Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3986: Amazing

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Unable? Since my beauty and ugliness are the same in the eyes of a Chinese teacher, what else can I do?" Fei Xian'er's knife clung tightly to the jade's cheek. It only needs a stroke to make her beautiful. Xianyan is about to be destroyed.

"Princess, in fact, you look exactly like my wife, so I didn't refuse your marriage, do you understand?" Chen Jiu looked for reasons to persuade, hoping Fei Xianer put down the knife in his hand.

"Is that just the case? I don't want to be a substitute for others, I don't even want to be an ugly monster!" Fei Xian'er made a sudden sorrow and moved.

"Ah, no!" Chen Jiu, too late to stop, he couldn't bear to look and closed his eyes all at once.

"Guo Shi, open your eyes and look at me!" Fei Xianer made another request soon.

"I ... I don't want it anymore!" Chen Jiu couldn't bear it.

"Guo, is it true that your face is blind? If you don't dare to open your eyes today, it is a crime of bullying the monarch!" Fei Xianer immediately doubted again.

"It's ... I'll see it!" Chen Jiu thought it was ruined. What can't I see? But when he opened his eyes, he was dumbfounded.

Fei Xianer, standing there intact, Xian Yan Tiancheng, how can there be a trace of destruction?

"Fu Jun, you have such a ruthless heart. You actually watched people disfigured, and didn't say to stop them!" Fei Xianer complained again, and this familiar tone of straightening made Chen Jiuxi overjoyed.

"Xianer, are you really my fairy?" Chen Jiu was so surprised that she couldn't care less about Fei Xianer's play.

"Of course, if it weren't for others, who would look at you at a glance!" Fei Xianer officially acknowledged.

"But you ... weren't you 'Fei Fei' before? Why suddenly came in Fei Xian World and became a princess?" Chen Jiu couldn't figure out too much.

The abnormality of Feifei made Chen Jiu actually doubt it, but he had no evidence to prove it, and he could only rely on his own thoughts and conjectures!

"Well, people know that you will definitely ask, and people will tell you slowly!" Fei Xianer was so coquettish that she explained the process to Chen Jiu.

Fei Fei, Fei Xianer was indeed the leader before, but that was just her possession. Otherwise, how could Fei Xian Tian Nuo be so easily taken advantage of Chen Jiu?

After the return of Beast Mountain and his party, Fei Xianer took the opportunity to escape from Fei Fei, then sneaked into the Fei Xian world, took the initiative to reincarnate, and became the daughter of the Fei Xian Kingdom!

"What? You mean that Feifei is herself now? But she doesn't seem to be any different than before?" After Chen Jiu heard it, she felt a little incredible.

"What's the difference? You are so capable, you have already served her, she hasn't left you alone!" Fei Xianer preached in disapproval.

"This ..." Chen Jiu couldn't help but ask again: "Well, what are you doing here for reincarnation, don't you know that the risks are great?"

"Fu Jun, it ’s not all for you!" Fei Xianer preached.

"For me?" Chen Jiuduan didn't understand. What is your reincarnation relationship with me?

"Fu Jun, presumably you now know that the fierce **** who beheaded the Fei Xiangong Lord was sealed here. Only by killing him will he be able to let the Fei Xiangong Lord look differently, right?" Road.

"Yes, but does this have anything to do with your reincarnation?" Chen Jiu still couldn't understand.

"Fu Jun, the power of the fierce **** is far beyond your imagination. If you want to get rid of him, you must rely on the power of the Lord of the Immortals, and the reason why I turned into his daughter was not to close the relationship with him. Fei Xianer then proudly said, "Now that I have become a princess, as long as we are married, you are a horse, and we are a family, so why can't he help you?"

"But Xianer, even if you are not his daughter, he is afraid to help me fight against the fierce gods and not let it grow bigger?" Chen Jiu still had doubts.

"You're right, but if I weren't his daughter, Fei Xianguo's good fortune wouldn't make it to you!" Fei Xian'er wanted to help Chen Jiu get good fortune.

"The creation of Fei Xianguo? What the **** is this? Is it worth your while?" Chen Jiu was even more confused.

"I don't know for sure about this good for now, but as long as you know, only this good can control the whole situation, and destroy the fierce god!" Fei Xianer preached seriously.

"Is this ... can't I control the will of the world?" Chen Jiu couldn't believe it.

"Controlling the will of the world, that is what you have to do, but it is not enough to really destroy the fierce gods!" Fei Xianer was relieved and worried.

"Is the fierce **** really so powerful?" Chen Jiu couldn't imagine.

"Of course, do you think the master of Fei Xian Gong is weak? Can she beheaded and deceived her for so many years? Isn't she a casual person?" Fei Xianer gave full affirmation.

"Okay, even if you say this is true, but why are you sure that I will come here for you?" Chen Jiu still couldn't figure out some things.

"Don't forget your relationship with the uncle and Feifei. Just as you lecherous, you won't give up on them, and if you ask them to propose to them, the master of Feixiang Palace will embarrass you. This fierce **** is Do you understand your biggest test? "Fei Xianer preached with confidence.

"It turned out that you and the master of Feixian Palace both came out of a mold, and your thoughts must be surprisingly consistent!" Chen Jiu had to be convinced.

"Of course, as long as we are closer, our minds will be able to communicate naturally!" Fei Xian'er followed with amazing news.

"What? Your minds can still communicate?" Chen Jiu was surprised, but thought that they were all derived from a body, and they were relieved.

"Yeah, so I ca n’t formally appear. I was only able to attach to Feifei. Even now, as long as she comes, I can still feel my existence, but I am now a princess Fei Xian. Even if she knew, she didn't dare to take me! "Fei Xianer preached fearlessly.

"Feixian Palace Lord, will she come here?" Chen Jiu heard some other strings.

"Of course, only the good creatures here can get rid of the fierce god. I believe she has already felt it, and I believe I will be able to see her soon!" Fei Xianer said with certainty.

"Xian'er, are you sure we won't be okay? The Feixian Palace Lord is not a good stubble!" Chen Jiu was really worried.

"Fu Jun, wouldn't you lose in her hands, right? See how you seem to be a little afraid of her?" Fei Xian'er's eyes went straight and saw something.

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