you get there!" Sankangzun Lord suddenly disliked stand up.

"Thank you for reminding me, but I've settled on the Twelve Holy Palaces!" Chen Jiu shook his head, and immediately left without heeding the advice.

"Chen Jiu, listen to what everyone says, it's good to know the details of each other!" Chun Qiu Meng quickly grabbed Chen Jiu.

"Well, would you like to tell me the details of the Twelve Holy Palaces?" Chen Jiu stopped in time.

"Chen Jiu, for the sake of you returning the Three Madness to its original form, we can certainly tell you!" The Lord of the Jade Lady suddenly smiled at Chen Jiu with a playful smile: "I can tell you, the master of the Twelve Holy Palace That's a big beauty! "

"What about big beauties? If your heart is too shy, what's the difference between chickens and dogs?" Zimu Yu said with a serious scorn, and some of them meant to swear at Huai.

"I know I've done some ridiculous things before, but that's all the past!" The Lord Maid sighed and then said positively: "This Lord is different from me. She is said to be born of heaven and earth The ancestor itself is equivalent to a chaotic spirit treasure! "

"Oh? Heaven is the father, earth is the mother, humans born from heaven and earth? Is there such a person in the world?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be surprised.

"Of course, it is said that the present human beings were all created by the palace master according to himself, and she can be regarded as the 'mother' of all of us!" The Jade Maid Lord said again amazingly.

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